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shaving vs not ~ prep for prairie heat en route to AK

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 3:11 pm
by Bearsmom
Some of you know that I am moving north to Alaska in a month or so, in the heat of the summer. I will eventually get to where Bear2 will be golden, but on the way, prairie country is inevitable, no matter the latitude. I am taking the northernmost route one can, but still, having travelled it coming east seven years ago, I know what it can be like.

My question (and I have already discussed this with the vet but would like your thoughts) is whether or not I should shave Bear2, or just do what I would do anyway, provide tons of water, carry alcohol and ice cold water bottles for emergency cool downs, and just get through as fast as I can...

The reason I question the wisdom of shaving him is that I have heard that chows in say the Phillipines, are left with their long, thick coats because it INSULATES them against the heat, in the same it insulates against the cold.

I understand the water:panting connection, and my vet was very careful to lay out all the warning signs and what the remedies were, but she very specifically said that would not advise me not to make the trip with him because of these potential issues. Just get his paws and ears cool or cold if there is an issue. Carry the makings is what I heard. AND get through the badlands as soon as possible.

So...what is your experience/theory/thoughts?


Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 3:38 pm
by j72
Here is what I found on

Special Summertime Tips
Many people feel sorry for their Chows in the summer and wonder if they should shave them. The Chow's thick coat is designed to protect him from heat as well as cold. The undercoat helps insulate the skin. Shaving your Chow may not help him feel cooler and in some cases, may contribute to skin problems as well as sunburn.

The best way to keep your Chow comfortable in hot weather is to keep him well-groomed! Dirty, dead and shedding hair packs down next to the skin, trapping dirt, heat and moisture. Circulating air isn't able to reach the skin. Regular grooming and bathing helps avoid these problems.

If your Chow's coat isn't especially thick in the summer, you may be able to skip the blowdrying process after the bath. Chows with heavy undercoats and puppies still in puppy coat need to be blowdried because the coat will take forever to dry on its own and retains moisture, often causing hot spots, especially in humid weather.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 5:15 pm
by Layla
That's a tough one. I'd say that making sure that Bear's undercoat is weel groomed out would make the biggest difference. I trimmed Millie to 1/2" a little while ago & although it was growing back very quickly was quite suprised at how hot she seemed to be getting recently. Her undercoat seemed to be very thick again (almost winter thickness in some parts) so I spent a good hour with the 'furminator' and that seemed to get a lot of it out. She seems a lot cooler now & her coat feels lovely. So, I'd go with j72 & say that the through grooming & maybe bath may help the process

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 5:16 pm
by Layla
p.s. safe trip!

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 5:18 pm
by j72
I'm hoping I get to meet BEAR2!!!! How exciting would THAT be?! \:D/

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 5:35 pm
by Jeff&Peks
I've heard not to shave them their coat keeps them insulated like a down comforter, Cool in the summer, warm in the winter. I doubt it will get up to 115 and that's what Pekoe lives through with out being shaved. Does your car have Air?

Now the real question, How does one decide to move from Vermont to Alaska? alot of people think about moves like that, want to but never do. I just packed up once and Moved to Maui sight on seen and stayed for 9 years. Alaska and Seattle cross my mind a few times aweek but I don't think it would be to good for Pekoe right now. What made you decide on Alaska? Not being nosy just find it interesting when people do stuff like that. If it's Military related never mind.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:48 pm
by Bearsmom
thanks J72, layla and Jeff... It all makes sense to me as when I first heard it. Chows are from a rather warm climate, or can be, and it makes sense that there is a certain adaptation that has occurred. I make an effort to keep Bear2 brushed, though his underbelly is still not as accessible as I would wish...but we're getting there! :) I think the concensus is that I will NOT trim him, keep him as he is since he came "cut" if not shaved, and just keep lots of water on hand for him to drink whenever he wants.

No..I don't have air conditioning. I DO have windows though! lol! I am sure Bear2 will air out when he needs to, and of course, I will be keeping a close eye on him. The prairie country will hopefully be done as much in the cooler hours as possible, though I hate driving at night. The vet said be alert but don't worry. He'll be fine.

