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Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:53 am
by izzitcat
Is arthritus a big problem with Chows (I have a 14yr. old) that has just this last past week displays an aversion to going UP steps. He goes down them fine.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:05 am
by Zhuyos mom
Hi Izzitcat -

I'm not sure if it is a BIG problem with chows, but I do believe arthritis does occur often enough with senior chows.

My 13.5 year old (Zhuyo) developed an aversion to go upstairs sometime last fall, September. But I'm pretty sure it's directly related to an accident he had trying to race his baby sister back upstairs from the backyard. He lost his footing on a step and fell. One of his nails tore off and we had to get it removed by the vet. You know how they have such amazing memories. Then again, he just might not be into racing upstairs anymore. So perhaps, something happened to your baby when you were not around and that might be a cause for his/her (sorry forgot) aversion.

Regarding arthritis... last week PB and Zhu had their spa (grooming) appointment. The floor at the groomers are always so clean and shiny. Zhu had a difficult time balancing on them this time 'round. He could walk but would slip and slide about. When he would fall, he had great difficulty in staying up and maintaining his grip/balance. When I picked them both up, Zhu was so exhausted that he literally could not walk because his joints were aching. He was very stoic and didn't complain. I noticed earlier in the week that he would limp to relieve pressure on his front right paw, could be a touch of tendonitis. Zhu is right paw dominant. But this inability to not stand and walk was disconcerting. So first thing the next morning, I called his vet to get a handful of Rimadyl's (Arthritis medicine for dogs) and went on a hunt for "sea jerky" (a glucosimine/chondriotin supplement that someone on this site recommended). Couldn't find the "sea jerky" but this tiny pet store in the neighboring beachtown carried "happy hips" and highly recommended it. Apparently the town's police dogs are regular "happy hips" customers. Three days on Rimadyl and a bag of "happy hips" later, he's running around like a teenager again! Tomorrow I pick up the "sea jerky". The store owner ordered it for me.

Long story... sorry :oops: . My point is that next time you see your chow in an "arthritic distress", try getting 5 Rimadyl's from your vet . No need to get more because (1) they are expensive and (2) your chow might be allergic to it and be left with a bottle of useless, expensive pills (our Lao is allergic to it). Anyways, your vet will know the proper dosage. My vet said to give Zhu only 3 (half of one pill in the am and the other in the pm) since it's really hard on the liver. Then if there is relief, go on the g/c supplements and use the remaining Rimadyl's on an as needed basis. If you haven't already, you might want to change his food to something with g/c already in it. Zhu is on Hill's Prescription Z/D Ultra so I have to give him g/c as a treat. I tell you, he gave me a big scare last week. I thought he was telling me that it was "time".

Good luck!

P.S. Along wiith other posts on this site that have touched on the subject, there is something on Dr. Chow regarding Hip Dysplasia. Click on the chow chow info menu and then on Dr. Chow.