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Post by Salandra »

I apologize for my outburst, and for my rudeness.
I can usually maintain control of myself and I'm sorry everyone saw my ugly side.
but, THIS hit me hard...
Sojourner11 wrote: Well they aren't getting thrown down a hill over and over if that is what you mean....
THIS is what got my dander up!

NOT whether to breed or not to breed and whos at fault or not at fault or any of the other breeder non-breeder issues.
Knock yourselves out on that one cos it's a no win argument.

But this disturbed me - How dare Sojourner stoop so low as to punch Carla in the face with this comment. Grrrrr!

Sorry. I've been verbally abused before. And this statement hurt.
~ Sally
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Post by Zhuyos mom »

Sojourner11 wrote:... Since I was asked to take it to PM I have not addressed her at all...
Thanks, I noticed that. For the rest of you, I asked to stop throwing stones, you didn't, so SHAME ON YOU FOR CONTRIBUTING TO THE DYSFUNCTION OF THIS SITE!

So, other than the chow being constantly given a medical shave what is wrong with him? Is he skinny? I can't tell. Also, Carla, what was the purpose of you posting the photo of the mom who bought the chow and did you get permission from her to post her photo on a public forum? And next time you choose to write a vulgar word like that on this site, don't. I had to edit it because the "coding" was far too close to the actual vulgar word. There are minors on this site.
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Post by IliamnasQuest »

You know, I was going to stay out of this until I saw Carla referred to as a "responsible breeder".

I'm sorry, but that's just wrong.

I don't understand how people can just forget what she's done. She comes on here, chats a bit, makes a few jokes and suddenly it's all okay and she's now "responsible" just because she's taking back the mistakes that she created in the first place? And by mistake, I mean the litters of chow puppies that should NOT have happened.

If people want to look for a responsible breeder, PLEASE DO SO! I have no problem with breeders and in fact may do some responsible breeding of chows myself someday. Here's a list of what to look for:

1) A breeder who has health certifications on bitch and dog PRIOR TO ANY BREEDING (NO EXCEPTIONS OR EXCUSES).

2) A breeder who understands that females can be subtle in their signs of heat and who separates intact bitches from intact males if there's a chance of a bitch coming into heat.
"Silent heats" are RARE .. "unnoticed heats" are common in breeders who are just not paying attention (of course, they all SAY the heats were silent but talk to experienced breeders and they'll tell you the truth).

3) A breeder who knows the background of her dogs and breeds dogs who have a strong health background - this means OFA certifications (or the equivalent) for GENERATIONS.

4) A breeder who understands the need for a breed standard and who breeds to maintain the traits that makes a chow a CHOW and not just some furry medium sized dog. This means that the breeder goes to great effort to prove the qualities of their dogs and they don't just keep bitches and studs on the premises to breed over and over. They work on titles, they have their dogs assessed by qualified chow people (meaning people who have been trained and who are highly experienced in understanding standards and breeding quality - NOT the breeder you bought your stock from!) and who prove their dogs in conformational traits, temperament, intelligence, and other abilities.

5) A breeder who never breeds a young bitch and never EVER EVER breeds a bitch on her first heat cycle! NO EXCUSES FOR NOT NOTICING THE BITCH COMING INTO HEAT. The good of the bitch must be first over how many puppies she can produce. Breeders who breed heat cycle after heat cycle are being greedy.

6) A breeder who thinks it's important to take back dogs they've produced but who rarely find a need to do so because they have carefully screened their puppy buyers (beware the breeder who tells you about all the many pups they've taken back .. that's a definite red flag that so many have HAD to come back).

7) Registers their puppies with a reputable registry. While having a registered dog is not important to many people, the registry that a breeder chooses to register with says volumes about their quality of dogs and/or their standing within the chow community. There are registries out there (such as United All Breed Registry) that are highly used by puppy mills and backyard breeders who have LOST their rights in more reputable registries due to poor breeding practices.

