Issues with new pup coisty

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Issues with new pup coisty

Post by Redalbi »

Hi all

Just had new wee chow pup at vet. He is 13 weeks and have had him couple of weeks but all vaccinations done so did not think any hurry to see my own vet. He seems a healthy happy wee pup with bags of energy. However, was told that one of eyelids turning in and that may improve when face grows but unlikely and may need op. Also his testicles have not dropped and as inside over time risk of turning cancerous so suggest that he would need castrated within next 6 months or so. I was hoping to stud him and show him but this would rule both out, more importantly is a major op for him. I took insurance out on 10th march so as both issues noticed within 14 days neither will be covered. My vet says that when vaccinations done all this should have been noticed but breeder says was checked but nothing mentioned.

Just one thing after another. Struggling to bond with him as still miss Albertz so much and he is a real handful doing toilet on carpets and biting.

Maybe it was just all too soon. No idea what to do

Karen x
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Re: Issues with new pup coisty

Post by Sirchow »

I am so sorry Karen it seems like everything comes at once. Can I make a suggestion...forget for the moment about the possible problems. Coisty could grow out of the eye condition. keep a close check on it and use any creams the vet gave you. As to the testicals being undescended that may still sort itself out so I would concentrate for now of bonding with your wee guy and and getting past the toileting difficulties. A stud dog cannot be chosen at this age anyway you need to see how he grows and if he is a good enough specimine to add to the chow gene pool. Try to take the presure off yourself and enjoy him as he is because even if you do show him one day he will primarilly be your friend and companion and right now he needs you to see him as a baby who needs love and guidance. If any of us can help with toilet training issues please ask. On here there are so many people with so much experience in all sorts of problems.
My suggestion would be to crate train him and make it his special place where he gets fed and has treats and chews and then confine him there when you cant keep an eye on him. As soon as you see him wake up, finish playing, finish eating, sniffing, circling or anything else lol...whisk him outside. Chows will seldom mess their own little space so perhaps you need to make the space smaller till he learns to keep it clean.
Lots of exercise in small amounts and tire him out. If he bites it is most likely just puppy chewing and nipping so you need to teach him as his sibblings would have that it is not acceptable. As soon as he nips a squeal from you like a puppy would if it was hurt will stop him, then turn away and ignore him with no eye contact for a few mins. Chows are smart he will get it. When his big teeth come in, in my experience most puppies stop chewing everything inc owners.
I am so sorry for the problems you have but for now just try to enjoy your baby. Bonding takes time and I think it is hard to bond with a puppy as they are totally self absorbed and it isn't till they grow they begin to really care about you as well as their own little world.
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Re: Issues with new pup coisty

Post by Sirchow »

Karen I just had a chat with a friend who is a vet and she said that six months is the date they would recon testicals would have dropped by if they were going to. After that point the recommend castration....perhaps your vet is being uneccessarilly quick on this one! xxx
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Re: Issues with new pup coisty

Post by Auddymay »

First congratulations on the new Chowling. As Siriol said. Don't worry about what may never come to fruition. Check out the Training section, there is a wealth of info there on unruly Chowlings. Also, not all Chows immediately house train. That is a misconception. Look at it this way. The Pug I rehomed was still not house broken at 10 months old, and that was with constant vigilence on my part. I am certain Coisty will be much quicker than that!
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Re: Issues with new pup coisty

Post by Redalbi »

Thanks Siriol and Auddymay

Really helps just talking to someone. I am going to take him to another vet in couple of weeks anyway as really not happy with way this vet has dealt with everything.

I know bonding takes time, sure it will come. Just need to try and stop comparing him to my Albi, wee bit hard sometimes though.

Will have a look training section for some tips as I think will be able to bond better once getting toilet issues sorted. I am struggling with that more than anything.

Speak soon

Karen x
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Re: Issues with new pup coisty

Post by Cam Atis »

Can you post some photos of Coisty? I sure am excited to meet him!

