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West MI Foster Homes

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 1:41 pm
by Larry Harris
Terrina and I (TLC) are in desperate need of foster homes. Know of anyone from Ludington to ST Joe to Lansing that are willing. Will only ask that they take one dog at a time. We cover fees and medical.

There is a Chow Girl in Muskegon that needs a home by the 26th of this month. Need a home without cats. We have too many cats to even try.

She goes to the shelter on the 26th.

Larry and Terrina

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:43 pm
by Auddymay
Is she at vector control right now?

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:25 pm
by Larry Harris
Not yet we are not going to let her get there. Terrina just called we are picking her up Thursday after work. The chows present family lost their home and job and are moving to an apartment and can not keep any of their pets. They are heartbroken! Terrina said you could hear it in is voice as he was about to cry.

So many in West MI are losing jobs and homes it is just awful.


Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:53 pm
by Jeff&Peks
Still no excuse to give up your pets but I guess its a populer one people buy it.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 6:13 pm
by Auddymay
I will talk to Brian about fostering. My biggest challenge is that I don't have a fenced yard, and Lily can be a pill where other dogs are concerned. Also having 2 females already might be a factor in the dynamics. Pip is so non-confrontational, I sometimes wonder if Lily tries to make up for it. I'll PM you, and we will see what the old boy says.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:01 am
by Larry Harris

I know in this country we have the right to speak our opinions. However if you were to follow the old saying "If you can not say anything nice then say nothing at all" you would be a very quite person.

You have no idea what this family is going through. If they qualify for unemployment they will receive about 60% of their earnings. The house is in foreclosure as are so many around here. They are losing all but their family. In talking to them instead of just guessing or making off the cuff comments you can tell they are shaken and very very sad. As you conteplate what wisp of wisdom comes next how about thinking of a way to help all the pets in your state that are now homeless!

Apologies list members but this one hit a nerve.


Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:55 am
by redangie24
Jeff say something nice?? lol... yeah right. Jeff's only interests are in pets. He often talks about getting rid of family members before pets. I would just let it roll. Jeff is Jeff and you gotta love him...seriously or he will make you.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:18 pm
by Larry Harris

As you are thinking about fostering, we do not have a requirement for a fence for an experienced Chow owner.


Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:46 pm
by debraschow
REally? We have a pen but we didn't feel like it was fair to 2. Know I am north of Ludington but jeez just a bit :lol:

John actually said that Milo wants to say thanks!

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:31 pm
by Larry Harris

If you would like to foster we can always use help from a family that understands and loves Chows. There are just so many some days it seems daunting.

It is nice to know Milo is in such good hands [:D] Good things come to good people!


Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:59 pm
by Jeff&Peks
That's all Fine but nothing in life last for ever, Jobs, spouses, health, money, what ever. You don't adopt a pet just because all is fine one month then Dump it the next because something went wrong. I've lost jobs, I've been up and down in the past ten years I have had Pekoe, not once would I ever consider giving my Chow up. There are many people on this site that are struggling because of one reason or another two just went through divorces and one packed upped the kids and Chows and moved 3000 miles across the state to Alaska they would never give up their pets. Pekoe is what gets me through life's ups and downs, I look at her and say don't worry Peks we will pull out of this and we always do. Whats really bad that as soon as your friend picks himself up he will go out and get another dog then dump that one when something goes wrong. If a Child had to live like that thinking he could be kicked out at the end of every pay day the Child would be out shooting people.

Your views of always being understanding and trying to be the nice guy putting the human first no matter what doesn't add up to being a rescue. No rescue or shelter I know of would ever except giving up a pet because of a Job loss or a life change unless its extreme illness or the death of the owner. It appears to me that the only rescuing you actually do is saying you rescue but can't because of your cats and the rescue won't fit into your pac. In your discussion with Kawani and Luvchows you yourself admit you really know nothing about the Chow not even the Basic's of a Chow so how can you determine what make's a good Chow owner or not. What happens to these Chows you rescue or foster when you rehome them with someone that doesn't understand a Chow. Do you have a contract saying the Chow must be returned to youand if it is Then what shipped off to another home. If your going to be in the business of rescuing or fostering of any breed of dog I would suggest you start showing some compassion for the Chow/Dog and not so much for the human but then again you also believe in Euthanizing and cleaning out those cages to make room for more.