Jeff... I don't mind answering ~ Alaska is my favorite subject...after Bear2 that is...

this hasn't been a sudden decision but it is prompted by circumstances: The fourth landlord in four in seven years is selling the place I am living in. I have found the coolest spots possible in the NE, and I can't find anymore, at the price I can afford that also allow pets. Where I live, people like me are being priced right out of the area. I used to live in Alaska before I returned here for "family", and know what I am returning to, and have been yearning to return to all seven years here. I found a place to live EASILY, AND I have a job as soon as I get there and can start. Never been that easy here, always been a struggle.

Its beautiful there most of all. My pets thrive there, as do I. My soul is at home with my heart there.

J27... I can't wait to meet your sweety (s) too!!! And Bear is doing so well as socializing, that I know it won't be a problem ever!


Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:48 pm
by Salandra
I've just been hanging out reading this thread because I wasn't sure if I could add anything to what the others are saying.

However, one thing I did last summer, driving from Wyoming to Colorado maeking several trips with Jasmine (and once with my cats), as I was moving down here. The weather was very dry, and a 90-100 outside, so the car was extremely hot - no air conditioning in my beater. I kept a spray bottle of water within reach and when it got unbearable, I sprayed mist into the air. Not sure how much it helped the animals, but felt good for me! Actually, Jaz would put her nose in the air like she was letting the spray hit her face. Even the cats would quit panting for a bit after a quick spray.

Good luck and enjoy your move. I know how you feel, moving to somewhere for family. My love is Oregon, and if I ever get the chance, I will go "home"

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 4:46 pm
by Dogdad
Have a safe trip, Have you mapped out your route, We would love to meet you along the way. If you have ac I think you should be fine


Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 4:47 pm
by Dogdad
Have a safe trip, Have you mapped out your route, We would love to meet you along the way. If you have ac I think you should be fine


Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:15 pm
by Bearsmom
Salandra ~ That's a great idea!!! I have no AC and that is the issue in my eyes...but, as the vet said, I will be carrying lots of water to drink, and cool bottles for him to lie on, and of course, taking all the detours to ponds and lakes and rivers as possible without making this 4500+ mile trip even longer!!!

Dave - I'm going straight north through Montreal and taking the Yellowknife Highway, getting as far north as quickly as possible, west to the AlCan. I think I hook up with it in Edmonton. I drove it east, and have done the southern and western routes several times. This is much more beautiful, east to west, and of course, the trip along the west coast is stupendous all the way from Vancouver to Tok! I'm looking forward to it!

I've pushed the departure date back to mid to end of July simply because there is so much to do first. I'll keep you posted.

Dave -- if you wanted to come north to the Yellowknife along the way...that's a thought! :) But...truthfully, once I am on the road, unless its on the way, I am unlikely to detour...its going to take 10 days to two weeks, depending on what happens along the way, as it is!!! lol!

I can not WAIT!!!

Bear2 is ready too...he is socializing very well. I am continuously and pleasantly pleased with this boy...he's a sweetheart. Smart?! oh so smart! and oh so CHOW! *shaking head*...I do so love him!


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:56 pm
by Bearsmom
My last weekend in this cabin, at a friend's for two weeks while I work some more, then we hit the road on the 16th. I should be in alaska a week later if all the gods are with me!

I think Bear is going to be fine on this trip. I've got a carrier for the two cats to hideout in. I've got the food and water thing figured out, and will likely bring a sprayer for me and Bear! Great idea Salandra!

And, did I say? Bear passed his physical and is okay for the trip, though the stiffness in his right hind leg may portend hip dysplasia but she said not to worry about it yet, and the eyes will need tending to at some point...T left a message (which Bear heard and has been whining now for two days!!! :( ...sad) that Bear's "infranasal" was due now. I'm assuming this is just loooking at the nose and clearing out any debris that may have collected, given his wrinkly snout! He's fine so that will wait until I get up there.

