Who and What is Jeff 2

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Who and What is Jeff 2

Post by Judy Fox »

I think I have asked this question before! :)

However this time I have labelled my new topic this way to catch attention - more specifically Jeff 2. :-oo

Now then young Jeff - I am not sure who you are, how old you are and what is your intention! :?

If you are what you say you are i.e. a high school student and you are seriously wanting our advice - well read what we have said and act on it.

If you are just taking the micky out of us with a barrage of ridiculous questions to wind us up - pack it in! :-x

Now, I will tell you who and what I am - I am a 63 yr. old retired, irascible Welsh woman who lives in the UK. I have two 5.5 yr. old chow chows and have had a lot of good advice off this site and I don't like being taken the micky out of and I don't like reading people I have grown to like and respect, arguing with each other.

So, here are some basic facts for you regarding CHOW CHOWS - not dogs - CHOW CHOWS.


1. Get some proper dog food, i.e. kibble with perhaps dog meat, scrambled egg, fish of some sort - or rice with the same and feed him three times a day - not human food and remember, a chow chow will eat when he is hungry. :)

2. Leave water for the chow at all times. :)

3. Take the chow for a walk every day - or at least as often as possible.

4. Play with the chow - talk to the chow - brush and comb the chow - interact with the chow. :D

5. Make sure the chow has had his jabs and whilst you are at the vet's office get him to check the chow's nails. 8)

6. Work out a way to 'potty train' the chow and stick with it - chows are the very cleanest of 'wee beasties' and it took me three days to house train Milly when she was 6 wks. old and she has never slipped up in the house since. :)

Now this is basically a summary of what every one else on the site has been telling you. I cannot make it any easier and I don't think I have forgotten anything - if I have - somebody please amend. :)

So, if you are seriously asking for our advice, in future ask some sensible questions and quit asking 'your mate's' opinion - then asking us - then ignoring us.

We know what we are talking about. :wink:

Please give your chowling a hug from me and some purple kisses from Milly and Mabel. :) :)
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Post by ngraham »

I have 3 words.... YOU GO GIRL!
Nancy and Tai

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Post by Sharons Chows »

I think we have a forum Troll

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Post by Jeff&Peks »

Lets not be to hard on him he is a kid, my only problem is he's not listening to the advice plus I always put the Chow first then the human no matter what the circumstances. With Jeff he just seems to be looking for excuses and not using common sense.
Even though he is just a kid we have had alot of kids post in here about their Chows, That little girl that lost Bear a few months back she seemed to be the one responsible for raising and taking care of him and Bear lived to be 15 I think.
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Post by Zhuyos mom »

I haven't been reading Jeff2's post since I've been real busy with things. With Judy's post, I have caught up.

Now, now, we must not be so harsh. I think he is trying to get the best advice and do the best he can for his chowling (as well as teaching his little brother to be mindful of their new family member). I feel bad, but I don't see how his questions aren't sincere. Seriously, if you are in your teens, wouldn't you ask questions upon questions. And if you weren't use to this forum and the differing opinions, wouldn't you question who is right and whose advice can you trust. Then we have the "friend" who is an outside person whose opinion Jeff is sharing with us, which is good, because Jeff needs to know his friend is wrong. So everybody, as frustrating as it sometimes, patience, patience. I see it as he's weighing our advice. My patience was certainly tried when Stephanie (Bear's mom) could not find someone to help her. I mean, she was a 4H kid. Someone from her club could have helped.

That being said, Jeff2, listen to me (as well as Judy and the others). I'll be repeating what many have said....

* 3 month old puppy needs puppy food. Puppy food to grow strong and build its system. Buy it! Do not give him people food or people scraps. You will have a malnurished dog. He still has puppy teeth so you want his adult teeth to be healthy and strong as well.

* Exercise your puppy as much as possible. You have a double whammy. You chow is half golden retriever. You're not likely to have a lazy dog. Your chow is probably going to be active. So take him/her for a walk at least twice a day... before you go to school and when you come back from school.

* Have fresh water for him/her 24/7. Your puppy will only drink when he/she is thirsty. It just needs to be available or your puppy can die of dehydration.

* Walking your dog on concrete will file down its nails. It's good you are trimming them as they grow. It's natural for him/her to squirm. Just as long as you don't cut the quick (which it seems you have not). I taught my boy "give me your paw" and I would put his paw to my cheek. He's good with nail trimming. As is my rescue... she would yelp when I would just reach for her paw, when I first got her, but once I started doing the paw to my cheek thing, she is okay with me trimming her nails. I don't know if that would help you, just sharing what I did. My chows are exceptional, if you ask me.

* Walking your puppy in the morning and the afternoon will allow him a pattern to do #1 or #2 during your walks.

* Bringing your chowling to your brother's preschool. I'm not sure that is a good thing. Once your chow gets bigger, his social interactions with the other preschoolers may change. I'm surprised the teacher lets your little brother bring a pet to school as most preschools don't allow it for health code reasons.

* Finally, go to puppy kindergarten. Find a class close to where you live. It'll be a good thing for your entire family. You have a half chow/half golden, learn from class how you can have maximal fun when your puppy grows up.
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Re: Who and What is Jeff 2

Post by Shane »

Judy Fox wrote:
it took me three days to house train Milly when she was 6 wks. old and she has never slipped up in the house since. :)

Mmmm, thats interesting. It took me an average of 2 weeks for both of my chows. The first five to seven days for pooping, and about another four days for the peeing. However, the other rest of days they include a slip here and there when I didn't reach to from school to home intime. Or maybe in the night when I was in a really deep sleep, and was unable to let them outside.

They have had only a few slip ups from them which you can count on one hand. Usually this was because of upset stomach.

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Post by Judy Fox »

Interesting it may be - but true it certainly is! :P

When Milly came home with us she was exactly six weeks old.

I provided two boxes for her to sleep in - one in the kichen and one in our bedroom.

I put newspaper down in the kitchen and in the sitting room by the kitchen door.

As soon as she woke up from a sleep, I picked her up and put her on the paper in the kitchen and she spent a penny. Similarly when she had eaten - in the kitchen - I picked her up and put her on the paper. The next day, I picked her up and put her out and walked round the garden with her saying the words, "Good girl Milly, spend a penny". :)

She then would wake up and run to the paper and I would run to the back door and if I got to the door before she had spent a penny - I would say "wait a minute Milly, come out to spend a penny", Within three days she had cracked it. I left the paper down in the kitchen for a couple of weeks but she never used it - she would dance about at the back door.

At night, I put a big wad of newspaper down in front of her box which was my side of our bed. The first night she spent a penny on it - not on the carpet - the next night I woke when she got out of her box and rattled the paper. I picked her up and ran through to the back door and took her out and she spent a penny and was cuddled and petted and told she was a good girl. I remember this vividly - it was November and I ran through to the garden in my nightie and no slippers - no time to put slippers and a dressing gown on. :lol:

That was the end of Milly's housetraining - it was made easier in that her breeder had trained the puppies to paper before we got Milly.

And, she has never slipped up since, ever. :roll:

With Mabel, when Milly came to live with us, she went to live with her sire's family and was housed in kennels until she was six months old and came to live with us but even with her, after a couple of days she knew how and what to do to get my attention. The only time she has slipped up was when she had a nasty urinary tract infection. Poor Mabel, she was so ashamed. :(

And that is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. :!:
(Thank you Sweetpea for my new banner.)
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