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Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 4:57 am
by FLDogsitter
Hi, all,

I'm a 60-year-old man who does house-and-petsitting for folks that are leaving town but prefer to leave their pets in the comfortable surroundings of home rather than boarding them or leaving them at someone else's house. I arrive self-contained with food and entertainment for myself and try to leave the place even a little cleaner than I found it. I have only 7 clients, which suits me fine - this is a "side gig" ( I took early retirement after decades or art direction, photography, and digital design, and also am an occasional studio musician as needed) and with only a few clients I rarely have to turn down work due to already being booked. It started when I helped a friend who runs a doggy daycare and it got mentioned at a party. The next day I got a "would you be interested in.." call, and word-of-mouth took it from there (3 of my clients are within a few blocks of each other).

While I do not own a chow chow, I sit regularly for clients with a blond chow named Toby who is a year and a half old (I have sat with him for a year) and I'll definitely be picking up pointers and asking questions here in the forum, especially about walking him. It was great to discover the forum and I hope to learn a lot.

Re: Introduction

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 11:13 pm
by DashiDashJason
Hey there! Welcome to the forums. I don't own a chow chow currently as well but I'm hoping to adopt one soon