I may be able to pop in over the next few weeks to a month, but likely not until I get there...send us good glide vibes - 4500+ miles of 'em!

Thanks for you advice for the trip and sorry its not going to work out Dave to meet you guys...I just don't know exactly when I'll be where, and I think I will be too far north...on the Yellow Knife...

Happy Summer all,

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:03 pm
by Juniper
I just saw a water toy made by Hartz at Petsmart that you fill with water, can throw in the freezer and as the toy melts the cool water comes out of the toy through small holes as your chow chews on it. Haven't tried it but it sounds like a good idea.

Also, there are mini-water beds for pets that you could place in the car to keep them cooler. Just a thought. I usually just have some of those cold packs handy from the freezer and a few instant cold packs for emergencies. I place them under a towel for my chows or cats to lay on if they get too hot and then they can move if they don't need it anymore.

Enjoy your trip to Alaska. I lived in Vermont once and always wanted to live in Alaska. I hope someday I will get to see it. Have a safe trip and keep in touch.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:42 pm
by Bearsmom
Great ideas Jennifer/Juniper (sounds like an old Donovan song!:~))...I will check it out tomorrow. It'll be a little hard to keep things frozen after the first 24 hours on the road... but the water bed long as claws didn't spring it... between the two cats who I WILL let roam around once we get going, and Bear2, well, I'm not sure how long a water bed would last...and MY bed is going to be beneath all of THEM in the back at night!

Yeah...Vermont sure is beautiful too. Alaska is way different in a lot of ways, but more like Vermont used to be in some too. Where I am going is a perfect mix of ocean and lots of rivers, mountains w/glaciers across the bay, and on the side where I am, rolling hills that remind of VT. I overlook Kamchatka and the Rim of Fire. There are four volcanoes, well three visible, to my west...about 80-100 miles. When they blow, I know!

Its God(dess)s country.

I Hope you make it one day. Every one should, at least once.

I will keep you posted.

Bear2smom aka allison

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:42 pm
by Salandra
Alison, I wish you many blessings on your trip north. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:53 am
by Juniper
Oh, take me with you. Alaska! I sure do hope I can see it before I scadaddle from this earth to the heavenly skies...

Don't know if you'll have the room, but Coleman has one of those coolers that lasts for 6 days in 100 F degree weather which I used to go camping and it worked famously well. Packed with ice it would keep anything very cold, including ice packs.

What you describe is absolutely beautiful-it really is where my heart is but someday I know I will visit that glorious state.

Have a safe trip.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:58 am
by j72
I love listening to you guys talk about our state. I so rarely think of it the way you all do, its just "standard". But reading what you all think of it really makes me look around and appreciate it more. Except in February. There is nothing that any of you could say that will make me appreciative in February.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 1:46 pm
by Bearsmom
Heyeeeeeeee about looking forward to March? and then April? and then May when the earth finally starts to come alive again an eensy bit, and JUNE? Effing JUNE mon'!

lol! I favorite day in winter is the Solstice, then the Equinox in March cuz I KNOW winter CAN'T last much longer!!! Breakup? Ugh. one just gets that sinking feeling... *smiles*

Thank you Salandra... that will help, I am sure!

And Juniper... do it NOW!!! Don't wait! If you need any helpful hints from Alli, let me know!!! I'm a good guide to AK or know people who know... *g* (not that I know everybody...its a BIG state, know!) of course, Jen has been there HER WHOLE LIFE, so she might know a thing or two too! lucky grrl.

Just call me a living testament to someone who RETURNED to ALASKA after being away for seven years hardly able to stand to seperation!

And Jen... I'll show you my Alaska if you'll you me yours...

Goddess I can't wait. I am so THERE already! Its scarey!


Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:56 pm
by IliamnasQuest
I must not check on here often enough because this is the first time I've seen this thread!

Hey Allison, welcome BACK to Alaska!! I have lived here since the Ice Age .. well, almost .. *L* .. I was born in the territory of Alaska, if that gives you a clue! I tried moving away once and sure enough I came back.

