Holly Quite Possibly Saved This Kids Life - Evil Chow??

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Holly Quite Possibly Saved This Kids Life - Evil Chow??

Post by dannyoconnor430 »

A little story for you all from over the Xmas period. To set the scene, Holly is very lazy through the night and when I get up I normally have to vault her in the hallway. Anyway, this one night (by the way this was during a recent -5 DegC cold snap) Holly started barking, but not a 'security' bark, this one was different, this went on for 20 mins. Anyway, I got up out of bed and started to make my way downstairs. Halfway down, I hear a sort of groaning noise coming from outside. My initial reaction was that there was someone outside trying to burgle, so I ran back upstairs put some clothes on and then cautiously made my way back down. Whilst getting dressed, as I had been awoken (makes me grumpy) I said to Alison that if I find anyone trying to get in, then I'll let Holly and Max have a free for all! So I picked up the handy little rounders bat we keep in the house, and opened the front door. There was nobody in my drive. I looked up and saw a lot of curtains twitching but nobody else had come out. To my surprise I saw what was making the groaning noise. In the path of the house opposite mine, was lay a body in spasms. Alarm bells were ringing now, and all thoughts of any conflict had long gone. I ran over and found it was a young kid, maybe 17 obviously had consumed far too much alcohol, ad judging from what he was covered in, too much food. I rolled him into the recovery position and opened his mouth and tried to get some speech out of him but he was well gone. The next thing I remember was thinking 'some of my neighbours had seen this kid, why hadn't they done anything?' yet they stood peeping through the gap in the curtains as I struggled to help him. Anyway, phoned an ambulance and he came and sorted the lad out. My next door neighbour had come out by this point (he's quite old so I can forgive him!) and said 'remind me never to collapse out here!'. I have no doubt that if Holly hadnt woke me up, this kid would have been out in -5 Deg with a T Shirt covered in freezing sick. I dread to think what I would have found when getting up to work... Anyway hope this starts to 'even things up' to those people who think Chows cause harm. Cant say the same for Max Im afraid, he was still asleep when I came in! But they were both invited up onto the big bed that night as a treat. Makes me laugh that one of the neighbours complained a couple of months ago about my dogs barking. Next time they come knocking, they'll be getting my foot up their *Censored Word*!
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Judy Fox
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Post by Judy Fox »


Well done and well done Holly - and don't think badly of the boyo! :)

I am afraid your neighbours attitude is a perfect negative aspect of our countrymen's attitude - we live a stonesthrow away from you in Crewe - oour Chows here on The Island might not have such a bad attitude but I am sometimes moved to swearing with the attitude of some of our people!! :evil:

I am so proud of you and Holly. However, your boyo did not need to bark did he? Be fair! :roll:

Holly was doing the job.

In our house Mabel is the housedog - she does the warning and the welcoming (except when our daughter Carolyn calls when Milly goes crackers). But, I am sure that if she needed help in carving up an intruder, Milly Ching would be there - they work as a pair except in the barking.

As far your neighbours complaining about Holly and Max barking, tell them to...................(well must keep my New Year's resolution of not using bad language) but if you need backup, give us the nudge and Fred and M & M & I will be over to help your two carve the neighbours up!!

Anyway, again well done - I am so proud of you all! :D
(Thank you Sweetpea for my new banner.)
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Post by Joe & Robin »


Sometimes I think we should keep some of these secrets to ourselves. That was such a great story of yours. If more people learn the truth about Chows we could set them up for another wave of abuse like the 20s/30s & 70s. Everybody will want one. I don't know if I mentioned on this new site that Robin is hearing impared. I would not trust any other companion with her but a Chow. Both Bear and Mai Tai picked up Robin's hearing situation. Neither Chows were very vocal but pawed/paw her instead. Both would/will stick to her like glue if I am not around. And if there is a threat nearby I could count on the Chow to guard Robin. My neighbors even ignore all the other barking dogs in the neighborhood. But when they hear the Chow Mai Tai bark they look out their windows because as they say "she ONLY barks when she means it".
Joe, Robin & Mai Tai

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Post by Elaina »

WAY-TO-GO, HOLLY!!!! What a great story!! We have the same people attitude about Chows on this side of the pond. Its believed that they are vicious man-killers. Maybe Joe is right...stories like this one may cause another wave of abusive BYB of Chows. :cry:

Again, great job dannyoconnor430 and Holly!! :D :D
Peace and Blessings
Elaina, Max-A-Million, Mei-Mei, Mikko and our Queen...Mahayana
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