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Shuggy neutered

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:18 am
by Laura
SHuggy got snipped today and I'm just whining. He is out of surgery but has to spend the night. Miss Chloe is not happy and neither am I! :cry:
Anything I need to know for when he comes home? Males generally bounce back pretty fast don't they? Doc says keep him and Miss Chloe separated for a few days and no wild playing and stuff for 7-10 days. It's been 15 years since I had to do this so I can't remember.
My poor baby!

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:24 am
by Dogdad
Yes males bounce back very quickly, it is pretty non evasive


Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:30 am
by TJordan
Butters didn't have to stay the night as his vet wasn't up to the challenge. But he was fine by the next morning. He wouldn't have anything to do with me for about 3 days because he was mad at me, but he was feeling fine by the next day!!!

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:34 am
by fillyok
Tod went through it last year and I think it was harder on me than him. :P He was able to come home the same day and seemed fine. I got a couple days of pain meds for him, but I really didn't know him well enough at the time to figure out if he was okay or not. I tried to keep the e-collar on as long as I wasn't around. That was probably the most difficult thing...keeping him from licking himself.

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:35 am
by KathrynH
Buddha didn't have to stay the night either, I dropped him off before work, and picked him up after. He bounced back pretty quickly, but the first day he couldn't seem to get comfortable, and kept looking at me like "what's wrong with me?", but other than that he was his usual perky self.

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:56 am
by Laura
I wasn't going to leave him overnight but with this rescue dog here and Miss Chloe and keeping everyone separated it's just all too much so I think the rest and quiet will do him good as my vet recommended. Vet was pretty adament that he stay and I'm sure it's best. They are there til 9:00 tonight so hopefully I can resist the 8:55 trip to get him...hehe. It's just hard on me...want my baby home! Rescue doggie heads off to his new home tomorrow morning so I will spring Shuggy then.

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:18 pm
by Ginger Bears Mom
Aww poor Shuggy, if it were only the fact of the rescue I would tell the doc unless he is bleeding or has an IV he is coming with me! Sorry I just know how our GB was when ever she had to be vetted for an issue we knew she was better off at home. Call me nuts but that girl just wanted to be home, when she was afflicted with rare tick paralysis (sp) we brought her home, didn't have 24 hr svcs in the area we lived and we just knew she would be better watched and heal better with us. We took turns watching her through out the night and thankfully she came out of it. My vote is if you can seperate em bring him home.

PS...Ziggy wants you to get well soon!

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:14 pm
by vicster605
Awww poor Shuggy :cry: Tell him Kyra doesn't know it yet but she is going for her PERMANENT attitude adjustment tomorrow too LOL!!! HUGS to Shuggy, he will be good as new in a day or two [:D]

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:28 pm
by Layla
Poor you :D Shug will be happy to see you tomorrow though! Good luck with keeping him & Miss Chloe apart.... that worked out SO well for me after Af's surgery :shock: :roll:

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:47 pm
by Laura
Well actually he is home. I called to check on him and they said I could come get him so I did but now I am wondering if that is a good idea. He is very freaked out...running around whining and biting at his back end (not the area of surgery),won't lay down...and Chloe has lost her mind (not taking confinement well to say the least). I'll update later. If he doesn't settle down in a bit going to call the vet back. Just popped on to see if anyone had shared any wisdom I needed to know about.
Prayers for Miss Kyra and her 'attitude adjustment'...hehe.

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 6:39 pm
by Piff Poff
Henry really suffered after he had been neutered. He couldn't settle and had it not ben the fact that he could self cool on the snow outside it would have been a whole lot worse. I took him back to the vets and they told me he was OK. I insisted he stayed with them as night times were the worst. They found out the problems we had been experiencing. (I had slept on the couch with him, he was going outside to lay in the snow every 30 mins).

it turned out that he was allergic to either the glue or the stitches and he got an infection.

I hope Shuggy is OK.

