LEO's Elbow Dysplasia Report - 7wks post-op check up

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LEO's Elbow Dysplasia Report - 7wks post-op check up

Post by LEO's mum »

First of all, I want apologize up front if anyone thinks I am coming back to this subject once too often. It is for future referrence lest any other chow should be diagnosed w/ elbow dysplasia.

We went back to the surgeon after 7wks. She is still lame in her right front. The surgeon says lameness for about 3m/s after the surgery is normal. It is only that after 2wks she was doing so great, walking beautifully, we are a bit more disheartened w/ the limp which came back. New X-rays shows that the bone incision is healing OK, and the curve of the right elbow joint is looking good. She had an injection of joint fluid w/o cortisone, so she has another bold(+wet from minding) spot on her right elbow.... She seems a bit uncomfortable after the shots, not pulling on walks as much, but I'm sure this is only temporary. Strictly restricted activity for 48hrs after the injection and restricted activity still, but my hubbie has been released from his duty of carrying Leo down the stairs from the bedroom every morning. At 1yr 5m/s she is now a wopping 57lbs!! Prescrived more of the same anti-inflamatory, Previcox, 1 a day/30 more days' worth. As w/ any Non-Steroid Anti-Inflamatories, was told to stop if any vomitting/diarrea occurs, even if one knows the cause(like getting into garbage). Better safe than sorry. She is continuing w/ her twice daily Dasuquin (Glucosamine, MSM, Chondroitin,Avocado/Soybean unsaponiflables) tablets also. Not sure if any of these tablets are helping or not, tho.....

Anyways, she is a very happy chow chow aside from the lameness. It is a pity that she is not allowed off leash & play w/ other dogs during the time she has all this puppy energy. But such is life. AND she has selective hearing for voice commands. Life is too interesting for her.:roll:

Did I mention I e-mailed the breeder lady w/ the bad news after Leo had her surgery, but never had a reply back? Sad. I'm hoping that my free e-mail address is being bounced back due to anti-spam programmes....giving her the benefit of a doubt. Oh, well, I can't force her to stop breeding her lines over on the other side of the continent. I think I will e-mail her once again when 3m/s after surgery comes.
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Post by dchernandez »

Glad to hear your baby is doing better. Don't worry, I'm sure nobody is bothered about you going back to this subject. Its not only informational, but its good to hear that your baby is doing ok. :wink:

What do you love just as much as pictures?? UPDATES!!! :)
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Post by Judy Fox »

Glad to hear that Baby Leo is getting better and I hope she will be walking without her limp soon. :)
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Re: LEO's Elbow Dysplasia Report - 7wks post-op check up

Post by Zhuyos mom »

LEO's mum wrote:...Did I mention I e-mailed the breeder lady w/ the bad news after Leo had her surgery, but never had a reply back? Sad. I'm hoping that my free e-mail address is being bounced back due to anti-spam programmes....giving her the benefit of a doubt. Oh, well, I can't force her to stop breeding her lines over on the other side of the continent. I think I will e-mail her once again when 3m/s after surgery comes.
If you think your e-mail address might be landing in her spam/junk mail box, send her a traditional letter via the USPS. You can also include a couple of photos of Leo, like the one with the red stockings. I think you should also send a copy of that letter with a note (write/cc) to the lady that recommended Leo's breeder to you. That way she knows that Leo was not bred properly.

I will visit my sweet, fluffy niece in a couple of weeks! Can't wait.
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Post by LEO's mum »

Thank you nice aunties!! Lou, snail mail didn't cross my mind. Thank you for the idea. You know what, I've never had an actual print made out of my digital photos :oops: I am the most technically challenged person I know on this earth or the whole universe. I have seen ads of snapfish and i-photo, so I'll give it a try. My mum for one would love to have Leo pictures!

Thank you!

