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Post by mazzyandbellasmom »

I have 2- 5month old female chows, sisters of the same litter.I've had them both since they were 7 weeks old. They get along great for the most part. Here's my problem. Feeding time. When I first brought them home I feed them both in the kitchen in separate bowls. That worked great for a while. For the last 2 months I've had to separate them when they eat because they attack each other and go after each others food. So now I bring one in the house to eat, the other stays outside and eats. When they are done, I pick up the bowls and let the dog inside, go back outside. Immediately they charge after one another and I have to get in between and break it up. I don't understand this and I don't know how to fix it so that they stop doing this. So any help would be greatly appreciated. I only had 1 chow before this and she was the only dog in the house. Please help! At end's wit over here :cry:
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Post by sue »

I have twin boys that are 8 years old they went through a phaze like that when they were your pups age put a stop to this as quick as possible don't leave one outside separate the dishes in the same room & stand between then make your presence felt you are in charge what you says goes.If you have 2 metal dog feeding dishes hold one in each hand if they go towards each other to attack a loud firm voice of NO if they still go towards each other bang the dishes together this a noise distraction tactic don't bend down to them stand upright at all times & don't touch them.Dont grab them by the collar touch is praise so if your voice & tone is saying NO your hand touching them is saying yes this sends a mix message to the dog.At there age they should be ready to go dog training lessons take them alternate weeks to classes so you spend that time with them in a one on one situation.They are still very young so it will take time I hope all goes well for you
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Post by mazzyandbellasmom »

Thank you I will try that. But what if they start fighting what am I to do then?
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Post by wokman »

Great advice from Sue; Stand tall, speak firm, no actions that can be taken as praise. It will not be easy; you seem to indicate fighting only happens during feeding :?: You have two Princess that want to both be Queens of the house, you must act now to let them know you are the authority and rule maker. Welcome to the terrible two's phase of Chow growth. My two Queens have their paws crossed for your success. :o
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Post by mazzyandbellasmom »

Thank you so much for your advice Sue and wokman. I'm doing my best and they both are definitely Queens. Here's a recent picture I took of them both today. I took your advice Sue today and it went well; no fighting:) So hopefully we are headed in the right direction :)
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Bella and Mazzy (5 months old) My Princesses ♥
Bella and Mazzy (5 months old) My Princesses ♥
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Post by Fozzbear »

Also - make sure that you ask your dogs to sit and wait before you put their food down. Just to reinforce that you are in charge and control the food.
Humph used to try to steal his sisters food when he was a pup, so I had to stand between them for a while but he soon got the message.
Your dogs are beautiful, good luck!
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Post by sue »

Good looking girls glad to hear it worked your tone of voice is the most important go as low can with the NO command & as high pitched with the praise command Good Girl.But they are very young & it will take time for all three of you to learn & for the two of them to work out which one of the pair is dominant.Which ever one of them it is focus on training her the most then the weaker sister will follow on at the back
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Post by Judy Fox »

Beautiful girls! :D
I have two litter sisters now three and a half years old (blimey - where have the years gone) and we always supervise their feeding. They have never caused trouble when eating but as the previous posters have said, we have always insisted on good behaviour and said NO if one or other showed signs of going to the other's bowl.
The rule is - you are the Mummy person - they are the Chow Chows - you say - they do! \:D/ \:D/
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Post by Rory's Dad »

Good advice given so far. We have the opposite problem, a male and female 16 months apart, from the same breeder but no relation. They eat well togethe and the older male will actually defer if the female (7 months) finishes 1st and wants what our male has left. If food isnt involved she just wants to chase and chew on him.

I would absolutely not separate them for feeding. One of them is going to feel like you are favoring the other. Definitely command them to sit and wait before food goes down. I tell them "Bowl". They each know which is theirs and go to the right spot. The bowls are about 2 feet from each other, separated but close enough i can reach both at the same time. They are then told to sit, down, whatever, to teach them some patience. Once BOTH have complied, they get the bowl. Another thing that is useful is to get them used to having hands in the bowls. I dont give full amount for breakfast. When they are close to done, i reach in and pick up the bowls. They then get the remainder of the food. They have learned not to feel threatened when the bowl i removed as they know they will get more and are not losing out. I think this helps with not being food aggressive towards each other as well.
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Post by mazzyandbellasmom »

Thank you everyone for your suggestions! They have really helped a lot. I now feed both girls inside the house; make them sit, put there bowls of food down on the floor and then direct them each of them to their own separate bowl. Things have been going good for the last couple of days with this method. When they are done and they is no fighting I then have them sit, praise them and give them a treat. Although today at dinner time, Mazzy started to go toward Bella and my husband said a quick firm NO and nudged her toward her bowl and that was the end of that. They are great with me and anyone else in our household as far as putting our hands in there bowl, picking up there food that kind of stuff. They just seem to have a problem with each other.

Also one more question. Since Summer has arrived they seem not to be interested in eating a breakfast meal. They may nibble at it a bit but that's it. Is that normal? Night time feedings they finish all their food. I'm giving them 2 cups of dry dog food moistened with a little water per meal twice daily.

In the meantime more pictures I shot of the girls today playing with my daughter, Caitlin.
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Post by Judy Fox »

They are lovely big woolly girls. \:D/
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Post by Rory's Dad »

In the heat, not unusual for them to reduce intake. They expend less energy keeping cool so need less intake. Mine are on a mixed diet, where we give them cottage cheese 1st, and then kibble for breakfast, so they get something even if they dont bother with the kibble.
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Post by mazzyandbellasmom »

Okay, thank you. I was getting worried:)
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