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 6:45 pm
by Grab
Many times dogs find the stitches (though they're internal) a bit itchy at first. They usually calm down fairly quickly. Watch for any abnormal swelling, but chances are he'll calm down soon

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:27 pm
by vicster605
Awwww I hope he is ok, maybe the Vet can give him a one time pain med or something?? Please keep us posted...I'm a worry wort.... :cry:

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:42 pm
by Laura
I did call the vet back. He had already been given pain meds for the evening but she did prescribe a sedative. I didn't give it to him as of yet because he did settle...actually slept on the couch with us for the past hour and a half which is very unlike him. I got up to come in here and check the site before bed and he is pacing/whining again. I am going to try and get him to settle with me in the guest room for the night. I hate to give him a sedative so maybe I won't have to if I can get him to relax again.
Thanks for the warning about potential allergies Piff Poff and thank everyone else for their concern. Will update tomorrow. My poor baby! :cry:

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:39 am
by jacqui
how did Shug do last night? hope hes feeling a little better :)

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:52 am
by janet
hugs and kisses to shug. is he feeling any better today???

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:24 am
by Laura
Well my big baby slept in the bed with me all night...which he has never done and I'm sure will never do again. Neither us of slept much but so sweet that he wanted to be with mommy after his ordeal. He seems better this morning so hopefully the worst is over. He isn't mad at me...won't leave my side in fact...just melts my heart. Love him so so much!!!

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:11 am
by TJordan
AWWW he sounds so sweet!!! Hope he is on the mend!

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:24 am
by fillyok
Awww poor Shug and poor you. I know those sleepless nights too. Bear slept on the bed with me after his entropion surgery (very unlike him) and I slept on the floor with Tod and Samantha. Tod was only with me about 4 days before he got snipped so it was hard to determine if he became more clingy or not. He's a big momma's boy now...never leaves my side and always sleeps on the bed with me. I got very concerned about his surgery because the area turned black (like it was scorched) and it was swollen too. I searched a lot on the internet and saw a couple photos that looked similar. He actually let me put a papertowel-wrapped ice pack on the area. The things we do for our furkids, right? Things got back to normal in about 3-4 days.

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:57 am
by Ginger Bears Mom
I am so glad to hear you brought Shugs home last night, even though you may have had a restless night with him being restless, I am sure he was much happier being near his Mommy than in a vets office. Glad to hear he is improving, we just had one of our cats neutered and he acted the same way, almost like ants in his pants and then would snuggle in for spells of sleep.

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:04 pm
by Layla
Yay for being home Shuggy!

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:26 pm
by chow fancier
Glad to hear he is doing better.

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:16 pm
by vicster605
Awwww such a sweet boy [:D] I'm glad he is doing better and you let him sleep in the big bed last night to keep him close :D

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:02 pm
by gebower
I know exactly how you feel. I had Max neutered at about 7 months and I truly went through emotional turmoil over it. When they brought him out and he looked at me, it was to say, "What did you do to me?" I lowered my head. But, he's healthy and fine now, and celebrated his 1st birthday. But, it seemed to be rougher on me, a male than it was to my wife.
I can tell you that Max would have NOTHING to do with the "lamp shade" and fought it tooth and nail. So, I didn't get it on him. He did do a lot of licking, and you need to stop him when he does. Natural instinct to lick a wound. We used Vaseline on it to keep him from licking so much. It helped. It was on our instructions. It took like about almost a week before he stopped it. What was good is that they gave us a pain killer and anti-inflammatory pills to give him for the next 5 days that helped. And, I mad SURE he got his pill when he was suppose to get it. They say he will be healthier for it and probably live longer, too. So, that's the good thing. Good luck.

Re: Shuggy neutered

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:44 pm
by Laura
Shuggy is doing better but he has milked it for all it was worth. He has been a big ole baby but I have loved cuddling him and having him want to be right with me. I took him off the pain pills today and he hasn't been licking his wound at all so no lampshade thank goodness. He really was whining and upset or in pain for those first 3 days though. Whew glad it all seems to be over (i hope). Poor baby! I suspect it will be worse when Miss Chloe gets hers done in a few months.