Weekend Adventures

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Weekend Adventures

Post by simbasmom »

Hi ChowChows
Coco here.. Had another busy weekend here.. I discovered that I could get out of my yard by pushing on the bottom of the gate, but once you get out you can't get back in. My mom wasn't home (she went to visit the nice lady who lives next door to us ) so I decided to take a little walk .. I took a little walk down our sidewalk it was kind of cool I got to explore the trees and the grass with out anyone trying to rush me along. I didn't go on the road or anything.. I don't like those cars and truck that go zoomies past my house. My mom saw me from the window and came out and called my name, I was so happy to see her and ran right to her when she called my name, I wanted her to know I am a big boy now and can go for walks by myself she gave me a big hug and told me what a good boy I was.. but for some reason now she doesn't want me to go out and play by myself... moms go figure.
I borrowed my mom's phone the other day and took it outside, my mom works so much I figured if she couldn't find her phone she wouldn't have to work :twisted: and she would have more time to play with me.. but that didn't work she just used the other phone.
I also found another little bunny in my yard, but this time my non furry brother andrew took it . It gave him a little bite on his finger to tell him its not nice to take bunnies from little Coco.. but he told my mom and she told me its not nice to bite .. Everybody just likes to spoil my fun..

Bye for now Coco
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Post by kingalls »

What an adventure! Can you still push the gate open to take another walk?
We are very envious that your Mom let you take a such an outing!

Shiloh and Mr. N

PS - Moms are really attached to those phones so we think you should find another toy.
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Post by ngraham »

Hi CoCo...
Koda here. I LOVE my momma's cell phone. I have personalized it very nicely for her, altho I don't think she appreciates it. :( At least no one will mistake it for theirs. My little sister Molly and I are still adjusting to our new home and yard. I am not so sure how I feel about it yet. At our old house my mom let me be off leash, now I have to stay on a lead or a leash... she says she is afraid I will take off and get lost or someone will take me. I keep telling her I won't, but I don't think she believes me. Molly is able to be off leash and I think that is so unfair. She is such a little brat. We do have a nice park and a small lake down the street from us and I like it down there. But I still miss the freedom that I used to have. I just don't understand why mom has to be so scared. She says it's because she loves me. <sigh>
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Post by chowfrnd88 »

Oh my goodness Coco!!! I am sooooo jealous!!! I read the story to my mommy and said you are a very goos storyteller and she liked how you said the cars and trucks go zoomies by your house and that she could just picture you almost shrugging "I think I'll go for a walk." Well, you couldn't get in and your mommy was elsewhere, why should you stay home? :wink: How lovely that you took her phone. I like to listen for the atrange sound my mommy's makes because it sometimes means I can go outside and I get so excited! I gotta go see what's happening out there.

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Post by Odessa's mum »

Hi Coco
Mum's get frantic for no reason. I'm sure you enjoyed the walk by yourself.
I did that once too, mum was at work and my dad and grandmom were busy and I wanted my walk, how dare they delay my walk :twisted: Due to a storm the previous evening, part of the fence had collasped and so I took a walk to the neighbours yard. Then I managed to get to the gas station behind their house as a part of the fence had collasped there too. I watched the cars filling up and then came back the same way because I thought I heard dad calling. But when I got back, the back door was closed and nobody was around.
So I went back again to the gas station and then took my regular route home smelling the grass and checking out stuff on the way. As I was walking home towards my driveway (and like you, I was good too and stayed on the sidewalk) I saw dad driving back looking miserable.
My grandmom was waiting by the front door talking to mom on the phone giving her an update and so also some neighbours who had seen me walking around by myself and come to report it, as they were all so worried that I had got run over or someone had taken me. What wimps :lol: -- like we can't find our way home. :roll:
Needless to say, the next day the fence was fixed and so I have not been able to take any walks by myself after that.
Maybe you can visit soon and then we can both go out together, I'll show you all the fun spots .... and a new cat a couple of doors down :twisted:

Her Highness Odessa
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Post by Judy Fox »

