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Maxwell is finally home

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 7:18 pm
by Dogdad
It has now been 2 months since Maxwell has been home and thanks to this forum and the great people, I have learned all about chows, care and little quirks that make they so different from other dogs. Here is Maxwells story.

One day I was browsing petfinder and was looking for a canary, for some reason, I felt like I had to look at the dogs. I already had 4 dogs so dismissed the idea and got off the computer. Throughout the next days I couldn't get it out of my mind so I finally went on petfinder and looked at dogs in my extended area. I looked at a few pages of dogs, just looking at thumbnails, I still felt I had to continue so I did, until I got to Maxwells photo with the words URGENT written above Image
My heart stopped, I looked at him and saw his soul in his eyes. I had to do something. He was in a kill shelter and Had only a few days left. I immediately emailed the rescue that posted his picture and then found their website and called about him. They said he was in the shelter and they had no homes to foster him. I told them I would foster and possibly adopt him. I was still very uneducated about chows and was concerned about my kids and furkids.

The rescue called the shelter and they told them they would postpone his euthanasia by 2 days. He was located in Illinois and I in Wisconsin. The rescue said they had a transport and would bring him to Wisconsin. The days dragged, the rescue was horrible in any forms of communication. They sent one line replies to my multiple paragragh letters, They rarely returned calls, I was literally a nervious wreck. I filled my time buying "big dog toys, bed and food as well as reading almost every post on this forum. In my heart I knew I couldn't just foster him.

Finally the big day arrived and I drove 3 hours to get him. I met him at 10:00 am by 10:02 I had already decided to adopt him although looking back, I decided the moment I saw him. We went for a little walk around his transporters yard and I was in Love, his eyes told me he was a good boy who just wanted to be loved.

I filled out the paperwork and paid the adoption fee and we were on our way home. The trip was uneventful, he just slept in the back of the van and we had a little potty break.

When we got home, I introduced him to my other furkids, He was immediately accepted and within 5 minutes they were all playing. He even did zoomies, which scared the bejeebies out of the other dogs and me. I had never seen Zoomies.

Once he settled in, I groomed him for a good 2 hours, talking with him, hugging him, letting him know he was safe.

The next day I went to the vet and we discovered his sad life. According to the documents he was in the shelter twice about a year apart. His last owner said he didn't have time for him anymore, the first record didn't say why he was there. I called the shelter and found out that he had been there for 2 months and would have been euthanized earlier but he was so sweet, they couldn't find the records of why he was there the first time.

Two months later Maxwell is home and home he will stay. He has been my constant companion, my friend and confident. He has stuck with me when I was in bed for 2 days with the flu and was gone for 2 days to pick up his brother. When I come home, he is always happy to see me and is my shadow. We both know that we are both lucky. I because, I have a companion and friend and he because he knows that he has found a forever home.

Please please, look at rescues and shelters, You are their only hope.

David aka Dogdad

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 10:29 pm
by cheriekynb
:cry: OMG, this is a beautiful story! :D

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 10:34 pm
by Salandra
Wow, that's such a cool story. Maxwell was just meant for you, or you for him. :D

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 10:43 pm
by Layla
Just lovely Dogdad. Maxwell & you were ment to be together :D

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:35 am
by Boggled
It feels like yesterday when I was waiting to hear about Maxwell's arrival :)
He so has that "old soul" look in his eyes.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:23 am
by zingara_princepessa
This is sooo sweet.

I'm farklempt!
:_| :_|