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6 month old Chow Chow fighting other dogs when i get home

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 2:19 pm
by Soleil
I dont know what to do. I recently adopted Maia, whose currently 6months old. Maia and I are staying with my parents, who have 3 small dogs of their own, until the fall semester starts. About a month ago she began fighting with other 3 dogs every time one of us gets home. She'll see one of the other dogs run over then, start nipping at then and then they'll get into a full on fight with Maia usually biting their neck. The other dogs have even started actively avoiding her or showing their belly and Maia will still go after them. Do I need to take her to a professional trainer (she knows sit, stay, leave it, and is socialized/friendly with people)? My hope is things get better when I move out, but I dont want her to seriously hurt the other dogs. What do I do?