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Life Span

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:37 am
by chowdad
I realize this is a grave subject, but because our dear George looks like he's going to survive his staph infection, I have begun to read more on the care of senior chow chows. We have several chow books from way back, but the most comprehensive (thickest) is The Proper Care of Chow Chows 1995 by the Bangharts. It says the average life span is 8 to 10 years. George will be 10 the first of june. I feel better knowing he lived a full life and worse knowing not so much is left.

I would appreciate your opinion on the accuracy of 8 to 10 years.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:44 am
by redangie24
That is an average meaning some live allot longer. Only time will tell for sure but I bet he has plenty of life left to live. There is no reason to think he will not live to be 15+. Some pass younger some older don't let it get you down. Generally when they are at that point you will know, they will let you know. Don't worry just love him and give the best possible care that you can.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:51 am
by Sylvia
A similiar question was asked a while back by Melanie who has a 15 year old Chow.

You can see the thread here: ... ight=years

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:54 am
by sit_by_the_beach
If you check the archives, you will find a few older chows here. Isn't Precious 14 years old? Melanie's chow in Alaska is 15 I believe. My chow books say 12 14 years. My chow had a heart murmur, at 9 years she had a tumour on her behind which was successfully removed, she lived to be 12 years old.


Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:56 am
by Jeff&Peks
When was that book written, most every thing I read and by all the post I have read over the years I hear 12+, there are Chows on here that have lived to be 14 and 15 unless human interference has killed them earlier. By that I mean Vet's that are to quick with a wrong diagnoses or a vet trying to make that extra 35 dollars to euthanize. With the proper diet and most important plenty of exercise they should go way past 10. I'm talking normal circumstances not hereditary or diseases. My Chow is 11, been through Cancer and she's still acting like she is 5, Chases everything in site and seems like she never tires out on walks, I have to force her to take rest and water breaks.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:08 am
by bama
Here ya go...Bandit is 17 years old and has had a gimpy hips for 3 years. Granted, he doesn't walk far, just inside the house and only a few steps out the back door.

My male chow, Studley lived to be 15 1/2 years old.
Foxy lived to be 10 years.
Sheba lived to be 13

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:09 am
by chowdad
"[quote="Jeff&Peks"]a vet trying to make that extra 35 dollars to euthanize. "

Wow Jeff I appreciate your honesty. I thought I was the most cynical. Maybe not.

The vet tech told us a month ago " I've seen a 12 yr old chow, but with his problems you aren't gonna get those kind of numbers" My wife and I both thought "You wanna bet".

I am optimistic because George has a very good life and is surrounded by love. I always thought 12 was average, but the book says 8 to 10, which to me is a lot different. It is from 1995.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:23 am
by Victory
There are a few chows on this list that are 13-15 now. Several more that are over 10. The life span has increased to average about 12 years, but with luck, good care and good food, and good genes many chows and other dogs are living longer.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:26 am
by precious's mom
Hi! Yep, Precious is just shy of 15 years old right now. And really, although she is having a rough few days here, I don't see any reason why she won't rebound and continue on for a while. I tend to agree with the others, that 12-14 or 15 seems to be more of what I am seeing rather than what some of the books or other resources I have seen quoting up to 10 years or so.

By the way, I don't think I'd like it too much if the vet or the vet tech is predicting for me up to what age my chow will live. I would hate to think that it would influence how they would choose to take care of my furbaby with that type of age stuck in their head. just a thought.

Best to you and George! Long live King George! (I've been watching all kinds of British history shows lately :D )

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:22 pm
by BearbunsandChinasMommy
My china is 12 years old and still running around like a baby....loves to walk and loves to bark. My Bear died when she was 8 going on 9 - not sure what happened to her; however, they believe she developed a rapid onset of Cushing's - one day she was sick and the next day she died at the vets office - he said she looked like two different dogs just 2 days apart. You can't really judge how long they will live - just love them while they are here.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:10 pm
by zingara_princepessa
BamBam -

What's wrong with Bandit's eyes in that picture? Is he ok???


Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:43 pm
by WildThings
I can't imagine a vet predicting how long a pet would live. I guess I have been very lucky with my vet, she would never suggest the end was near. I am also happy to hear how long many chow chows live. Tess is around 9 (we found her 8 years ago this past weekend and she was 9-12 months then). She is still going strong, definitely not acting like an older dog.

I actually had a family member last year comment that I was going to have to put my collie down soon because she was old and losing her sight and has arthritis. It was a comment I just could not move past, because I would never just assume I was going to have to "put my dog down" because of her age. But then again, this is a family member that is surprised when have not had Tess put to sleep because she is vicious. What he doesn't know is she only barks and growls at him because she knows how much he hates dogs.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:53 pm
by Jeff&Peks
"I can't imagine a vet predicting how long a pet would live."

The Vet that did Pekoe's biopsy was trying to schedule an appointment for me to bring Pekoe in to have her put to sleep when he called me with her biopsy results. He said there's nothing anyone can do, she is nine so it would be a waste of time and money. she's 11 now. Vets have no idea what they are talking about as far as I'm concerned unless it involes prescribing drugs and then they don't even know what the drug does, its what ever they get on sale. I would go to 5 vets for another opinion before I ever believed one of them.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:59 am
by bama
zingara_princepessa wrote:BamBam -

What's wrong with Bandit's eyes in that picture? Is he ok???

He is has developed entropian, he is blind and too old to operate on, so ointment is kept in his eyes to keep him comfortable.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 6:32 am
by chris
In my experience... My first chow Grizz lived to almost 14, she probably would have lived a bit longer but she was in so much pain, and I didn't want her all drugged up.

My second chow Thor lived to be just shy of 15.