Some notes on traveling through heat .. I made a 10,000 mile round trip from here (Kenai Peninsula) to St. Louis and back for a dog show several years ago. My mini-van doesn't have air conditioning and I had two chows and a German shepherd with me. It was in early June but unusually hot for Missouri (into the upper 90's in both temp and humidity). What I did was lay down towels and old blankets in the back and I would wet them down. I had a cooler and I kept it stocked with ice and would put out ice water for the dogs frequently. The ice also came in handy for me - I could drop it down my shirt for a quick cool-down! *L*

I didn't shave the girls but I did (and I still do this in the summers) trim the hair on their bellies. I just do it with scissors and trim it short. I brush out all the undercoat I can. I also tend to trim hair between their toes and around their feet which helps too.

I drove with all the windows possible open and it was hot but not too bad. I couldn't really stop anywhere because when the van was still it got too hot too fast, but moving was fine. I'm an Alaskan gal through and through and I handled the heat even though it was AWFUL!!! (How do you people LIVE in those conditions?? *LOL*). The dogs did great. As long as your vehicle is in good condition (have you had your wheel bearings packed recently? Carrying a GOOD spare tire? Extra anti-freeze, water, oil, belts, hose clamps, etc.?) you should do just fine.

Good luck to you and I hope you have a wonderful trip. I absolutely love driving through Canada and have done it about a dozen times. Enjoy your trip and take photos!

Melanie and the gang in Alaska

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:18 pm
by bama
I just saw this thread!! I know it's too late to help, but for future reference...

Here's an idea if you drive an SUV.

In the back cargo space, place a small plastic mold type baby swimming pool. Pack the bottom with ice bags (like the kind sold at gas stations) place a cotton blanket over it and allow the furry-kids to lie on top of it.
The ice can be dumped and refilled along the way.
But if you leave the cracked ice in the bags, it's much easier to deal with.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:00 pm
by Bearsmom
Well Ladies and Gentleman and Honored Chowlings: I MADE IT! Without mishap or misadventure, and it only took eight days! The hottest days were on the east coast. Once I got to Thunder Bay, the wind blew the hot the heck a way, and the rest of the trip was in the 70s, even including when I got to the Kenai Peninsula! It couldn't have been a better trip. Bear2 was just fine... a wonderful, wonderful traveler. I would go anywhere with him, any time, and do. He has no problem "going for a ride"! I needn't have worried. We found plenty of spots for him to cool off with/in, and he always let me know when he hadn't had enough water (I rigged up his waterbowl so he could partake as he wished. The worst traveller was the cat, Zen. It was his second trip, and he just couldnt' understand why he couldn't wander around the jam-packed subaru anytime he pleased! He nailed Bear's butt through the crate door, and he yelped and jumped in surprised, but otherwise just looked hurt that Zen would DO such a thing to unassuming little ole him! lol!

Bear has had his first intro to the beach, and now starts whining when we are close. He's whining because he's met soooo many nice pooches there. He's not really playful with them, just wants to smell there butts and he's happy!

I love this dog so much. He's socializing more and more, and now, with all the ins and outs with people setting up phone and wi-fi for work, and others, he's not even barking much, or making a fuss as he used to do. He is so totally harmless!

I discovered he's five years old not three as I was told, by finally taking a look at his papers (with everything else, that just didn't seem important at the time), which makes a whole lot more sense in regard to his possible hip dysplasia, which the vet said was likely the cause of his sensitivities in his right rear. Three was a little young to have that be an issue.

In any case, this is one happy chowmom and chowling. Bear loves it here. The kitties love it here. Mommy loves it very happy to be home!

Woooo hooo! Alaska Chowfest!!! When?!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:17 pm
by Juniper
Glad to hear you made it safely with all your furkids to your Alaska home!!!! Glad to hear everyone is happy! :D I'm there in spirit always. :wink:

It would be great to see pictures of an Alaskan Chowfest! You could call it a SnowChowFest or a ChowSnowFest! :wink: