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R.I.P. Maxy....

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:36 pm
by jaxsun_12
My mom just phoned me to tell me that she is putting my old English Springer Spaniel down today.

Max had a good long life (he's 13). we got Max from a family friend when he was 1 and a half. He loved us with his whole heart as we did him. He loved camping and swimming and chasing his ball. And oh howhe'd chase that ball. for hours and hours thats what he lived for!
A few years ago he got a pinched nerve in his back and we got him on medicine and it got better. then a few months ago it happened again and he couldn't walk. the medicine helped again but my mom said if it happened again she couldn't watch him live in pain. He is deaf and can barley hear anymore.
well last week he kept bitting his paws and ripping fur out of them. my sister looked at them and saw some growths. Yesterday he couldn't walk/couldnt get up the stairs. My mom said she couldnt see him like that anymore.
so today she made an appointment for 1:30 pm at our vet to send him over the rainbow bridge. she cooked him a steak and eggs dinner.

It's now 2:20 here so as the tears stream down my face and i guess he's gone now....... i still cant believe it...... it hurts so much... its killing me that i'm not there with him.....i'm miss him so much... Jack is helping me get threw it, its like he knows what i'm feeling. he's been at my feet cuddling me since i got the call...

here are the last pictures that i have of my boy with my jack black. this was the last time i saw him..


so heres to you my little flufferbutt! i will alwas love you and always remember you! you were my first dog, and i loved you with my whole heart....i hope you have all the tennis balls, steaks and dogs to chase as you can handle. i love you in piece.... Kisses....

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:54 pm
by RedSu
I'm sorry for your loss, as I know the pain all too much.


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:19 pm
by Auddymay
I'm so sorry you couldn't be there. It was a blessing that Jack got to meet him, and that you got pictures to keep of the happy occasion. It is hardest, to lose our childhood pets.

Your story brought to mind the memory of a neighbor dog named Missy. She was my childhood dog's running buddy. I had the bad luck to be the owner's baby sitter, and was there the day they had another neighbor take her on her final trip to the vet. When she was leaving for work that morning, she mentioned casually that Mr Stevens would be coming for Missy. I think she realized her error the second she told me, I must have looked like someone kicked me in the guts.

Again, I am sorry you lost your beloved Max. Know he is young and free again at the bridge. Bless you.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:54 pm
by debraschow
I'm so sorry. He knows you were there, I am sure of that. They touch us and they are always in our hearts. Bless you and take care and hold on to Jack.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:35 pm
by Dogdad
I am so sorry for you loss

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:36 pm
by Layla
I'm so sorry. It's hard to believe when you aren't there.

Hugs, Layla