M & M and Fred's Hearing Aid!

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M & M and Fred's Hearing Aid!

Post by Judy Fox »

:lol: Those naughty, naughty girls have done it again!

This morning, Fred was wandering round looking for his hearing aid. When he goes to bed he usually leaves it on his bedside cabinet and that is where he thought he had left it last night. :?

Anyway, we searched all the usual places and some unusual places like the pockets of the suit he wore 'cos we went out last night. :?

Then I got on my hands and knees and search under our bed, dressing table etc. Then I stripped our bed in case it had got caught. Could not find it!

Then I thought and searched Mabel's bed and there it was, tucked up right at the side, half hidden in her blanket! :shock:

Some of you will remember me telling you about how they took his hearing aid two or three years ago and it was missing for six weeks. We search the house, the garden then the house again. The greenhouse - everywhere then one afternoon they walked through from our bedroom and one of them put it on the fireside rug and they stood and looked at Fred! It wasn't damaged, the battery was just flat.

So, we think Milly Ching - that naughtiest girl in the world - has jumped up on our bed and taken it again this morning and hidden it in Mabel's bed. :lol:
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Post by LEO's mum »

Oh, how funny :lol: :lol:
LEO will dive into my highheels if I put them out just before going out, note W/O her. I think she senses being left home alone. She will also take my in-house slippers when I'm out. She won't do it at night when I go to bed. It is always when I'm out. She sometimes plays w/ my hubby's shoes when she wants attention. :wink:
Silly, silly babies :lol: :lol:
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Post by Roxana »


That is so funny! :lol: Maybe they take it so Fred can't hear when they're getting into mischief! Naughty girls.
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Post by chowfrnd88 »

That was a wondeful story Judy! Thanks for sharing it! I laughed and laughed! :D Well, I guess it wasn't so wonderful at the time though! :wink: I'm sorry you had to do all that searching.

They really can be so very proud of themselves can't they? :wink: Special likes to take things that don't belong to him when one of us in on the phone and not paying attention to him. He can get a whole collection of things together in a matter of minutes! Stuffed animals of mine, my husband's ID badge from work, a slipper, a wrist brace, a sock, a shoe are just some of things he's collected. He'll either take them to his bed or to the middle of the room. When he first came to live with us, he would go over to a collection of care bears that a friend of ours got us (I'm not sure if you have care bears in your neck of the woods, they are little muli-color bears from a cartoon) and smell them and sneeze and sneeze, now he has one that he always takes. Now I say "Special, where is your Care Bear?" :D Even if I haven't seen him take anything, I can tell because he has a proud bounce in his step as he is running off with whatever it is!!
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Post by Sharons Chows »

I am sure it wasn't so funny when it happened...but I really got a good laugh :lol:

What funny creatures our chow chows are!

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Post by Auddymay »

They're just playing 'Button, Button, Who's got the Button' at both your expense. I picture the sisters in my head, side by side, saying things like, "dear me, Mabel, she'll NEVER find it at this rate." and, "What do you mean, you stashed it in my bed! Oh, she'll still know it was you, Milly"
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Post by Judy Fox »

You have all got it so right!!
And yes, the muttering that goes on - Mabel never jumps on our bed so it had to be Milly! And they do have that little proud skip in their step when they have something they want.
We do have Care Bears here and they do like them.
I also have a couple of soft toy 'Garfields' and Milly really wants them.
Naughty girls.
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Post by ngraham »

that story was priceless. Thank you so much for sharing. I know our chows can do things that frustrate us at the time, but looking back, would we have it any other way? I can just see those 2 naughty girls scheming together. I just love the M&M stories. :)
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Post by Jeff&Peks »

Pekoe sneeks around like that so I can picture M&M hiding something then waiting around for you to look for it then they follow you around the house like it some big joke, they know you are looking for what ever it is so they stand off to the side with a look of whats the problem lose something, hehehe
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Post by Judy Fox »