Love, LEO's mum

Auntie Lou, do visit very soon. I can't wait to give you more sweet kisses!! :inlove: Big Baby Leonora
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Post by chowfrnd88 »

Aw Miss Leo, snuggles to you. I'm glad you're feeling better. I hope the limp goes away really, really soon and you get all better. I bet your daddy is glad he doesn't have to carry you anymore...more to the point I bet YOU'RE glad he doesn't have to carry you anymore. It's so embarassing when they pick us up isn't it? :D
Purple kisses,
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Post by Juniper »

Troy is getting all excited that Leo is improving. His motive: He wants full recovery before the next West Coast Chowfest so he can continue where he left off last time with your precious Leo. =P~ Psst. Jennifer here-I'm so happy Leo is steadily improving. Well, with healing it's always a few steps forward and one step back and the waiting time is always so difficult.
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Post by LEO's mum »

Just wanted to add that after the injection, she minded the bits a bit too much and it has turned into a hotspot. We went back to the surgeon today(Monday after the injection last Thursday). The good ol' E-collar is out again, and the bits is washed with Chlorhexiderm solution. She is such a drama queen and cries bloody murder when I touch her with the wet towel. At least she is OK with the collar, she would lower her head, eyes closed into it after walks and feeding. She also screams but not bite me. So, if anyone suspects too much licking after an injection, put an E-collar on for prevention of secondary injuries.... Oh, they are such baggages!!! Poor baby, I feel so bad in being a bad mum not to have thought of that right after the injection...... But such is life. Note to Self, remember this for her next possible injectin......
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Post by janet »

your not a bad mom. look at all you hav done for little miss leo. i hope she is feeling better.
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Post by LEO's mum »

Thanks, Janet. But it is more so as it did cross my mind to put an E-collar on her as soon as she started minding the bits and had a soggy chin!! As one of my old colleague used to say, if you think it is better done than not, it usually is a should & a must & should be done there & then. I still remember his words from over 20yrs ago. I need to put my money where my mouth is. :roll:
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Post by chowfrnd88 »

Aw Leo's Mum, you're a great mum!!! Uh, remember just who it was that told the vet that Leo could be spoon fed? :D [:D] Who knew that she'd be so botherd by an injection site that she gives herself a hotspot. :( I would never, ever have guessed that, Special doesn't seem to be bothered by injections luckily. Hugs to Miss Leo (it put a smile on my face imagining her cuteness bowing down for the collar!).
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Update on Hotspot, back to the specialist again...

Post by LEO's mum »

OK, so she was a drama queen yesterday, but she quietened down once I had the wet paper towel on her. Today, she is more panicy. I was afraid of being bitten altho I managed not by balancing on the E-collar. What's worse the shaven bit is looking purplish. So, call them up again, and back we went. They put anti-biotics ointment(Animax cream) on her and is bandaged up, this time a blue stocking! It matches her blue blanket & blue monkey, both pressies from Auntie Lou! I have to call the doc on how she is doing tomorrow, and take her in for bandage removal on Thursday. She is also put on anti-biotics Simplicef on top of her anti-inflamatory, Previcox. For the time being, the infection(hotspot) looks surficial(is that the right word?) but keeping an eye to make sure the infection does not spread to her joint......The saga continues...
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Post by Layla »

Poor baby Leo :cry: Millie does the same with her collar (that's back on as well) They are so sweet when they do that. Really hope that it is just superficial and Leo is better quickly. Don't feel bad that you didn't put the collar on, as everyone said, you are a great mama [:D]
Thank you Elodie!
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Post by Victory »

Don't mind the updates at all. The info will be of use to someone else in the future I am sure.

Also it's good to hear how she's doing. Hope that skin infection clears up soon.
Victory, Darkwind, (our angel), Firesong, and Dreamdancer
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Post by 3blackchows »

Hello Princess Leonora...
We are so happy to hear you are getting around better.
Tell your mommy not to worry, no one knew you would get a boo boo at the injection site. Mommy got it taken care of you for you. I know how you feel about those e-collars, Irish hated his & was supposed to leave it on until his sttapes came out - he was banging into everything & I had to take it off before he tore the house down. I must have said no bite 20 times a minute as he would try to lick his suture. A good brushing really distracted him & tired him out at the same time. Maybe theat will help you?
I'm thrilled you are progressiving so wonderfully, keep up the good work :D
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Post by Sharons Chows »

Hugs to "baby" Leo...my, my she has grown.

Sharon, JR and Cheyenne


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