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In Memoriam: Keiko, the city chow.....

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:18 pm
by Zhuyos mom
I just spoke to Pali from Rocket Dog Rescue. Nakita is still at Animal Care and Control and needs a foster home asap!

If there is anyone in the Bay Area that can help, please do so. I've been really down in the weather the past few days and can't at the moment. Again, if you can help out a bit, please contact Pali directly or post here.

Also, as Jenn mentions, Rocket Dog Rescue is the rescue organization that took Charlie/Poe out from death's door. Chow Chow Rescue of the Sierra Foothills passed on Charlie saying he was too damaged. Now, we have Nakita, a chow mix, whose owner signed for her to be euthanized because she was "old" and made up a bunch of ailment excuses (can't breath, has mammary tumors) all of which the veterinary staff at Animal Care and Control confirm as bogus.

She just needs a foster home for now. Please think about it.

zingara_princepessa wrote:ImageImage

Nakita comes from Rocket Dog Rescue, the same place as Poe.

A black chow chow mix with a pink & black polka dot tongue, she is an owner turn-in. They decided she was "old" and she should be put down.

Nakita is about 9 years young and weighs about 45 lbs. She's well socialized and friendly, and just wants someone to love her.

If you have a place in your heart and home for Nakita, please call Pali at 415-756-8188.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:19 am
by Victory
This just ticks me off. Not only to they decide that she's "old" they make up health issues hoping that animal control will kill her faster. (And yes I'm using the word kill, if she really was terminal and ill then it would be euthanise, but when they aren't terminal, they don't have horrific behavior problems, then it is 'kill')

I hate it when a dog gives all their love and devotion for years and their reward is to be dumped somewhere, even if that somewhere is animal control. It is a cowardly and disloyal thing that these humans do.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:05 am
by Zhuyos mom
So, so true, Victory!

This Animal Care and Control is the same place the Animal Planet show "Animal Cops San Francisco" is filmed at. As Pali told me ACC has way too many animals to support and they would have immediately euthanized Nakita if what her former owners said was true. They shaved and examined Nakita and she is just fine. So they called Pali and she tagged her to be rescued (now that she knew there were chow enthusiast open to fostering in the Bay Area). She's had a difficult time in the past finding foster parents for chows and has had to leave them at ACC. So, Northern California folks, please step up. We just need a foster home.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:04 pm
by cheriekynb
ARGH!! This kind of stuff just p$$$$$ me off! :(

My last Chow, Lucy, had arthritis in her front joints, night blindness and towards the end of her life, deaf too. I remember my Grandma telling me "You should have her put to sleep".. Ok, I love my Grandma and would NEVER disrespect her or anything like that, but we have a cool relationship so I said to her..
"GRANDMA, so, when you're old and blind and deaf, you want us to put you to sleep?"..

My Grandma just laughed at me and said "that's different"..

Ok, Grandma, we'll just have to agree to disagree! :)

I love my Grandma! :)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:57 pm
by Zhuyos mom
Oh boy, Cherie. Some people, I tell you!

I had a moment of "feel good" at least my temperature wasn't high today. So I went out for an hour and found myself at Animal Care and Control to visit Nakita. She is a beauty. Again, the photos don't show how pretty she really is. She has a blue sheen to her. The records showed the owners also told ACC that she was 15! The extent of lies her former owners told...

One interesting thing that was noted from ACC's behavior assessment is "slightly deaf". So I told the volunteer that chows tend to have "selective hearing", so she may not be "slightly deaf" afterall.

I'm not sure what her mix is but the owners said it was Akita. But I don't see any Akita in her, plus she is the size of a chow - 45 lbs, a healthy 45 lbs. I think Akita's weigh as high at 175. And Akita's are taller. She definitely was chow height. Also, she wasn't fully shaven. Just in her underbelly and forearms for the blood tests, so her coat is short but beautiful and again with a blue sheen.

If you know anyone who would be interested in fostering or possibly adopting her, kindly pass the word.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:57 am
by sit_by_the_beach
bump-to the top

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:16 am
by Aslan
Lou, I can't have another dog at this time. But I did sent her info to everyone in my office. Hopefully, someone maybe able to adopt her. I will continous to spread the words to anyone who would listen. :D

Update on Bay Area chow in need of home....

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:08 pm
by Zhuyos mom

Well, Miss Pooh Bear has had a house guest over for a week now. Her house guest's name is Keiko (formerly Nakita). She never responded to Nakita. I thought perhaps ACC was correct that she was partially deaf and not the selective hearing chows have... nope, not responding because it wasn't her name!

There is very little physical chow in Keiko. Her tongue is pink with purple spots. Her ears are definitely Akita and she looks like she has lab in her. When I smoosh down her ears, she could pass as a lab.