Apologies list members but this one hit a nerve. But I guess he means well....

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:29 pm
by Auddymay
em·pa·thy (mp-th)

Direct identification with, understanding of, and vicarious experience of another person's situation, feelings, and motives.
The projection of one's own feelings or emotional state onto an object or animal.

con·trar·y Pronunciation[kon-trer-ee; adverb
1. opposite in nature or character; diametrically or mutually opposed: contrary to fact; contrary propositions.
2. opposite in direction or position: departures in contrary directions.
3. being the opposite one of two: I will make the contrary choice.
4. unfavorable or adverse.
5. perverse; stubbornly opposed or willful.
–noun 6. something that is contrary or opposite: to prove the contrary of a statement.
7. either of two contrary things.
8. Logic. a proposition so related to another proposition that both may not be true though both may be false, as with the propositions “All judges are male” and “No judges are male.”


Jeff, these are not the Harris's 'friends'. They are people that are in a bad situation that are giving up their Chow.

I think we all know your position on what a person's responsibility to their Chows should be, and that the majority of the people on this site are not ever going to be as commited to their Chows as you are to Pekoe. But we live in the real world.

Should the Harris's not take this Chow because you deem the owners negligent? Should the Harris's make the people giving up the Chow feel like sh1t because they don't fit into your definition of what a good owner should be? Should any rescue be devoid of empathy?

I think you enjoy being contrary, but you are reading too much into situations that do not exsist.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 7:42 pm
by Jeff&Peks
Empathy or not I'm not contradicting myself every day for popularity status, seems to be an epidemic of it lately.

My definition of a good Chow owner is one that treats the Chow as a family member and not as the weekly trash to be taken out and dumped when times get tough, Nothing special, no degree needed, no dog books or trianers involved.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:17 pm
by coleywoley
Jeff I always enjoy reading your posts because I know that more often than not there will be an argument brewing and that my obsessive checking of the discussion boards throughout the day will be rewarded.

Here is something that I think you do not seem to grasp when it comes to the rescue work and people giving up their jobs: sometimes they HAVE to. It isn't always a member of them just getting rid of a pet because I think many of these people view their chows as family members much like you do. The difference in their views and yours are they understand that they might not always be able to provide for their pet in the best way possible. They understand that if they can't work on their chows biting their child enough to where it is no longer a problem that the chow will probably be better off in a home where it will not be resented or feared. They understand that if they do not have jobs or stable homes that rather than let their chow starve giving it to a rescue group like Larry's might be a better option. They understand that rather than leave a poor chow tied up outside, or caged indoors for hours at a time while they try to make ends meet just so they can feed their family, including their chow, and therfor neglecting the chow that maybe an alternative situation is best.
People who turn their animals over to rescue groups do so because they have to and they know that it gives them a fighting chance to end up somewhere better. Attacking Larry and Terrina when they are trying to save chows from death or worse does not solve the problem. They are not the ones who have given up a chow they are trying to help in the best way they can, which quite frankly is more than I see you doing. So please instead of spending your time judging others and what they do or do not do to live up to your standards feel free to pitch in and actually HELP!!!

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 10:14 pm
by Jeff&Peks
Attacking? all I said was loosing a job is no excuse for giving up a pet then dropped it, he attacked me with his holier then thou attitude. Like no one with a family has ever lost a Job. My best friend lost his job and home in Michigan tried to find a job but couldn't so packed up the wife 3 kids, a Husky and two cats and headed west. him, his family the Husky and cats lived in a van and tent for 8 months, He now has a new job, a new home and the Husky and cats are all together and everyone lives happily ever after. The Husky just recently died at 14 from Cancer.

My comment had nothing to do with him rescuing the Chow it was his attitude of agreeing with the situation and acting like that poor poor man he had no choice, attitudes like that are what's filling the Shelters in the first place. That's the reason rescues have a contract to return the Chow. That's the attitude that a decent rescue wouldn't let some adopt from them. Yep you all love the breed until the going gets rough then its a differant story, you poor thing dump the Chow and get a new one when your back on your feet.

Telling me to help chows? you have no Idea what I do or have done I don't use it to come on here and say gee folks look what I did, aren't I special you should do it to. You have only been of this site a few weeks I have been on here ten years how would you know what I have or havn't done.

