Pekoe gets attacked.

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Pekoe gets attacked.

Post by Jeff&Peks »

I was walking Pekoe at the park today, these two unleashed yappers, mid size yappers, came running clear across the park and attacked Pekoe. Its a good thing there were plenty of witnesses around, because I knew Pekoe could have killed them so I tightened up her leash and pulled her head into my leg trying to keep Pekoe from biting them. The two yappers are totally attacking her but just getting fur so I kicked the one dog so hard he flipped over (didn't mean to kick him that hard). The lady owner gets all mad at me for kicking her dogs and telling me I have to pay the vet bills if I hurt them.

I told her she was lucky I kicked them because my Chow was going to kill them and she should control her dumb beast, she got mad. She's all bitchy and huffy. So these other dog owners came over and told her it was her fault, the Chow is leashed, your dogs ran all the way across the park, unleashed, unsupervised and attacked the Chow. Dogs are supposed to be leashed at all times, its the law, she didn't say a word, just hoped in her car and left.

My only concern was the Chow is always the quilty party, so I'm glad people saw what happened.
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Post by Layla »

Thank goodness for the witnesses and common sense. What a stupid woman :evil:

Pekoe's ok though ? Apart from missing out on a meal :wink:
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Post by Victory »

Oh, Jeff I know where you are coming from. I am so sick of those little dogs and their owners who think their little darling can do no wrong and can run lose all over the place. But if a chow, or rottie or pit, looks at someone or something hard, it's "get that killer @#$% away from my little dog"

Can we start biting the owners?

Is Pekoe okay?
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Post by Salandra »

Is Pekoe ok now? I know those yappy dogs can be vicious with their little nipping teeth. I'm glad there were witnesses and told that lady off.

Victory I love it! Bite the owners, LOL!!
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Post by Zhuyos mom »

Jeff, if you want to really teach that woman a lesson, if she shows up again, take down her license plate. Then report the incident (today's date and time) to your area's animal control so they will file it. Then Animal Control will issue her a ticket for not leashing her dogs. They'll get her info from the license plate/DMV. There will be the standard fine. But this is America and it's the pocket book that will make some people learn the lesson.

Happened to my friend's husband, yapper bit my Lulu's nose, unfortunately it was Lulu who was unleashed (Rottie) but it was the yapper who bit and drew blood on my Lulu*. An old lady owned the yapper. She let the yapper go to Lulu then smack, the yapper bit my Lulu's nose when she bowed down to say hi to the yapper. The old lady then took my friend's husband's license plate down and my friend had to go to court, pay a ton of fines because you know California and their leash laws, especially in a wild life preserve, which was literally their back yard. My friend was mighty mad at her husband because he did not tell her. I was over the next day and noticed something on her nose thought it was a fleck of dirt or food, but it was a nasty scab I was picking at. A week later, the summons to report to animal court came in their mail.

*she was named after me, get it - Lou & Lulu

So, do it Jeff! Teach the yapper owners a lesson. I'm tired of them getting their way everywhere now a days where there clearly is a sign "no dogs allowed". I see them inside banks, post offices, in hospitals when they are not therapy or assistance dogs, grocery stores... drives me nuts!
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Post by Jeff&Peks »

Pekoe is fine, all they ever get is a mouth full of fur. The only harm that ever comes to Pekoe is from me pulling the leash trying to keep her from attacking the other dog and an all out war starts. One time Pekoe got attacked and got in to a huge fight with a GS, I pulled the leash so hard I bruised her ribs and dislocated her shoulder, she was wearing a harness at the time so I went back to a collar. I know Pekoe, she doesn't fight, she turns her back to them, opens her mouth then spins around and goes for the throat and the kill, She did that once to another GS that came out of no where and attacked her, luckely she didn't kill him but Pekoe can be vicious if attacked. That's why I try to pull her head into my leg. That's all I need is for Pekoe to kill another dog.
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Post by Judy Fox »

Oh dear Jeff that is awful - I am so sorry - wish I could come over and bite the owner for you, whilst you and Pekoe watch! :evil:
This sort of attitude drives me mad - I also hate it when people when people let their little 'bugs on leads' come up to M & M and then say in a sugar sweet voice, "Oh! look, they want to be friends!" and all the time the little mut is snarling and pulling on its leash.
M & M don't want 'friends' - just want to get on with their walk uninterupted.
I hope Pekoe is ok Jeff and I think Lou's suggestion is excellent - stupid woman (not Lou! :lol: ) the woman with the yappers. :)
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Post by Boggled »

