Bunnies, Bunnies and more bunnies

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Bunnies, Bunnies and more bunnies

Post by Sharons Chows »

Everywhere we look this week we see bunnies!!!!!! :lol:

Mom isn't real happy but we "bagged" another one yesterday morning. That makes about 6 so far this spring. We are sure a team now....we even tossed it high in the air until Dad made us drop it so he could toss it over the fence instead...no fair :cry:

When we walked with Mom tonight we sure made her tired....there were sooooooooooooo many bunnies running around and one of us pulled one way and one of us pulled the other way and we got to scream and squeak and huff and puff and grunt and groan the whole walk!!

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Post by Auddymay »

We try and limit access to any windows near dusk, because Lily goes into hunting mode. She starts upstairs, where she has an overhead view of prime rabbit hangouts. Then, it's down to the main level, where she stands on her hind legs and quietly whines (we have trained her that ear piercing screams and spaz behavior gets her removed from the window). At this point, it is up to me if I want to let her out to chase rabbits. She can't just run freely, so the rabbits are relatively safe. Brian watched her last night (oblivious to the bunny problem) and asked what she was excited about, he saw nothing 'out there'. When I told him, he laughed and said I should train her to be a rabbit dog! Yeah, like I hunt rabbits for fun. Brian is an outdoorsman, and always looking for that good 'hunting dog'. Can you imagine the brushout after a hunting trip???
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Post by fillyok »

I've come to HATE bunnies! I was feeling brave this afternoon and thought I'd take Bear and Ping for a walk to the mailbox. I barely got the front door shut when my arm was almost ripped out of the socket. I tried to regain control, but lost that battle and was knocked off my feet...again. I still have one more week with the removable cast for my broken ankle - I'm beginning to think I won't live until June when we move and we'll have our own backyard. Controlling over 100 pounds of Chow determined to rid the earth of bunnies is not for the weak of mind or spirit.
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Post by sweetpea »

lol, I am so glad I'm not the only one who seems to spend alot of time on the ground!
We have to many bunnies around here. First thing in the morning I get Gracie ready to go out, we walk down the stairs, half way down she starts looking out the window of the door to see if she can spot a rabbit. The whole time I'm unlocking the door she is looking out that window, I open the door and she jumps out still looking at the yard acrossed the alley in hopes of spotting a rabbit. I hate rabbits, and I hate squirrels.
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Post by Auddymay »

My only saving grace when I put Lily out, is she only weighs 34 ponds. Also, she is learning 'stealth', because the quieter the hook up, the better the odds of catching one.
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Post by ngraham »

Well I am begining to hate bunnies andnow squirrels. The boys spotted 2 squirrels in my back yard this morning (they were inside) and their barking seemed like it was never going to quit. I was also beginning to wonder if they might break my patio door down. I wasn't even going to attempt to let them outside on their leads... I'd have never got the leads on them as worked up as they were. I wanted to shoot them myself... the squirrels that is, not the dogs. :(
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Post by Auddymay »

Is your new yard fenced in? If Pip wasn't so well behaved, I'd never be able to manage 2+ dogs if the yard wasn't fenced.
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Post by Sharons Chows »

Oh, we forgot to tell you about the squirrel that visits me a few days a week.
He sits up on a tall branch on the same tree and waits for me {Cheyenne}
Then he starts talking and shaking his tail at me until I go absolutely nuts and try to climb the tree. He is such a friendly fellow that each I time I bark he talks to me and the louder that I bark, the more he talks and wags.
I sure would like to meet him...bet he would make a great stew dinner.

At least I am brave and friendly. My brother JR, apparently is a real "wus!"
He has a friend, the red headed woodpecker , that visits all the time in the summer and eats the house. JR gets himself in such a frenzy and cries and then he tries to hide under the pillow on Mom's bed and once he even went into the shower to hide!

Cheyenne :laughloud: <center>
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Post by Judy Fox »

Squirrels and cats are M & M's favourite prey.

However, since they are now allowed out in the front garden and can see through the fence we built last Autumn, they just watch the cats in the avenue and don't get excited about them. I would not trust them if they got out though.
But, in the park, the squirrels are still there to chase but both M & M have learnt stealth and the concept of creeping up very quietly. It is frightening really 'cos if they were off their leads, I am sure they would catch one! :roll:
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Post by ngraham »

No, the back yard isn't fenced... but it will be. It just seems since Koda spotted that bunny the other day, he has become very observant of of anything moving in the back yard and whines. Both boys were so worked up over those squirrels, it was awful. And the stupid things just played out there for the longest time like they were teasing. I don't like seeing any animal kill another, but the way those squirrels were teasing, I sure thought about letting the boys out to teach them a lesson. LOL
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Post by Odessa's mum »

You can bet the squirrels were teasing, I have a friend who was so mad at the squirrels because they would atually throw stuff at her dog from the tree (not Chow but cannot remember what breed) when he barked at them :lol: I found that difficult to believe but she assured me it was not a one time thing but almost daily. :wink:
My Odessa has caught a squirrel once in the backyard and was not happy at all when I sreamed (louder than the squirrel) in horror :oops: and her dad had to get it out of her mouth and send it over the fence.
She is not too pleased that her chow friends have so many bunnies to chase and the one she could chase is no longer around. He used to live behind our place but since some new houses have come up there, he has dissappeared (what relief for me :? )

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Post by sweetpea »

