Chow Play

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Chow Play

Post by CenTexChows »

Today I was testing out the new toy Santa got me. It’s a new camera phone. It’s not the best to take pictures or video, but mostly to send multimedia messages. Here is a little of what I got today and I thought I'd share it with you guys.

On a side note: its best to view it in the original size
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Post by Jeff&Peks »

Watching that makes me think maybe a Chow can only play with a Chow, Pekoe tries to play ruff like that in her rare moments but most dogs think she is trying to fight with her nudging and growling so they run off or stand there frozen with fear.
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Post by Judy Fox »

Lovely pictures and Jeff, I think you are right, M & M have wonderful bursts of play then it is over.
Does Pekoe play with you?
M & M play with us - sometimes we instigate it and sometimes one or other of them will instigate a game with us.
It does not last all that long - they will play and then all of a sudden disappear and we find them having a nap, only they forgot to tell us the game was over. :roll:
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Post by wrat »

denali will play when she feels like it and it generally when she thinks no one is about..although outside she will run like crazy,jump and pow body slam
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Post by sweetpea »

As I write this, Princess and her pug friend are wrestling. Gracie struted in from outside, is now laying under the table by my feet. She will not act like they do inside. Princess and Kokomo are under this table trying hard to get Gracie to join in, she will not do it. She will however stand up, push herself against them as if to say back off. The end result is always the same, Princess and Kokomo are sent outside to blow off steam, Gracie then lays in peace.

Outside Gracie plays in a slightly different way. She doesnt run as much, or for as long. She will get involved in a good game of tug-of-war. She'll wrestle a little. I swear Princess and Kokomo could go on for hours playing rough.
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Post by CenTexChows »

Jeff, I was thinking the same thing. Is it only Chows that like to play with one another this ruff?

Zeus will pull on Andromeda's hair on her neck and try to bring her down. lol While Andromeda likes to play on top raising her front paws at a swiping motion. I was worry they might play to rough and hurt one another. They are very vocal when it comes to playing, but I can sense when they are and when they are not.

It’s nice to see how the older one (Andromeda) is starting to accept the little one (Zeus). When we first got Zeus, Andromeda was very jealous and it worried me they would never get along. Now look at them! :D
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Post by Mandy »

Hate to disappoint you all... but my spitfire Chewie will play rough with any dog. He and Cayenne play rough every day and we have a boxer, a bulldog, and two Doberman friends and he plays rough with all of them. Cayenne has yet to meet them and we aren't sure how she will react at first. It took a week or so to start rough housing with chewie but now she's an old pro. chewie is taller so he sticks his chin on her back and attempts to flatten her after they chew on each other a while - whereas being smaller, she always goes for the feet and pulls them out from under him. They are so funny. With other dogs, Chewie usually goes for the neck and tries to bump them away with his butt.. Very occasionally, they will both get up on their hind legs and box like a couple of bucks. That is hilarious -they usually fall over on their sides cause they can't keep their balance.

I love having two!!

Mandy, Chewie & Cayenne
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Post by Jeff&Peks »

Every once in awhile (very rare) Pekoe will see a dog, usually Huskies, Akitas and one wymanhimer (sp) she was madly in love with, she follows them around with her tail wagging trying to play. What happens is she walks up next to the dog, stands sideways and try's to get the dog to play but you can see in the other dogs face it is scared to death and just stands there frozen so Pekoe starts pushing the dog and growling trying to play but the dog is so scared he either runs away or reluctantly starts to fight trying to protect it self so Pekoe just stands there kind of whining like whats wrong no one will play with me then walks off to do her own thing, its kind of sad.
I have always said she is possessed, there is something about Pekoe these dogs are picking up on so want nothing to do with her.
Even dogs that come running down the street to attack her have stopped with in a foot of her and slid into walls to avoid her and then run off. There is one dog I always have to avoid, Police dogs, for some reason its instant hate when Pekoe and a police dog spot each other no matter how far they are apart. Pekoe rarely pays attention to other dogs but a police dog they want to kill each other. I can't remember ever reading in Pekoes papers that she served time in san Quinton or had a criminal past but she sure hates police dogs.
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Post by Mandy »

I did some research after taking Chewie to his first obedience class. I was shocked at the way some dogs reacted to him when he would just calmly walk by. Some would go nuts barking and growling and snapping. Some would hide instantly. He was really the only dog in class that would evoke that kind of reaction. I have read that Chows have a very different odor than other dogs and that some dogs don't know how to react to that. And that their facial expressions are difficult for other dogs to read.