That sucks!! I'm proud of Pekoe though, I'm sure if she really wanted to - she could have hurt them.
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Post by chris »

Oh man... I have one of those little yappers, along with Steel... as you all know.. and I do not let either one off leash. Those little dogs can be quite mean... Roxi has "food agression" issues. She totaly freaks out at Steel and attacks him if she is EATING OUT OF HIS BOWL and he is just standing there waiting for her to get out of it. He will take a tiny baby step towards her and the BITCH comes out... horns and everything... Steel steps back... and she goes back to eating... then its like he is teasing her because he will take another tiny baby step towards her ... and off the handle she goes again. It's kinda funny... but not. Steel is a good boy... If he was going to tell Roxi to knock it off.... he would have by now. I think he likes to tease her.. :roll:

I'm glad Pekoe is ok.. I'm not sure those little dogs could really do that much damage to a chow cuz of all the fur.. but they can get at the nose and eyes.. Give pekoe hugs and kisses from Steel and I. And one for the Daddy as well for protecting Pekoe...??? or maybe it should be saving the stupid lady from witnessing the true venum of a chow when attacked. :wink: That was very thoughtfull of you Jeff.
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Post by Dogdad »

Jeff, I am glad peoke is ok, that is what is important as for the woman and her dogs, I am glad she was put in her place by the others

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Post by chowfrnd88 »

OMG Jeff, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope you do get a chance to report her. Those "bugs on leads" (I LOVE it Judy! :D ) can be so annoying, that is for people who only have bugs on leads and no larger dogs. You are so lucky that the witnesses were on your side. The time I was walking Special Dark on leash in our neighborhood and that little yapper attacked him, he or she went right for Special's stomach and started nipping there. Special just stood and then picked the dog up by the scruff and moved him/her out of the way and the little yapper starts up again. Then the owner saunters over slowly and then grabs her dog and is fawning all over it. A witness emegerges, a guy who actually said he likes Special and has stopped to talk us multiple times on our walk, and what does he do? Goes staright over to the yapper's mom ad asks if her dog is okay!!!! Then later, after she leaves he tells me he told her to go somewhere else if she wants her dog off leash. I tried figuring out where she lives, etc. to report her but only saw her once more after taht. Since then, I've become bitter and will be reporting any off-leash dog I see!

I know what you mean Judy, and they come up and say "oh they're friendly" and then is you allow them to meet the owner starts saying "now be nice, be nice." I think "okaaaaaay." :shock:

Lou, that is so sweet that Lulu was named after you, too cute!
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Post by Rogansmommy »

When will the government realize that it's those little puntables that cause all the problems? I hate those things...

I'm glad to hear Pekoe is all right, Jeff. And I agree with Lou - you should get that woman's license plate and file a complaint. People like that shouldn't own animals! Besides making her dogs aggressive (yes, I'm blaming her), she also put them in danger being off leash.

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Post by vicster605 »

So can someone tell me WHY it is that people in a dog park think it is OK to have their dogs OFF LEACH?????? I ALWAYS have Kearra leached when out in public and wouldn't think of bringing her [even if she were a lil' yapper} to a dog park OR ANYWHERE ELSE without one???? I just don't get it!!!
Good Advice Lou, Think about it Jeff, bet if Pekoe was off leach someone would REPORT YOU........

I'm glad Pekoe is alright, and she had WITNESSES for a change!!! :D
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Post by j72 »

I get so tired of people thinking that because they're dogs are small they can't be dangerous.... It seems to me there are more bites from the "bugs" (ha ha ha!!! I too am a "bug" owner) than from the larger breeds, but you only hear about the larger breeds because they are capable of opening they're mouth wide enough to do more damage!
But those little ones get such an attitude... like the youngest sibling ( I am one) that picks and picks and picks on the older ones and then the older one fights back and the youngest runs off crying to mommy about how horrible the older ones are to them!
Not that I ever did that, of course.... O:)
I'm glad Pekoe is okay. Maybe next time you go you should bring some barbeque sauce with you to make them go down easier for Pekoe....
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Post by sit_by_the_beach »

I have been in similar situations with my previous chow. She took no sh*t from anybody. Luna would go for their throat. I held her behind me while kicking or pretending to be kicking the little dog(s). One woman also threatened me. I followed her to her house and then made a report at the copshop which is down the street. The cop cautioned her to keep her dog on a leash. I now take my dig camera with me, to collect evidence. Mikki chow doesn't fight back, she's too meek. I wish I could get a hold of a can of pepperspray.