I could go on more .. but the truth is that Carla has proven that she is NOT a responsible breeder. Her bitch, at less than two years of age, had been bred three times (EVERY HEAT CYCLE, starting at 8-9 months of age). She didn't do health certs prior to breeding on either bitch or stud. She doesn't believe in a breed standard. She has no titles on her dogs nor does she make any effort to prove them. She registers with a "crap" registry because most of her dogs can't be registered with a real registry (from what I hear, it's because the guy she got some of these dogs from refused to allow DNA testing on his dogs to prove backgrounds).

She's come on here talking about how her own child abused one of her small dogs. Doesn't that make people wonder about how her chow pups are raised? You may not like to hear that but believe me there's more than one person wondering about what's going on there.

She's produced two earlier litters .. I don't know how many pups that's been, but let's figure five pups per litter for a total of 10 (guesstimate). TWO of these pups are being/have been "repossessed". That's 20% of her dogs coming back, and she's just started! That's not good news, folks. Yes, it's great that she's willing to take them back but she's got so many dogs that now these poor unwanted dogs are living out in kennels. Does that really make any of you HAPPY?

There are some GREAT breeders out there if any of you want mentors. Zola Coogan of Redcloud Kennels. Paula Titon. Khana's breeder, Judy Allen. They're dedicated to understanding and producing the best quality dogs possible. They know the pedigrees. They do proper health testing. They prove their dogs (Khana's grandmother is being shown in Excellent Rally next week, working on her third rally title). THESE are responsible breeders, and to group someone like Carla into the same group is being downright disrespectful to people who have worked their BUTTS off to do the RIGHT thing.

Those of you who have buddied up to Carla are defending her, but please .. step back, think of what's good for the DOGS and realize that her ability to joke with you does NOT make her a good breeder. Let's talk reality .. not personality. Just because she's taking back what she created in the first place - and playing it up on this forum for brownie points - doesn't make her good. Those pups should not have happened.

Sojourner may have been harsh but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a good point. If someone is going to post on a forum they need to be able to handle the bad along with the good, and I see a lot more bad to this situation than good. This is not throwing stones - this is being factual and HONEST about what's going on.

Melanie and the gang in Alaska
... for the GOOD of the CHOWS, not the EGO or POCKETBOOK of the "BREEDER" ..
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Post by Judy Fox »

Okay. I don't know of the dog shortage in Great Britain but here,

2 Million dogs a year,
5000 dogs a day,
3.something a minute,

Thats how many Millie's and Mabel's get slaughtered here.


However, if nobody ever bred any chow puppies again, in 15 yrs. at the most the breed would have died out!! :roll:
(Thank you Sweetpea for my new banner.)
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Post by Judy Fox »

...............and then where would we chow lovers be!! :(
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Post by chris »

I'm with Judy!
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Post by Sojourner11 »

Judy Fox wrote:Okay. I don't know of the dog shortage in Great Britain but here,

2 Million dogs a year,
5000 dogs a day,
3.something a minute,

Thats how many Millie's and Mabel's get slaughtered here.


However, if nobody ever bred any chow puppies again, in 15 yrs. at the most the breed would have died out!! :roll:
For you Judy,

Never have I ever said that all breeding should stop forever. C'mon, thats just ridiculous. But this person in question should certainly stop. And all like her if allowed to run unchecked will indeed destroy the breed.

Frankly I think Melanie and Sam personify what you should look for in a person who would breed their Chow. Health checks before not after, good judgment in how they go about breeding their chow, intelligent choices, and above all responsibility.

Who would not want to have one of Khana's pups? I will always have adults pulled from the shelter, but if there was ever a pup I'd want it would be one of those, if she ever bred them. Give me a good reason to drive to Alaska too. :D
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Post by Jeff&Peks »

chris wrote:I'm with Judy!
If we are picking teams, I'm with Sean and Melanie, what time does the game start.
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Post by Dogdad »

I am not into blood sports so I will set this game out

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Post by bama »


Hopefully, the game is over! :lol:

Generally speaking, here is the problem I'm having with the breeding issue...

