Stupid misconceptions

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Stupid misconceptions

Post by Kspurlock »

Im just so angry.

We are moving into a new house soon and we have always wanted a 3rd dog. Finally we will have the room but we are choosing to get a puppy now because we are hoping to avoid most accidents on the new carpet :shock: I browse craigslist and local shelters for anything that catches my eye. We are looking for a younger dog preferably not over 4 months but not a specific breed. I came across a beautiful all white purebred siberian husky female at 3 1/2 months. I emailed and asked if she was still available, how much she was, and for more information and photo's. The woman was not to interested in answering all of my questions or send me more photo's. But she asked me 101 questions so i politely answered them. She asked what kind of dogs we had and I told her about leela and tynawon. Right after I asked if there was a time that we could bring tyna to meet her dog to see if there was a fit because she is somewhat special needs that we need to make sure if this dog came into our home she wouldn't try to harm tyna because leela would attack to protect her. Right after the woman replied with a rather rude response. She said since we had a chow that we couldn't meet up or purchase her dog. She wasn't going to send her puppy to be attacked buy a vicious dog. SERIOUSLY!? she didn't even take the time to get to know tyna. I can understand a little hesitance, most people don't know the breed very well apart from the stories they hear. But to flat out refuse a dog you're GIVING AWAY a chance at a great home with 2 awesome pups to play with because my dog will supposedly attack hers?

I can not stand people like this. No one knows tyna like I do and she wouldn't hurt a fly. she's a very sweet little girl and her dog missed out on a chance at a very happy home. I hope she can find someone as genuine as us to adopt her poor pup.
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Re: Stupid misconceptions

Post by Fozzbear »

I think that you should email and tell her that! Maybe she misunderstood but I share your indignation!
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Re: Stupid misconceptions

Post by wokman »

Siberian Huskies are escape artist; they can climb fences like a spider. Check their health issues that they can have.
Some like Chows can be aggressive and they are strong, closer to their Wolf ancestors. Old saying, two is company; threes a crowd. Problems can occur with two of the same gender. Just my two cents. :|
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Re: Stupid misconceptions

Post by kitten1426 »

We have a crazy mix at our house...2 chows...a female and a male Kodi pictured below..A male collie and A male Airedale all around the same age 2yrs old and down youngest being 22 months...we got them all around the same time..the Airedale and Kodi a week female chow she was 1st the came Shelby our Male collie..I think alot has to do on how you train them..IMO....Ours all get along together...
Our dogs...Kodi Male chow..[Mia Female Chow RB :( :( ]...Bear Male Airedale...Shelby Male Collie...And Moose airedale, New girl chow Merida
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Re: Stupid misconceptions

Post by Tippsy'smom »

What a stupid woman....

I've had a chow and chow mixes with pomeranians (4), a yorkie, a chihuahua, a min pin, a poodle, a schnauzer, a boxer, a beagle, and a pitbull mix and have never EVER had a problem with them being together. This woman is simply being ignorant.
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Re: Stupid misconceptions

Post by applebear »

I'm a bit surprised she had the gull to give you a hard time, as huskies have their own nasty reputation...isn't justified any more than the chows, but it exists. It's a bit funny [not haha funny], as 15-20 years ago when I got my first chows, their reputation wasn't nearly so smeared. More people didn't know what they were more than anything. But thanks to years of BYBs, puppy mills, impulse buying and top that off with media and BSL...people start labeling them without even meeting one.

Honestly, you're better off without dealing with someone so ignorant. Also keep in mind huskies have extreme energy levels, so maybe it might not have been the right dog...but if so, there are many in shelters for this reason. A lot don't understand how much work goes into the chow/husky is only a mix and he drains me daily. lol Maybe a rescue or shelter would be an option if that's what you want? :)
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Re: Stupid misconceptions

Post by Kspurlock »

I wish people knew more about the breed. When I take my chow to practice everyone says "Oooo a little teddy bear! I want one!" I take than opportunity to explain the breed, good and bad. And tell them if they are seriously looking into getting one to come to this website and ask questions as well as read posts. This site has been extremely helpful for not only my chow but my hyperactive, nutcase of a dog Leela. Lol in the department of high energy, extremely active dogs I have my share if experience. Not only owning Leela, who tries my patience on a daily basis, but I also owned an Australian shepherd named maxx. We bought him from the humane society and I swear he was abused. He is terrified when you yell, make loud noises, show him a shoe, and he will attack any broom that touches him. We are very well prepared for most dog breeds and very understanding of the fact that every breed is different and it takes a lot to raise a pup. I actually went to the shelter and fell in love with this little fluffball of a dog. I love my chow but Pomeranians and collies have my heart. This little sable Pom looked so much like my childhood collie (miniature version of course) that I looked at josh and didn't even have to ask. We told them we'd be back with tyna Saturday to see how they do. My mom has a Pom named bean and tyna just loves him to death so I'm not too worried about her I hope the Pom isn't terrified of a loud, slobbering, stiff-legged, fuzzy creature :) we decided something small was best for tyna so it won't knock her over during play. Leela is only 25 lbs and a fairly small dog and she sometimes knocks her over. I can't even contain my excitement! I know tyna will love her because she loves any small puppy. She plays bossy mama and tries to keep an eye on them as best she can. Leela is more of a "I will be as close to you as I possibly can even if that means sitting on your head" kind of dog. :)
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