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Post by TJordan »

Well, as you know I have many run ins with little walking rats in the parks, at dog training. And Butters is about as fed up ad Pekoe. I am glad Pekoe is OK. And especially glad you had witnesses. That is the killer, when nobody sees their precious little dogs doing wrong. Butters has been jumped enough that his patience is gone. And when he goes for one, it is gonna be messy. Just hope we are lucky enough to have witnesses.!!!
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Post by Babs64 »

I am glad Pekoe is okay and didn't have to kill those yappers. I just don't understand people. There are two yappers in my neighborhood that are never on leash. The owner must think they are trained but they never come when called. Last time they rushed Sophie I thought I'd have to kick'em away. Poor Sophie is so timid that she just tries to run away. I also have a little yapper, but I never let him off leash because I know he is too pushy and that just leads to confrontations no one needs. I have also come to hate those d*** retractable leash! I have seen more incidents on walks where dogs can do anything, approach anyone and go after other dogs all because their owners can't control them on a retractable leash.
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Post by TJordan »

Totally, the thing with the retractable leashes is that no one seems to know how to retract. They never reign their dogs in. They let it out all the way and expect everyone to move outta their way!!
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Post by Merlin »

Oh holy hanna... sorry to hear about your dear Pekoe Jeff.
Thank goodness everyone came out of it unscathed.

I have included a link regarding chows and their propensity to get attacked by other dogs. please read at:

Sending positive thoughts to you and Pekoe.
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Post by Aslan »

Jeff, I got so scared when I saw your subject line. I am just happy to know Pekoe is all right and she can take care of herself when needs be. Thank god for those witnesses or a Chow will get blame for nothing. Stay well my friend.

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Post by Merlin »

So can someone tell me WHY it is that people in a dog park think it is OK to have their dogs OFF LEACH
Most of the dog parks were we live are off leash parks. I've not yet seen one where people keep their dogs on leash. I thought that was one of the beauties of dog parks, but I guess it depends on the type of dog park.

The ones here are relatively small. They are more like very large dog runs instead of a park really.

I have some friends in other cities who tell me that their dogs parks are over 2 or 3 acres big. That of course would make a huge difference.

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Post by Jeff&Peks »

Merlin wrote:
So can someone tell me WHY it is that people in a dog park think it is OK to have their dogs OFF LEACH
Most of the dog parks were we live are off leash parks. I've not yet seen one where people keep their dogs on leash. I thought that was one of the beauties of dog parks, but I guess it depends on the type of dog park.

The ones here are relatively small. They are more like very large dog runs instead of a park really.

I have some friends in other cities who tell me that their dogs parks are over 2 or 3 acres big. That of course would make a huge difference.


I think she meant park not dog park. Most dog parks I've been to are fenced and off leash except for two I know of in the bay area, Berkley Marina and one other but they are called off leash area's, they are completely wide open no fences, They are so big the dogs are never in close contact with each other. I have never seen dogs fighting at those area's but have seen plenty of fights at the fenced in dog parks. 99% of the dogs at dog parks usually won't approach a Chow. Pekoe never pays attention to other dogs no matter how close they get to her, she doesn't even look at them when they pass on the sidewalk unless they get right in her face.

I have notice with Pekoe that if a dog does approach her they are looking for trouble, the bigger police type GS's are Pekoe's arch enemies, that will always be a fight.
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Post by Jeff&Peks »

"But those little ones get such an attitude... like the youngest sibling ( I am one) that picks and picks and picks on the older ones and then the older one fights back and the youngest runs off crying to mommy about how horrible the older ones are to them!
Not that I ever did that, of course...."

J72, That's Chris, so in other words you and Chris are little yappers. I have kind of noticed a similarity in you two.
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Post by Auddymay »

Oh man...A squirt gun and watered down skunk musk...but how to fill it (or collect the musk)...oh wait, I live in Michigan! They sell that kind of stuff to the trappers, eh. Probably could buy it on the internet. Aim for the eyes of lil' Yappy. Or be like me and just kick em, and threaten to kick the owner too, if they don't like it. Bastids.
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Post by chris »

I may be a "little yapper" but I am the oldest. :D

I think I came up a little yappy dog in that "what breed would you be" link.. remember?

And jeff, I thought you were a tall slender type of dog.. what was it??? some kind of hunting dog I think...??? wasn't it?
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