Nope I don't foster or rescue even though a few have spent a night or two but I have found homes, I have transported, I never refuse to help financially if someone wants to rescue or needs medical help for there Chow, I have picked up a tab or two at Pekoes cancer hospital and vets, You should be able to tell from my post I'm to OCD about Chows to ever turn my back on one and will go to extremes and drive people crazy until I get what I want for a Chow. There are many ways of helping Chows other then giving them a yard until you can unload them on someone else.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:41 am
by Terrina Harris
coleywoley, Just to let you know that if you argue with a certain someone on this list you will be put down on how short of a time you have been on this list, your age, if you support certain groups, what state you live in and if you live in a small town. Also if you foster or start a rescue you are using this to impress people. Oh and also you are using your Chow to make friends.

So even though Larry and I have only been on this list since April we have had Chows for most of the time we have been married which is over 30 years.

Do we agree that you should just get rid of your furkid? No. When someone contacts us about taking their Chow for whatever reason should we make them fell like sh#$? No. What good would that do? Except maybe hurt the Chow, if they decide to not let us take it. At least the Chow hasn't been tied up in the yard and left or just let loose. Or maybe they should keep it and can't feed it. This is the first owner surrender to us and I will meet this guy for the first time today. I will take this Chow girl and will be civil to this guy.

Or maybe we shouldn't help "just to keep them in the yard until we find them a new home." (Now everyone think I am great for this.) We bring them into our home and Love them, feed them, get them vet care, socialize them, and then find them their own forever family.

I love my cats just like they are my kids and it is my job to pretect them. So yes we don't take rescues that hate cats and try to kill them. Other people do not have any more Chows because their own is aggressive. Would anyone let someone in their own home if they knew the person wanted to hurt them? I won't let any of my babies be attacked.

Maybe I should just tell this guy off today and call him all kinds of names and not take Casey. That will teach him!!! Or take her and tell him off and how great I am to take her and love her and put all this money, time and emotion into her just to give her away.


Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:34 am
by redangie24
For the most part I agree with Jeff. Just losing a job is not a reason to surrender in my opinion. Until it gets to the point that you cannot feed your family. Most cities have help for homeless people and homeless pets. You have to inquire and do some leg work, but just as you would do it for your children you should do it for your pets. I don't agree to the same extremes, but I know his heart is in the right place and he truly knows how to empathize with the chow. However, since you are the rescue I don't see any reason to say anything to you about it unless you are encouraging the surrender which I doubt. I am pretty sure you try to help them find other options first.

I think Jeff is a good guy even if he is a cranky old coook (yeah I have no idea how to spell that!!).

Also, most behavior issues can be resolved except in some really bad cases. In my whole life I have only seen 2. One of which I believe could have been resolved with someone else's help.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:10 am
by sit_by_the_beach
I volunteer at the city pound. I pet and hug cats, the ones that let me. I used to sit at the front desk and listened to the many lame excuses of pet owners who give up their pet, dog, cat, bunny, guinea pig whatever. I stay away from the desk now, I may just lose my temper.

A friend had a stroke two years ago. She was paralized for three months. While she was in rehab, I housed her cat. That was her baby. I have fallen on hard times, broke my ankle, lost my job, cat escaped, came back with kittens. My son had to quit his job due to Bell's palsy. The last thing on my mind was to get rid of my cats. Hey, am I going to kick out my son because he was jobless at the time??

I wish it would be harder for people to acquire pets in the first place. If you look at Toronto Craigslist under pets, it makes me shudder.

It takes one trip to a butcher and buy cheap bones, meat for a pet. Vet bills are another story. Even for that we have a Harley fund, funded by vets for those who cannot afford surgery for their pet.

All we can do is pick up the pieces, try to mend the damage that was done by others.


Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:44 am
by coleywoley
I believe all we can do is our best. I would not get rid of one of my pets because they are my family. But I don't believe fussing at larry and terrina is going to help the situation any. They are doing what they feel they need to to help. The people giving up their animals are not on this site reading. Jeff I didn't mean to imply that you never helped and I realized when I reread that that is how it sounded so I am sorry. I know that you help out and actually joined the site in a good majority because I read some posts from you trying to help save a chow. I kept thinking any group who is willing to bend over backwards the way they are is a group that I want to belong to. I meant help in this situation specifically. You don't agree with people giving up their animals but your disagreeing on this post just takes time and effort away from what the rescue is trying to do.