That is so right Jeff. :roll:

I was on my hands and knees on Fred's side of the bed looking under it and noticed two pairs of Chow Chow eyes looking under at me from my side of the bed! :lol:

I tell you, they are just baggages! :lol:

But they do put things in their beds. I cannot imagine why I did not look there first but it is a little while since they hid things there!! :lol:
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Post by ngraham »

I know I've told this story before, but for some of the newer members, I'll share it again. My Sasha was the biggest sneak alive. And me of course believed in her innocence all the time. We always decorate our Christmas tree with candy canes. When Amber and Ashley were 5 or 6, the candy canes from about the middle of the tree on down started thinning out. Of course I kept telling the girls... "Leave the candy canes alone!" And Her Majesty just sat there and looked at them like hahahahaha you're in trouble. LOL So I'd buy more candy canes to make the tree look right again. This kept going on and I kept scolding the girls and they kept telling me they weren't taking them. Finally one evening I heard the slightest noise from the Christmas tree. The girls were in bed and I was sure one of them had gotten up to sneak a candy cane. It was one of the girls alright.... just neither of the 2 I had been scolding for over 2 weeks. There was Sasha ever so quietly sneaking a candy cane from the tree. She was busted, candy cane in her mouth. LOL I asked her what are you doing young lady? She wagged her tail and off she went to her bed to enjoy her prize. LOL She'd do the same thing with her dog bones. They came in a big bag and whenn no one was looking, she'd sneak to the pantry and take a bone out of the bag. You'd never hear any noise from the plastic bag. Then she'd go under the kitchen table and eat her bone like no one could see her. I'll tell you, these chows are smart. Oh how I still miss Sasha to this day. At Christmas time we still laugh (and then cry) when we talk about Sasha and her candy canes.
My Sasha Noel:
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Post by chowfrnd88 »

I also just love the M&M stories!! It's just so much picturing them smiling at all their antics! :wink:

Nancy, that's a very funny story! Thanks for posting it again for all us who hadn't read it before, along with the pic. Sasha looks like she was a beautiful happy happy girl.
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Post by Judy Fox »

Oh Nancy! We had the same thing with our very first Great Dane, Jenny. She was sneaking the chocolates off the Christmas Tree and I was getting quite upset because I asked the children not to take them off and they kept dissappearing.
Anthony and Carolyn were about 4 and 5 yrs. old and they swore to me they were not taking them. That is what upset me most, that they were lying to me. :(
Only, bless them, they were not.
I was in the kitchen just before bed rinsing our cups etc. and Fred came in and beckoned me to go and look and there she was stretching her neck to get one higher up - all the lower ones had been taken - that is why I thought it was the children.
Next morning I told them and apologised and we too laugh and cry a bit when we remember at Christmas times. :lol:
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Post by simbasmom »

Judy that is a funny story about the hearing aid.. with Coco it is my cell phone... I keep finding it all over the place under the sofa, or table or in the garbage can in the bathroom. in a shoe you know all over the place. Well this time he has taken it and I can't find it anywhere.. I know that I left it on the coffee table the other day and I even heard it ring once yesterday but when I went to use it, it was gone. I looked in all the usual places and tried calling it to see if I can find it to no avail :?: I even tried calling it from outside in the yard but the battery is dead now and I don't know how I will ever find it now... maybe I'll find it while cutting the grass :? If it is outside it probably won't work any more since it has been raining off and on for the last few days : . What a brat :twisted: Well as I was writing this my son Andrew went to take a look around the yard and he just found it for me under the deck :shock: hummmm I wonder how it got there.
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Post by TigerTiger »

OMG, our smart monsters....... :? Lucky me, Tiger never, really never "steal" anything from us. I figure out the main reason is that he hates to hold things in his mouth. :lol:

Carol, hope your cell phone is still working -- after "staying" outside with all the rainings we have.
Purple kisses from Tiger xxxxxx

Karen, Pablo & Tiger
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