licking hot spot raw

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licking hot spot raw

Post by Loha'sDad »

My boy got a quarter-size hot spot on his lower left leg that he licked completely raw. Vet gave him an intiseptic/steroid spray and a cone collar. He's been wearing the cone collar for over a week during the slow healing process. I take it off to walk him but it is a pain to keep a close watch every moment to make sure he doesn't quickly undo all progress. Any of you had any success with any other licking prevention method?

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Re: licking hot spot raw

Post by Zhuyos mom »

I've used a sock and wrapped elastic, self adherent wrap once around on to the top of the sock so it doesn't easily slip off when they walk. Of course, not too tight. They sell elastic wrap at Rite-Aid/Walgreens/CVS. Or you can ask your viet for a roll. That's where I get mine.
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Re: licking hot spot raw

Post by Ursa's daddy »

We have gotten a spray, sour apple was the name/description on the label. I think my son got it from the vet. It was for one of the cats to prevent licking on a spot. We have used it on the dogs, but they tend to lick anyway if not closely monitored. We also have a hydrocortisone spray from the vet for the dogs. This seems to relieve the itching, and the dogs will stop licking, but we still closely monitor them. My observation is that chows seem to be have sensitive skin vs the other working breeds.
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Re: licking hot spot raw

Post by Ursa's daddy »

A little more information...The product is Grannick's Bitter Apple. It does work. We are using it on Malachi, our male. I am so upset with him. He had been licking his side, so my wife decided it would be a good idea to give him a bath with some medicated shampoo. About an hour after his bath, I go out on the deck to brush out his coat, and he had licked a raw spot somewhat larger than a quarter on his rump. Ugh. He is such a hard head.
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Re: licking hot spot raw

Post by Loha'sDad »

Thanks for the replies. I have become quite adept at properly and quickly installing the cone collar and Loha has become equally adept at eating and drinking water with it on so that is what I am doing. He no longer immediately goes for the lick when I take it off to walk him. Although what we call "hot spots" can be caused by any number of things (insect bite, imbedded sticker, etc...) I have switched him from venison and potato based grain-free Nutro to lamb and rice based grain-free Nutro. The very quick noticeable extra sheen in his coat is impossible to miss. Maybe I am on to something good in that regard.

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Re: licking hot spot raw

Post by chowpups »

Nikki got a hotspot while we were on vacation (just nervousness we think) anyway it was quite out of control by the time we got home and so the cone went on and the vet gave us meds . But it was a long time healing so it was on her backside so we put pj bottoms on her (we cut them to fit)..
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Re: licking hot spot raw

Post by Ursa's daddy »

Chowpups, that is great. We had to dress Ursa when much of her back had broken out. She has Pemphigus Foliaceus and thyroid issues, and it has taken about a year to get things under control. At its worst, she had lost considerable hair on her back and would develop scabbing. Malachi, my male, would lick the spots that she could not reach, so she was doing rather badly. My wife modified a blouse for her, and we considered adding a tutu for some style and to cover a little more. I also got here a tee shirt that said "support your right to keep and arm bears". She took to wearing clothes rather well. Most of her fur has grown back, and the scabbing is gone, so she no longer wears clothes. Interesting to see that I am not the only one to put clothes on my chow.
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Re: licking hot spot raw

Post by mybabysebastian »

My Sebastian has had this problem. I live in Arizona so the lack of humidity and heat exacerabate this dramatically. The lamb and rice meal helped a thousand-fold. I also found that tea-tree oil soothes the hot spots without burning. This obviously requires a lot of trust, because you have to apply it topically. Good thing Chows are smart and kind to their people! If it's difficult, I've also found that diluting it and putting it into a small non-aerosol spray bottle helps.

The taste is off-putting and it is natural. Good luck!

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