I personlly think that other dogs are just jealous.


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Post by Judy Fox »

Mandy, I think you have hit it on the nail.

I was told by the breeders that Chows do not smell like other dogs and if you bury you nose in your chows fur you will smell how different it is. I know with M & M they never smell 'doggy' - they have the lovely chow smell that is unique - it never smells unpleasant and visitors have remarked that my house does not smell of dog - you know the smell that there is with a dog. :)

The breeders told me when I was researching the breed before we got Milly that dogs do not know how to react to the smell and will either ignore a chow or attack it and I have found this so. :roll:

But, as you say, the other dogs are just jealous, and with good reason. 8)

Also the chow's grunting and snorting can be a little off putting - people have mistaken M & M's grunts and snorts for growling until I have explained.
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Post by Auddymay »

Lily and Pippy play and play, but when Lily first came home and attempted to play, Pip gave us a look like we are all crazy and walked away!
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Post by ngraham »

Well, Koda and Ambers mixed breed Sam (and only God knows what all he's mixed with... LOL) play all day long, so I'm not so sure about chows only playing hard with chows. These 2 go at it from the time they get up until they go to bed, with the exception of eating and taking short naps. Sometime you can ever talk on the phone because they are so loud. LOL
Nancy and Tai

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Post by Jeff&Peks »

It must be that Pekoe and I are in Ca and have to drive 3 hours to see snow but i sure like those Chows in the snow pictures, Pekoe use to love going to Tahoe in the winter.Thats when you see a Chow come alive, take it to the snow.
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Post by kingalls »

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Mr. N and Shiloh will start to "rumble" in the house and that's when we have to get them outside or our place may end up looking like the aftermath of a bar-room brawl. Mr. N starts with rearing his head in a backwards roll with a low type of grrowllll. Then he goes into a tripod stance - head down between his two front paws with his butt up in the air. That triggers Shiloh to pounce on Mr. N - biting his back legs and then his neck. Mr. N rolls around while Shiloh tries to get a mouthfull of fur somewhere along his body. Once Mr. N is up on all fours we have to get the door open for him to burst outside with Shiloh in full pursuit.
On the other hand, Mr. N can be quite short with Shiloh if he's not in the mood and she tries to bite at his legs or neck. He will snap at her quite sharply and that will end it.

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Post by CenTexChows »

I really enjoyed those pictures... anyone else have any more please post them on this thread.

I wish we lived where it snow too. I think the Chows look right at home in the snow.
I rememeber when we took Andromeda and Zeus to the trail of Christmas lights a couple of weeks ago and a little girl yelled out: "Look Daddy! It's Christmas dogs!" :lol:
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Post by sweetpea »


This is Gracie, Princess and my daughter's pug Kokomo. Poor Kokomo looks likes he's getting the bad end but trust me, he's the toughie of the bunch.
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Post by Victory »

Chows are very tough with each other, and they play hard. Firesong tries to drag Darkwind across the floor by his ruff, She looks like a wolf dragging away a deer or moose. It cracks me up, she plays rough with other dogs, so I don't let her play with smaller ones, she can handle my neighbors 125lb rotties and I let her play with them. They don't seem to be intimated by her either.

Darkwind will knock her over, and he growls like a big ole bear, but I've noticed he never really grabs her with his mouth, he just puts his open mouth on her slightly but never closes it at all...for all the noise he makes he is incredibly gentle with her...she doesn't deserve it, because she's not gentle with him at all.

Chows do intimadate other dogs, for some reason GSD espcially, Chows smell different, they have that stand up fur and their stiff legged walk, (normally signs of agression in other dogs), but rotties and malies are sure enough of themselves that they don't seem to be intimidated.
Victory, Darkwind, (our angel), Firesong, and Dreamdancer
Thank you SweetPea!

Post by Guest »

LOL, I love these pictures, these were taken earlier this year. Koda was being such a dork but they were having alot of fun! Koda and Chi-Ching play all the time. Chingy even likes to play with pomeranians. We have two that have been placed that live near us and they come over and play with him alot. I will have to get some pics of them!!

Koda and Chi-Ching.........



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Post by Judy Fox »

Those are lovely pictures of when Chi ching was little!