She is very sweet, but has a dominant edge. She's driving me nuts with her rubbing her body on everything... the walls, the sofa and other furniture, the heater wall, Zhu's dog ramp that I have inside for PB to use and she keeps rubbing against PB. None of our chows have exhibited that behavior. So I'm wondering if our family was just lucky or is that behavior from the other breed that she might be mixed with. Reminds me of what cats do... again, none of our chows did that so it's really odd to see it.

Also, no zoomies! One week and I haven't seen her do a zoomie. :cry: And her ears don't radar like chows do, such a shame. But she really is very sweet. Miss Pooh Bear has been a wonderful hostess to her. The first couple of days she did everything Zhu did when she first came to live with us and it was so heartwarming to witness.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 7:32 am
by Victory
Well, bless you Lou for taking her in while she waits for a forever home. And the former owners didn't even tell the ACC her real name?! Are they sure they were the owners? Oh well, they lost, she won and that's what's important.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 8:03 am
by Judy Fox
Oh Bless you and Miss PB - poor little love. I hope she finds a forever home. :)

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 9:59 am
by zingara_princepessa
Keiko is a sweetie girl. I was her handler at a Rocket Dog adoption fair in April, and she really is a nice doggie. She's very interested in food, and therefore, her chosen name, Keiko, (as in "Cake??? OHHHHHHh!!!") makes me laugh!

You're a good egg, Lou, for taking her in until she finds her forever family. She deserves a wonderful home in which to spend her twilight years.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 10:42 am
by Zhuyos mom
Thanks Victory, Judy and Jenn.

Victory, I do think it was her original owners who turned her in. I don't know if they fill out the paper work for turn-ins or if an intake worker does. If it was an intake worker, I can understand how her name could get discombobulated. Anyways, she was spayed last week and they were telling the truth about mammary tumors. The rescue's vet couldn't get any to biopsy but she did confirm the exhistance of them. Also, she was in tact so there was a mass of something attached to her ovaries. The rescue can not afford the expense of getting it biopsied, so I have it (her ovaries) in a bottle for a future biopsy. However, she came home with me with the tail end of kennel cough and was given meds, she can breath just fine and she's definitely not 15!

Jenn, you're funny! No, not as in Cake but as in the Japanese word for "blessing"... for her Akita side. It was PB who told me to call her Keiko. Funny little chow, PB is responding to the name Keiko as well!

Any of you have experience on a dog that rubs on everything?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 11:46 am
by Roxana
Lou, how wonderful of you to take her in!

Now as for the rubbing up against stuff....YES!!! Dakota used to do this ALL the time. In fact, I thought it was a common Chow thing to do, I never thought twice about it. But yes, she would rub against the bed, the couch, all the walls. I was forever washing the walls down because she would rub against them so much she would leave a film on them! :shock: I didn't know this was a dominance thing, but I guess it makes sense because she was a pretty dominant little thing my girl was. :x

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 11:59 am
by Zhuyos mom
Thanks, Roxana.

I have another question. Did Dakota do that before her glaucoma and blindness? Reading your post, I'm wondering if Keiko has sight related problems and she's rubbing against things so she can smell her way around the new place she's found herself in versus it being a dominance thing.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 12:08 pm
by Roxana
Yes Lou,
Dakota had always done the rubbing thing, from the time she was very little. After she went blind, the rubbing decreased quite a bit actually but she would still do it sometimes. I did notice however that she would do it whenever she was feeling particulary happy or was being goofy and silly. Anyway, I dont think the rubbing had anything to do with her blindness is what I'm trying to say. :lol:

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 12:27 pm
by IliamnasQuest
Bless you for taking Keiko in and giving her a home while she works through her recovery.

As far as the rubbing goes - my Mom's German shepherd does this extensively and it's because he itches. He's got allergies and has learned to rub against the couch, the bed, your legs, etc. It may be that Keiko is just itchy and that's her way of alleviating the itch.

When she's all better, a good bath with some oatmeal/anti-itch shampoo and conditioner may help her out. But if it's an established behavior she will probably continue to rub. My Mom has finally just accepted that Dax needs to rub on things, and she has covered her bed with a blanket that she washes frequently. He's learned (for the most part) not to rub on the couch and easy chairs. That daily rubbing can leave a lot of gunk on the furniture!

By the way, looking at her pictures, I'm wondering about the Akita part. I don't see it either. She almost looks like she's got some shepherd in her. My dog's father was a solid black shepherd - sleek blue/black coat. And the shepherds do have that tendency to rub some .. Trick will push up against my legs and rub on me. She doesn't tend to rub on other things, however, but she's not tremendously itchy like Dax is. However, it's a German shepherd thing to rub against their humans.

Melanie and the gang in Alaska

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 1:28 pm
by Zhuyos mom
Thanks Roxana, Thanks Melanie!

