Introducing an older chow male to my only female

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Introducing an older chow male to my only female

Post by beckysmyth92 »

Hello fellow chow owners :)

I have really been considering adding another chow to my family. I have a nearly 9 month old female chow and I have been searching for a chow puppy but I came across a man selling his 1 year old male chow who is a show dog and absolutely gorgeous. I really want to take him however i'm concerned what way this would affect Dakota? Would it be a good idea?

Dakota is really good with other animals when outside, and I take her to my mums to play with her miniature schnauzers and she plays great, shes a very well socialised puppy.

Has anyone any experience of bringing in an older chow to their home with a pup?

I appreciate all feedback

Thank you :)

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Re: Introducing an older chow male to my only female

Post by Rory's Dad »

Have experience, but not with that big an age spread, and with an already 1 year old male. I would consider that your 9 year old is on the downside physically, and may not be up to 'challenging' a 1 year old. As a puppy it might be better, but at 1, he is ready to challenge for position. New to each other that may be tough, but that's just my thought, i havent tried it.

You may want to try them together on a visit and see how it goes. They may hit it off and find a nice bonding connection, or they may hit the wall right off.
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Re: Introducing an older chow male to my only female

Post by Boogie and Linda »

Is Dakota 9 months or 9 years old? If she is only 9 months old and the new chow is a year old then they should be fairly compatible as far as activity wise. I would take her to meet the new chow in a neutral setting and if you are still interested in getting him then also try introducing them again at your home.

I usually introduce my chows to their new foster siblings by taking them on a walk together somewhere neutral. Then I put the new one out in the yard alone to explore and sniff. Then I bring the new one in and put my crew out so they can sniff and then I put them all out together keeping an eye on things.
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Re: Introducing an older chow male to my only female

Post by Rory's Dad »

Sorry, my mistake, i misread.
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Re: Introducing an older chow male to my only female

Post by 612guy »

I agree with everything Boogie and Linda said but would add getting a male is the best fit because males dogs will not fight with a female dog. Our chow Brutus is dominated by our female boxer Lexi and is the sweetest dog possible. They truly love each others company even though they are so different. Just make sure that you can make the commitment before you get another dog because 2 dogs take more time and money than one.

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Re: Introducing an older chow male to my only female

Post by beckysmyth92 »

Thanks for all replies :) Dakota is 9 months :) thats her on my signature photo :)

I will take on your advice and let them meet each other before I jump into it too fast!

Many thanks everyone!

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Re: Introducing an older chow male to my only female

Post by JasonandNat »

All good advice, except maybe the fighting male/female dynamic. We have had both ours since puppies, brother/sister, and during the terrible 2's they had fights daily working out dominance. It was never in doubt, our little girl kicked her massive brothers hinnie every chance he asked for it. We did check here to see what others had endured. She is the Godzilla of Chow's though, even her legendary (combative) mother wasn't interested in challenging her. No other dog female/male even looks at her funny anymore, if they did it might not be pretty. Her brother on occasion gets over excited and grabs her, and then runs like the wind. :) I'm only stating this to say it may happen and you really have to be able to let it work out, hardest thing to do, ever. If you don't things actually escalate. That said, we also noticed at least at sleep time they needed to be able to separate and all was well. This allowed us peaceful vacations, long trips, 19 hours even, without any issues. Prior to this breakthrough we had to pull over a few times and that was always exciting. Just like people, they can get on each others nerves. ;) We wouldn't change anything though, they are wonderful and the joy of our lives.
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Re: Introducing an older chow male to my only female

Post by beckysmyth92 »

Aww thank you for sharing with me JasonandNat, thats so lovely that you have 2 chows who are brother & sister! Im so glad you shared your story with me, Im gonna really think about it! Ive spoken to a few people who have told me their experience with other breeds is when they get another dog it can separate them from you and im not sure I could handle that! I have Dakota like a little baby sometimes, I nurse her and cuddle her, talk to her like shes a baby & I probably drive her nuts but I love our close bond and I'm kind of scared incase the male Im considering wont take to me because he'll have a loyalty to his current owner!

I appreciate everyones replies so much, thank you all and a very merry christmas to you all!
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Re: Introducing an older chow male to my only female

Post by cherriemater »

Oh Becky, Becky, Becky ... let me relate to you more about the bond of two chows. We have two brothers from the same litter, now about 15 months old. They are BOTH my cuddle bugs, but only to the extent that they allow. Now, here's the interesting part. Leo has chosen Joe (my husband) and Max has chosen me. Leo sleeps at the end of the bed on Joe's side or on the dog bed in the closet, also on Joe's side. Max sleeps just below me on the floor. ALWAYS. Sometimes Max will get help up on the bed but he sleeps on my side. But, when Joe is at work (he works second shift from 2:30pm until 3:00am) they BOTH sleep on the floor next to me and sometimes Leo still gets up on the bed and sleeps in his spot. They're funny (cute) that way.