Like Melanie, Sam, Jeff, and Sean (Sojourner) I agree that only under the most controlled environment, meaning health checks/certificates, licensing, ethical standards, and breeding schedules would I stand behind a breeding program of any canine.
As Melanie pointed out, much is lacking in the way professional standards being met at Rhennegade Chows.
This should be a concern for ALL of us.
I know some don't like to hear this, but breeding is a business that requires a license, ethical standards, and public trust.
Any failure to meet licensing requirements, certification requirement, and ethical standards, stands to deceive public trust and is an injustice to the chow breed.
I believe breeding should not be about quanity, but quality, otherwise the breed will not stand the test of modern day times. Thousands of years ago, Chinese were breeding chows with great scrutiny. Today, as in so many other areas of our lives, we humans suck the life out of something that is a money maker. Does this sound familiar...pollution, green house gases, global warming?

On a more personal note,
I think Carla's heart is in the right place,
however that doesn't equate to meeting the standards of an excellent breeding program.
The only other thing I would like to comment in on...
All the promotion of Rhennegade Chows.
Carla, no offense, but almost all of your posts seem to be back door ads for your kennels. Even your forum name shouts, "RHENEGADE CHOWS". It seems the only thing that is lacking is a photo of your puppies for sale?
There are other breeders on this site, however they do not promote their kennels as you do. Think about it, if all the breeders posted/promoted indepth details of their business practices as you do, this would turn into website for breeder's ads.
Actually, I think what you are doing may borderline unethical practices, as per terms of this website.
Thankfully, other members/breeders to not take advantage of the fine line drawn between sales promotions and being so "informative" about their kennel practices.
I believe this to be a show of class on their part and it is appreciated.
We know who they are, however they do not feel the need to remind us so often.
Hopefully, I have not offended you. I applogise if I have.
My intention is to help. I know I'm not a smoothie with written text, but please know that my heart is sincere.
Sorry girl, I just really think you could take it down a notch or two on the kennel promotions.
Last edited by bama on Tue Jul 03, 2007 8:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by vicster605 »

What David said :roll:
I really wish you guys would play something else though.....seems this game has been played to death....or is it just me???? And it gets really ugly too.....people get hurt.......not a nice game at all......
NOPE sittin' this one out!!!!

Thanks Sweetpea!
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Post by bama »


That was very sweet of you to post the apology.
I know that's not always an easy thing to do.
Somethings can just set our hearts in a tizzy, huh?
I've had my share of, shall I say, "outspoken" moments? :roll: :lol:
I have found members on this site to be very unstanding and very forgiving.
You are chow family...we'll all be hugs and kisses again tomorrow! :wink: :lol: :lol:
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Post by vicster605 »

OH I LOVE your outspoken moments, Sherill. Your a Sweetheart and are always trying to help our Chows and everyone else too :D :D

Thanks Sweetpea!
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IliamnasQuest wrote:You know, I was going to stay out of this until I saw Carla referred to as a "responsible breeder".

I'm sorry, but that's just wrong.

There is definately guidlines for what is considered responsible breeding.
Lets say I have failed at the responsible breeding part, miserably. I admit that... way too young, way too close, no formal testing... agreed yes...(testing done, but not formal OFA's, a formal CERF on Bliss, Latte, Micah)

What has been said is I was a responsible breeder.. note the the person who was the caretaker of the dogs that were whelped (born). What this means is I took responsiblity for what happened.. right or not, planned or not.
No one is saying that I should have bred them, or should continue to. Fortunately for me, and unfortunately, I've lived through 3 fast and furious mistakes that tought a hard lesson fast. silent heat, never trust neighbors with my precious chows, and for my husband he learned not to let dogs in heat together for even a second unless it is for the purpose of planned intended breeding. (I still say it was planned because of what he did, blame me anyways I can take it.)
I have shown my past dogs in conformation exhibition, I have done basic obedience training, I have had some of the best mentors that were avialable, and some not so good mentors, I learned from them too. I am not new to this breed. I do stick to a standard. I just dont agree with the current one, and have good reason to. You don't have to like it, but many do.