Melanie, maybe there is a form of shepard in her, but not a GSD. At first, I mentioned to Pali (the owner of the rescue) that she was doing a herding thing on PB, like an Aussie dog would do, come to see now that she's rubbing against PB. I had her groomed before she moved in and she's clean and bright. I haven't noticed much dandruff from her and her Solid Gold diet is filled with the omegas and could be helping her skin if it is an itch.

Luckily, she's wearing a t-shirt so she's not gicky-ing the sofa, furniture, walls etc. with her body oils. Using a t-shirt instead of the dreaded e-collar to prevent her nipping at her spay stitches.

She definitely does have Akita, however. She has the ears, her tail is sturdy like an Akita's and her coat feels like an Akita's. She's as tall as PB.

Cindy (Kodi's mom) sent me an e-mail on rubbing from another site. I'll ask if I can cross-post here because it is very interesting. One in particular is regarding cats and their rubbing on things reflecting "it is safe here". So, annoying as it is, that sounds good, especially since everywhere she is rubbing is where Zhu use to be.

Something also came to mind, she has a real affinity to my mom. So maybe she was turned in by her former owner's children... maybe they were thinking their parent could no longer take care of Keiko and that is why there was so much discrepancy on her info sheet. Oh well. She's safe here now.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 2:21 pm
by AngelsMom
She's a pretty little girl! Good luck finding her a home!

Our Golden used to rub on everything.... We left a wall free in my boyfriend's old apartment for him because it would get so dirty! At least that way we could direct him there....

He was not dominant at all.... We thought he just liked doing it because it felt good!!!

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 1:10 pm
by Boogie and Linda
Hey Lou,
I was just thinking about Keiko today (Great name by the way. Just like Free Willy's real name. :D ). Any updates on how she is doing and how Miss Pooh Bear is taking to her?

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 1:56 pm
by Zhuyos mom
Oh, they are great together, Linda.

PB is really sweet. She learned to be gracious by the best, Zhuyo. If Keiko starts irritating her, PB comes to me to referee. There is a lot of "doggie" qualities in Keiko and she is goofy. It's funny to see her put her nose into PB's fur. Her nose gets completely lost in all that fur. I think Teddie's fur might be like PB's when it all comes in. PB is also showing her competitive side, like she wants to be the first to kiss my mom, and she is starting to be a little sneaky. She knows Keiko has an appetite that doesn't quit, so she'll lick off all the cheese, eat a little bit of her meal, leave almost a full bowl for the Keiko-can, then ask for biscuits because her belly is empty. Keiko is competitive as well though. Thursday she decided she wanted to sleep on PB's blanket and wouldn't budge. So PB apparently just slept everywhere else. Friday morning I saw Keiko snoozing away on PB's blanket. Once she woke up, I put it away and like the wind, PB went and sat right where blanket was placed. I think Keiko's sleeping on PB's blanket days are over.

I bring Keiko to the adoption fair tomorrow. Cross fingers that she finds a forever and ever home! Keiko started barking today. I caught some "puff's" on camera for Cindy's bark study.

BTW, what kind of vacuum do you have? I'm online searching for the best but affordable vacuum. My vacuum has no more spunk to it and its time. With Keiko's black fur, I'm noticing more and more of her fur sheddings are not being picked up by my vacuum.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:27 pm
by LEO's mum
Best of luck for tomorrow. We'll keep our fingers & paws crossed for Keiko.

Lou, if you want to try out a Dyson Animal, you are most welcome to use ours if you can return it by 8:30 Wed. morning. I've only got the oldest model, tho. :wink:

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 8:18 pm
by Boogie and Linda
That is great that they are getting along. We will keep our fingers and paws crossed for Keiko at the adoption fair tomorrow too. [-o|

I use a rainbow vaccuum that works really well for getting all the hair and also allergens. I bought a used one off of Ebay. The only thing with a rainbow is that it uses water instead of a bag so it is kind of a pain. I have heard that the Dyson animal works really well. The next time I buy a vaccuum I think it will be a Dyson. Gee I wonder if they will giv me a fre vaccuum because I am promoting them??????? :wink:

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:00 pm
by LEO's mum
Sad news. Miss PB's houseguest Keiko passed away. She was a sweet girl, loved till the end. There is a little write-up in the memorials section. Please take a look if you haven't yet, and let us reflect on our good fortune to have our furry ones to love and to cherish.

With our Deepest Sympathies,
Hugs & Purple Kisses to all our fellow Chows & Chow Lovers,
Leonora & mum

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:44 pm
by Haley
I'm really sorry Lou. :(

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:32 pm
by kingalls
Lou and Pooh Bear,
We're so sorry that Keiko's time came so soon. It's wonderful that you provided her a loving home to enjoy in her last days here. Zhuyo is taking care of his new sister now.