Oh! Coco,

You are so lucky. Last time I went for a walk by myself I went through a hole in my back hedge. My Daddy did not know it was there.Hee!Hee!
Anyway, I went into Mrs. Roberts' garden. Here back garden is behind our back garden so I went in and had a look around then I went into the kitchen and through to her sitting room and then through to the hall and that is where Mrs. Roberts found me.
Well she told me to get out and I went into the garden and she opened her side gate and told me to get out. So I went down to the road and crossed the road very carefully and started to walk along to the park 'cos I know where to go. Milly wasn't with me 'cos she was fast asleep behind the greenhouse.
Suddenly I heard someone running behind me and there was my Mummy. She was very white and she got down on her knees and cuddled me and kissed me and told me how much she loved me and what a naughty girl I was then do you know what she did? Hee!Hee! She carried me home and told me I was a big lump. When she ran out to get me she forgot to take my harness and lead with her and she was frightened I might get run over on the road.
She is such a fuss-pot.
Then, that afternoon, my Daddy mended the hole in the hedge and now I cannot get out again to go and visit Mrs. Roberts.
So you are a lucky boy managing to get out.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxfrom Mabel.
(Thank you Sweetpea for my new banner.)
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Post by TigerTiger »

Oh, Coco, you must really have a good time!

I had been able to walk with mommy and daddy for three times so far. The first time happened when I were 6 months old -- of course, according to mommy.....I basically paid a visit of our neighbour's swimming pool through a little hole in grandma's back yard fence. I were not too happy about that experience as you know, I were all wet and that was the first time I encountered with a swimming pool. My daddy actually had to rescured me out of there. :( The second time happened when our previous cleaning lady opened the door of our back yard and did not realize I were "right there waiting" HeHe.......The scared the xxxx of her. She chased me for three blocks -- I were staying on the sidewalk too! :D And finally stopped me with the help of this old gentelman -- who I think should just live me alone (Oops, mommy said it's not nice to say that). :shock: The third time, it was just last week, grandma opened the garage door and did not know that the door for the garage to the back yard was opened and I were in the yard! I could hear her scream for help to mommy and daddy, then I heard mommy call my name and I could tell from her voice that she was really worry. I decided to cut my edvanture short and returned home. But why can they understand that we are CHOWS -- the smartest doggie in the world!!! Of course we can take care of selves.
Purple kisses from Tiger xxxxxx

Karen, Pablo & Tiger
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Post by Sharons Chows »

Hey it's me JR,

My Mom goes crazy if I even get near a road on my walks cause my Uncle, Mozart, who lived here before me escaped from the back yard and took a walk into the street and never came back and then he had to walk all the way to the Rainbow bridge instead, So I try to remember to be a good boy and not cause my Mom anymore sadness.
But about 4 years ago we boated to one of the Lake Erie islands and Dad put my life jacket on so I could swim in the lake. Well...I saw this really nice beach and all of these climbing rocks and decided to swim a little extra and climb up the rocks...and over the top of them there was the main road of the island...so I trotted off down the road with my bright yellow life jacket around me and a few cars and bikes driving by me.All of a sudden I saw Dad running behind me yelling and yelling for me. He had scratches and was breathing hard...guess he had to swim in all the way too and run around looking for me while Mom was crying because she thought I wouldn't come back. She sure kept hugging me lots and lots afterwards.

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Post by Sharons Chows »

Yes JR
You forgot there was poison ivy on the rocks as I climbed after you. I dont recall you scratching with me the next day

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Post by ngraham »

Alan and Sharon wrote:Yes JR
You forgot there was poison ivy on the rocks as I climbed after you. I dont recall you scratching with me the next day

OMG!!!!! Poor Daddy. The intense love of a chow parent. :)
Nancy and Tai

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Post by ngraham »

Hello chow friends... this is Molly.
I am still pretty small yet, so I haven't had a chance to give my Mom any scares yet. So I am learning from all of you. It sure isn't like my big brother Koda is going to teach me anything about that. <sigh> He always seems to do what my Mommy says. What fun is that? But when he does what Mom says, I watch her give him lots of love and tell him what a good boy he is. PFFFTTT. I don't get it at all. I mean, I love my Mommy, but I am way too busy right now to take the time to let her love on me and cuddle with me, so what is the sense of being good? Koda seems to enjoy it tho. He leans right into her and gives her kisses. I kiss Mommy too... but only after she gets in from work at night. I have to admit, I am glad to see her then. But after that, I prefer to do my own thing. I'd like a chance to be bad, but I think it is going to be awhile before I get that chance. This morning my mommy told me that I am going to learn to start coming to her when she calls me. I wanted to tell her "Ya think?" I tried to wonder down the alley out of Mom's site and guess who told on me? Koda did. He looked right at me and threw a fit, and of course Mommy and my non-fur sister saw him and Sissy walked to the alley and told me to get my butt back over in the yard. I'll never get a chance to have fun. :(
Nancy and Tai

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