At this point, I could have a dog with all the titles in the world, contracts, and health certs to the ceiling and you would still never consider me a responsible anything because you can't see past my mistakes...You even said that before. So at this point its not about what I am or am not doing, you are just cringing over the fact that others can see what is actually happening here, me being responsible and sharing what is going on with my chows as I should be able to do without constant harrassment from you. They can see that I care about the puppies that I am repsonbile for, in one way or another. I am responible for them, and I take that seriously, its NOT a joke. What happened to Caesar, its not a joke. As for the other chow... I am very happy to say he is fine, I have seen pictures of him, and where he is at, every square inch of the property to the tune of 50+ photos, and he will be staying where he is. It isn't the best case scenario, but its not the worst. (more later)

Melanie, you have never been to my home, and your statement that I have soooo many dogs that they are all kenneled is a lie. I even replied to Sherill when she asked "where are the kennels." I don't have a large building that people to refer to as a kennel, unless you want to call my house a kennel for people and dogs alike. My dogs are inside as well as outside when they want to be. I don't force them do as I command unless its for thier safety. We don't live where there is drastically cold or hot weather, our climate is very subtle. During inclimate weather, rain, snow very hot, then do not give them an option, they are coming inside, like it or not.

You can try to paint a loathesome picture to fit your agenda, as you have since the first day I put my first post on here, but you will find that people are not creatures for you to control and tell what to think or do on here, they will make up thier own minds.
Last edited by RHENEGADE CHOWS on Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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chris wrote:Carla... Did I miss something? there is another Chow?
Sorry Chris I didnt see this post..
No not anymore. the 2nd chow in question is fine.
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Post by OriginalRecipe »

"Carla, no offense, but almost all of your posts seem to be back door ads for your kennels. Even your forum name shouts, "RHENEGADE CHOWS". It seems the only thing that is lacking is a photo of your puppies for sale?" Bama

Cheap shot Sherill, It didnt say Rhenegade Kennels It says Rhenegade CHOWS its a play on words. Renegade chows. Had I posted without ever saying I was a breeder under that name, you'd think it was just what I call my crew, My Rhenegade crew. It is those of you who insist I am selling something when I am not who want to see it as an advert. My sharing what I do for my puppies is only to help you all get a picture of whats happening here so you can stop all the ficticious crap. Its hurtful. It's hurtful that I admit my mistake, have told how I am correcting it and it can't be left alone. I share that I put my money where my mouth is and take back a puppy who was neglected. I shared because it bothered me what happened to him, and while many were supportive and helpful, some throw it in my face.
This thread was about Caesar, and how people MUST do contracts on thier chows. This wasn't about me pimping my puppies...

And as you can see... I have been a member for quite some time, and I have a different screen name..I signed up just after Gade died but I was way too upset to post anything. My boy had just died and using his name at that time was too hard. So when I decided to post, I was ready to use the name I call my chows. I didnt realize we were being judged by that too.

I am done here.
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Post by cheriekynb »

:shock: Your secret identity is OUT!! buwahahahaha
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Post by Red Dragon »

I would like to clear up a few things here, there are a lot of other breeders besides Carla that take puppies back, I have done it and I know of plenty others who have done it. There are also those that say they will take them back and when presented with the situation fail to do so, in fact there are some that refuse to take them back on a regular basis.

These written contracts on dogs mean squat, they are only as good as the two people that signed them. You can never truely know what will happen to any puppy when it leaves you, you just have to do what you think is right and hope for the best.

Carla, if you want people to stay off your case you should keep your mistakes to yourself, otherwise get ready for a pounding and take it like a man, er, I mean woman! :lol: By the way, I hope that you can see that you have painted a pretty bad picture with all of the mistakes you have had in a short time, surely you can see that? That does not include your prior mistakes when dealing with the show world people of course. :oops:

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Post by bama »


Please understand that personally, I like you.
My posted response was my attempt at helping by offering constructive criticism.
Obviously, I failed miserably. :cry:

Later, I had to sit back and ponder the question of why so many of your posts end up in controversy? :shock:
I could be way off base, but here's my theory, ok?