Now, when Joe is home, Leo is his shadow and Max is mine. Yes, of course, they have their together time and they take their alone time but generally, if Joe is in the computer room, Leo is with him. If I'm in the kitchen doing dishes, Max is at my feet. Et cetera and so forth throughout the day. When Joe and I walk them together, Joe takes Leo and I take Max.

This all changes, however, when Joe goes to work. Leo then adopts me and shadows me. Leo will sit down and give me that "Cuddle Me!" stare and I must comply. Max is content to just be near me. Leo is our whiner/questioner/leader so he usually speaks for Max and himself. However, Max is very smart and when you ask him specifically "Where's the cheese/treat?" he goes right to the fridge.

All this being said (and not knowing whether you live alone or not) that chow chows are generally very different and unique, as any person is. But this would be one of those essential things to look for in a companion. I think that, too, would go a long way to stave off any type of fight for dominance. Leo is our leader and Max is happy to let him be. They play fight like brothers (we call it "chomping") and it can get rough at times but at 15 months there has not been a conflict on who is #1 and #2 (behind us being the Alpha's, of course). I agree with Jason that you have to be willing to let them work it out. That has been one of the toughest things to do but as long as they're not drawing blood or flashing too many teeth, I just let them work it out. (This does not mean that we haven't stepped in when we thought it was to much. A simple EASY! or Nice, nice has sufficed.) I digressed from my point which was this ... your chow chows will love you beyond all measure but may show that differently at times. While Leo and Max have chosen their "person" they both exhibit love and affection in their own way to each of us. It is the sweetest thing when Max jumps up on Joe's side to surprise him (tail wagging and chuffing) just as I love it when Leo sits at my feet, looks up at me with his Cuddle Me stare.

I post on my FB page in relation to the story on Greyfriar's Bobby ... to be loved by a chow (dog) is truly a remarkable thing ... well ... maybe more so by two. Indeed, to be loved by two chowboys has been a delight and joy in my life.

Hope that helps with your decision!! :)
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Re: Introducing an older chow male to my only female

Post by JasonandNat »

Ditto on that! ShenLung is bonded to Nat, will take on the hoardes of Hell for her. He is very respectful of me when she is away, but pines for his mom. FengHuang has never more than tolerated Nat and has always given her a bit of a hard time even as a pup. FengHuang is utterly independent but she responds to my every command, even if with a bit of reservation. She is totally out going to any and all people that will give her a rubbing, she just won't listen to them, ever. ;) Wherever I go at home, she follows, may take a few minutes but she'll come plodding along and drop to the ground and start snoring. At night FengHuang has taken the upstairs at the base of the our bed, her brother is not allowed. He sleeps at the base of the stairs on the main floor watching the front and back doors. See it all works out....
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Re: Introducing an older chow male to my only female

Post by cherriemater »

I love that JasonandNat! I find the character of the chow chow so fascinating. Every single one of them unique but you're quite right ... it all works out!
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Re: Introducing an older chow male to my only female

Post by beckysmyth92 »

Awwwww thank you for sharing with me cherriemater!! Im so glad you shared your story with me its really helped me :)

I live with my partner Jonny, we got Dakota when she was 11 weeks old and she sort of chose me I guess! Shes like my shadow and I love watching her progress! The first few days we had her home she was so quiet and sat there like a little ornament and now shes my bestfriend and my shadow! She follows me everywhere & I take her everywhere I can! The love I have for her is so strong I never thought I could feel like this towards a dog or any animal! Ill sleep with her right beside me and when she decides to jump off the bed she sleeps right next to the door on my side of the bed! Dakota loves Jonny too but even he can tell that shes more stuck to my hip than his :)

When Jonnys at work and i'm not, dakota will sometimes look at me and paw me and make noises as if shes talking to me its so cute! The connection I have with her is surreal, Dakota will do tricks for me when I ask her, and she only does them for Jonny if he has a treat for her! Shes so cute we have her playing this game now where I put a treat in my hand but close both hands and let her pick which one the treats in & of course she always gets the right one! Clever chow chow!

Unfortunately the little guy we were interested in has been taken by another lucky family! But my search continues!

I feel much better about having a second fur ball now :) Chows really are a breed apart!

Thanks again everyone

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