I'm sorry to hear you are undergoing such emotional hurdles right now. Your Albi went away last Nov'11 is it not? too soon you say? but hey, at least you still got a cute chowling. Sure Albertz will be happy to know if he's alive that you have a pup that looks like him.
I can't bring myself to buy a new pup until a full year after my dog of almost 13 years passed away last Jan.28, 2011. I was also kind of really lonely but I've been half expecting when she reached 10. So every year I am thankful until it came for her time. She died a natural death.
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Re: Issues with new pup coisty

Post by MissV »

I think some of the folk round these here parts have forgotten about the frustrations of a naughty chow pup! I'm in the teenage years now - and it isnt any better... but everything my dog does, we take with a pinch of salt (and a full BOTTLE of tequilla!).

I know its hard. My slush took 6 months to understand where she can and cant go potty. It took time, lots of cleaning stuff, loads of praise and treats when she went outside...but all the hard work pays off and its totally worth it.
Chin up!
See another vet for sure and join a training class with your dog. The one on one time will help you bond, and you'll both better understand each other.

Thinking of you!
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Re: Issues with new pup coisty

Post by Jdcell100 »

When we got our little bear had 48 hours to get him checked out our original vet wasn't available so we had to use another vet. He checked out great except vet said his testicul didn't drop and gave me a price of 700 dollars for his neutering Little bear is 10 weeks when we got him. So made an appointed with our original vet for his shots and vet checked and said his testicul did drop and neutering would be 150 dollars. So if I wher u I would wait a few weeks and see if it drops
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Re: Issues with new pup coisty

Post by Cam Atis »

Right! You can wait until he is 8 months.
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Re: Issues with new pup coisty

Post by atphiladelphia »

I dont know anything about breeding, but i have two first one, beautiful, healthy and so easily trained. my second chow, my little girl was AWFUL as a puppy. i remember crying one night becasue i was at my wits end. She was loud, hard to train, made a mess of things and had many noticeable medical problems. After the first 8 months things got better, now she is my best friend and her imperfections are so endeering. I have them as pets, so i cannot relate to the dissapointment of not being able to breed, but i am sure time will close the gap between you. And yes, get a new vet, if it doesnt feel good, it isnt good.

good luck!
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Re: Issues with new pup coisty

Post by bellachow »

I have been really lucky all of mine were a breeze to potty train. But I wanted to suggest you mention the possibility of 'tacking' his eyelids now to the new vet. Our vet did this w/ Belle under gas (same stuff they use to deliver c-section). This keeps the lashes from damaging the eyes & sometimes let's the problem correct itself as the puppy grows. It didnt work for Belle but I would do it again cause it was worth a try (& not harmful to her).

I do understand the bonding problem & believe it will work itself out. Over 15 yrs ago our 1st chow puppy was poisoned & right away we got Leo. After 2weeks we were considering taking hm back. Instead I chose to take him with me everywhere I could, even if it was just going to drive thru for dinner hoping to bond w/ him. The result was 12+ wonderful years together.
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Re: Issues with new pup coisty

Post by Redalbi »


Wee while since was on here been really busy with work. Thank you all for taking time to reply to me. Funny am at wits end with Coisty so reading these posts has really helped. Miss V can totally relate to what you say and made me giggle(maybe need some bacardi till he is toilet trained!!!). Cam Atis you are right is really soon after losing Albertz to have new chow, just worked out that way as was a friend of a friend. Bellachow your post is very helpful and will certainly talk over with new vet. But do appreciate you talking about the bonding. I took Coisty to my caravan yesterday, this is the place that Albertz loved the most and where I find hardest to visit. Still really sad but enjoyed having Coisty there with me and he loved it too. Crossed my mind end last week that would need to take him back to breeder as just felt had made huge mistake but you are right will be worth it. atphiladelphia as said was at my wits end so just hearing things getting better is big help, being able to breed him would have been nice but not essential. Just going to clear up more pee now joys. Thanks everyone spk soon. Karen x
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Re: Issues with new pup coisty

Post by replicabelt »

good luck!
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