As Victory says, chows can be very tough with each other, but like Darkwind and Firesong, M & M do an awful lot of grunting and snorting and pushing and pulling but they are very gentle really. :)

However, and I know I have told you this before, when our daughter Rhiannon lived with us with her Standard Schnauzer, Hector, he would play with them and they loved him but when he got too rough, Mabel would grab his back leg and with one flick of her head fling him over on his back and then Milly would dive in and nip his 'tassel' and he would run in to Rhiannon and would not play rough for a while. 8) :roll:Image
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Post by willowchow »

Adorable pictures, everyone! I wish Willow had a play mate like that.
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Post by sweetpea »

Yesterday I posted that Gracie doesnt normally rough house, or play in the house. Wouldnt you know, after I posted it she came to me and barked. I thought she wanted to go outside. So we walked thru the house, I went to the back door, but she ran to the livingroom. I followed her in there and she flops into a invitation to play. I took a step, she jumps back, I take another closer, she jumps back, I pretend I'm going to chase her and away she goes running to the sofa, I run to her and tag her and then I run out of the room and hide so she can come find me, jump out when she's close and away she runs. We did that for awhile, back and forth, then the other two dogs joined in the game. So I take back what I said, some games she will play inside. She does love to play our hide and seek/chase game.
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Post by dannyoconnor430 »

Both Max and Holly get extremely rough, I end up having to lie on Holly and try and wrestle Max away from her. Heres the usual way it starts:
Both get a chew.
Max drops his and nabs Hollys and lies on both.
Holly barks at Max.
Max makes a weird non-stop yodelling sound.
Holly sort of jumps and spins and lands on him, mouth wide open.
Max then using his size and lies all over the 2 chews and Holly, then they start 'wheel spinning' on the laminate floor and off they go.

I get this every night, especially if I am nursing a hang over. The girl friend gets worried as Holly has had little nicks and cuts where she has moved onto maxs teeth (sounds daft but she just goes wild wriggling everywhere)

Max is by the far the biggest BUT Holly is the boss, when she has had enough she takes a big chunk of Maxs mane and thats that. They are fun in the garden though, Max is like a tank. Hes found out that the easiest way to turn is to bounce off things this includes the front door after he jumps from the 5th step. He gets so hyper, its a wonder hes never hurt himself! I swear his head has rock in it. We have a purpose made doggy area in our local park in widnes, its grass and fenced in. They both like chasing things which normally ends up with them going back on the lead. One time, they had been chasing a whippet for about 10 mins (the othwer dog was practically running backwards laughing at them), there are some benches in the park which all 3 of them were running around. Anyway Max suddenly disappeared, Holly was still chasing and as they ran around this bench Max stepped out. The poor whippet ran into him quickly followed by Holly (Chow sandwich). The whippet and Holly just sat there shaking there heads and big duffer Max was still in the same spot! Just looking around saying HA! So funny they love Max as hes a good training aid for the feistier dogs. Some of them have tries to have a little taste of him, but he just laughs at them and doesnt get drawn in. Only once has a dog really tried it on with him, and to be honest he didnt do anything but make himself look massive. However Holly took objection to her man being abused, and decided to broadside the other dog with her skull. Like a little black ram. Needless to say, the other dog thought better of it and now they all play together.

Anyway apologees for the rant but Ive not been on for a while and thought I would say hi. By the way we got Max last New Year and today he has been with us 1 year!
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Post by Mandy »

Here are some pics of Chew & Cay playing. I love the one of Cay with her evil teeth showing. In case you don't know, Chewie is the lighter one, Cayenne is the red.



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Post by Sandie »

Beatle, our chow, plays with Storme our pit. When we brought Beatle home storme was bigger and played mommy to him. It was so funny to watch her pen him against the couch when he was doing something she didn't like. Storm would walk sideways to pin him. Even when he got bigger then her she would continue to do this until one day when he pinned her. they rough house together all the time. the only time they have issues is when they receive a treat. Beatle will hold his in his mouth and go take hers away from her, even if it is a treat that it turns out he doesn't like. :roll: With regular food there are no issues. the bowl stays down all day, neither over eat, nor fight about it. At first he would just hold the treat half in and half out of his mouth then finally drop it and leave. then he got to where he would suck it in and out of his mouth ~ now that was funny to watch! But now he eats it no matter what it is. ~ silly dog ~ just wants what everyone else has. LOL
please excuse the letters that are not capitalized, my key board has a faulty cap button ~ works when it wants too...
Mommy to Storme, Beatle, Bailey and Mufassa aka Moose.
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