I'm glad to hear someone say Squirrels will tease the dogs because I've told my daughter a few times now that I swear one of the squirrels is teasing Gracie. I dont know if its the same squirrel or not, but it talks to Gracie! It'll be in a tree or on top of a roof just sitting there making its noises while Gracie whines and throws a fit. Then sometimes in the apartment Gracie will look out our window and guess what is sitting in the tree next to our window looking in!!!! I totally think Squirrels will tease.
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Post by Auddymay »

sounds like it's time to buy a small slingshot...launch a few acorns at the little tree rats.
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Post by fillyok »

I've got some arrogant squirrels outside my apartment. They know that Bear and Ping can't get to them so they prance around with not a care in the world. I couldn't get Bear to calm down one day and had to hobble outside to shoo the squirrels away - they wouldn't go!! I had to resort to throwing rocks at the little monsters. Bunnies and squirrels are on my "hit list", I don't care how cute they are anymore. A slingshot would be perfect! :twisted:
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Post by ciaobella »

Well, Sophie got me on a technicality this weekend when my sister brought to my attention that she was flipping a chipmunk in the backyard. We have discussed at length that bunnies and squirrels are OK to chase, but once I say "Leave it", the party's over. I failed to mention chipmunks. Fortunately, she took the "Leave it" command with grace instead of a grain of salt, and the chipmunk got away.
This is not the first time she's taken advantage of my lack of thoroughness. One day, I let her out to chase the squirrels out of the birdfood, and I thought, "OMG, that is one morbidly obese squirrel hanging out of that tree"... turns out it was a groundhog. I didn't know they could climb trees. Bet he didn't either. ;)
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Post by VTCHOW »

I'm glad someone finally mentioned groundhog. It just so happens that Sadie tree'd a groundhog two days ago. I had no idea they could actually climb trees. I will say that the little guy didn't look too happy being up there. I got close enough to take this pic.

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Post by ciaobella »

Check out the rump roast on that bad boy! :laughloud:
Thanks for the pic, no one believed me!
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Post by Auddymay »

That's too funny! I'll have to share that one with my father. He had a family of Groundhogs living off the ditch in his front yard, and it is also where he keeps his vegetable garden, which they were destroying. Once, I saw what looked like a hunk of wood standing on end at the of the road near his driveway...as I got close, it dived into the ditch! Yep, a GH. A few days later, I stopped for a visit, and Dad was sitting in a lawn chair, facing the road, with a shot gun in his lap. He looked so much like Jed Clampett, I was looking to find Old Duke the Bloodhound at his feet. I asked what he was doing, and I learned he was hunting GH's. I told him the law frowned upon folks blasting shotguns toward the road, not to mention the potential for shooting a passing vehichle. He reluctantly put it away...
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Post by sweetpea »

At our old shop a family of Ground Hogs made a home under the office, the door next to the steps. We were trying everything to get rid of them. Anyway, one day Princess and I was stepping off the step and just as Princess stepped to the ground a ground hog darted through to get in his hole. The two bumped into each other! Both were so freaked out, Princess jumped back on the step and the ground hog ran into its hole. It was funny because after that everytime we went to leave Princess would stop on the step, bend her head down to peak under the step. When we were going in she'd stop and check the hole first to make sure nothing was coming. I use to ask my brother-in-law to bring a lawn chair over with his riffle, sit quietly in the yard and wait for the nasty critters to come out. He wouldnt take me serious and I was very serious!
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Post by pannw1267 »

More critter stories...I have a a stack of wood on a metal log rack that sits no more than 6" off the ground. Miah spotted a chipmunk and belly crawled completely under the rack. :o I was frantic because if she got stuck I would have had to move close to a half of cord of wood to rescue her. :-x Fortunately, she actually crawled backwards about 4' to free herself. Then she tried to squeeze between 2 rows of logs but her contortionist skills ended there.
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Post by pannw1267 »

More critter stories...I have a a stack of wood on a metal log rack that sits no more than 6" off the ground. Miah spotted a chipmunk and belly crawled completely under the rack. :o I was frantic because if she got stuck I would have had to move close to a half of cord of wood to rescue her. :-x Fortunately, she actually crawled backwards about 4' to free herself. Then she tried to squeeze between 2 rows of logs but her contortionist skills ended there.
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Post by chowfrnd88 »

:D :D I love these stories. We used to have a bunny here, but that was before Special came to live with us :( His favorites are squirrels, chipmunks, cats and geese. The gosslings are out now, but he hasn't seen any of those in close proximity yet (thank goodness!!). Special always tries to climb trees after the squirrels!! :wink: Then if we come to that same tree on another walk he will always look up. I love the little nose pointed in the air!
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Post by Sharons Chows »

It hasen't stopped raining for 6 days now and being the devoted, wonderful chowlet mother that I am...JR and Cheyenne havent missed one nightly walk. What do they care that they can splash through puddles and drag their muddy feet everywhere.
Too bad that they are both "fixed"...we could have built an Ark and looked forward to lots of new chowlings after the rains stop.

Anyhow...the point being that we have discovered that the bunnies just love the rains also!
What fun my muddy, soaked ragamuffin chows have had trying to chase wet bunnies!

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Post by Murphy »

Soggy bunnies and muddy chows... too funny!
Murphy is being teased a lot by Moo Moo his cat cousin who fans her
paw at him when he is outside the french door.
Then he gets in and corners her for revenge.
He mostly sees squirrels too but not much bunnies.
When he did find a bunny he got loose and chased it down my
friend's country road just barely catching it. Thank goodness it
was not a soggy bunny on a muddy road.
Speaking of mud, Murphy used to roll in it like a pig.
Mud in Chow fur don't make for a happy groomer. :cry:
- M & M, Michelle and Murphy
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