It's my opinion that the combination of being a business owner, and posting your business policies, opens the doors for, "consumer" scrutiny. You are most likely posting from a personal standpoint and just being, Carla.
But, because the posts reflect so much business policy, others may see you as RHENEGADE CHOWS (The Business) instead.
Consumers commonly scrutinize businesses
with relative skepticism. This is so common place that entire markets are created as a result, ie: Consumer Report Magazine,, and Better Business Bureau.
I would venture to say, if more discretion was used to avoid posting your business practices, you may avoid so much controversy. Like I said, this is merely a theory.
I hope it's helpful this time. %%-

**RHENEGADE CHOWS...I was referring to the all capital letters.
In the cyber-world, all caps is considered shouting.
I assumed you knew this and couldn't help but wonder why
the shouting? That's all.
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Post by chris »

Hmmmm, now maybe I'm odd.. but it never accured to me that Carla was calling her "business" Renegade chows... like someone else said.. er.. LOL.. Carla I think said thats what she calls her chows.. her "crew".
Anyway, isn't this site about sharing? about venting? about our chow chows? Why do we discriminate because someone made a mistake.. or how ever many mistakes? don't mean to go off on the religous thing here, but aren't we supposed to forgive? Plus she is addmiting to her mistakes. How many mistakes have you all made? I know I have made my share thats for sure. Chow related or not. Everyone is entitled to their opinoin. but why do we have to mud throw? we can agree to dissagree without being childish, and that goes for EVERYONE! I like Carla, and I do not wish to see her go.
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Post by Jeff&Peks »

What ever the name of the place or business it all adds up to breeding, Just found this on a site looking for Jack.

Alarming Fact of Life (and Death!)

Did you know that in 2004, over 3 million lost and unwanted dogs and cats were euthanized in U.S. animal shelters, a rate of one animal every nine seconds?

Summer is finally here and we have had many new arrivals to the shelter. We have a large number of adult cats, kittens and dogs who need forever homes.Won't you give adopting a shelter animal a try? They have lots of love to give!

Last edited by Jeff&Peks on Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Red Dragon »

I call foul, Chris double posted! :lol:

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Post by Auddymay »

I go away and gamble with the Indians for a few days and come back to this? As my momma always said, Ye Gods, and little catfishes!

1) There is more than one facet to the misery of the rescue dog. How is it that we can completely forget the role of the consumer? We can say all day over breeding, over breeding; but in the end, it is our spoilt and selfish society that has created the problem. We have hoards of people that adopt a dog (or worse, a royal Chow Chow) on a whim, and when the dog doesn't respond like Lassie, (thanks to the lack of training and socializing by the owner) they dump it, and move on to another.

2) When being honest about mistakes we make, it is best to state what happened, then let the chips fall where they may. It is inevitable that when you are frank, others can cruelly use it against you. When that happens, do not respond and try and justify. it only creates an infectionin the wound, so to speak. People recognize a cheap shot when they see one.

3) Do we have so many people that help rescue that we can point fingers at others for not doing it correctly, or enough? I think not...

4) The most disturbing part (for me anyway) is when one greenie has to come in and clean up the sloppy posting a deux of a fellow greenie...that means DOUBLE POSTING Chris...
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Post by Jeff&Peks »

"I go away and gamble with the Indians for a few days and come back to this? As my momma always said, Ye Gods, and little catfishes!"

Gambling, Drinking and Carousing, Your one of those wicked city woman my mama told me about.
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Post by cheriekynb »

Auddymay wrote:I go away and gamble with the Indians for a few days and come back to this? As my momma always said, Ye Gods, and little catfishes!

1) There is more than one facet to the misery of the rescue dog. How is it that we can completely forget the role of the consumer? We can say all day over breeding, over breeding; but in the end, it is our spoilt and selfish society that has created the problem. We have hoards of people that adopt a dog (or worse, a royal Chow Chow) on a whim, and when the dog doesn't respond like Lassie, (thanks to the lack of training and socializing by the owner) they dump it, and move on to another.

4) The most disturbing part (for me anyway) is when one greenie has to come in and clean up the sloppy posting a deux of a fellow greenie...that means DOUBLE POSTING Chris...
#1 - I WHOLE HEARTEDLY AGREE!!!!! I personally have witnessed this more then once and I think it's the most despicable thing anyone could ever do. I actually know a woman who has had 3 abortions then all of a sudden decides she wants a baby and has one!! :evil:

(I'm trying to use other means of expressing my self instead of using caps! I like to use them to emphasize and I forget that in cyberspeak it's considered yelling.. :( )

#4 - Ok, What is a greenie and how did Chris double post?

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