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Bad news

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:37 am
by Chowbear
Before leaving for vacation, we dropped off our chow with some family member.

He was doing good, but i notice he seemed a little sad. When we arrived at our destination, only a few hours later we received a message. The sad part was that we hadn't checked the messaged until the next day in the evening.

Our chow had had a high fever, and wasn't acting himself. He collapsed on the floor. We rushed back ASAP, but didn't get back until the next day due to delays and traffic.

He wasn't eatting, avoiding everyone, hiding, and chasing his own tail (which he never does)

Once we arrived back, he was already at the pet hospital, the doctor said he might have had a seizure earlier. I was really mad because the doctor failed to answer my questions as to what could have caused him to have a fever and seizure in the first place and what I could do to prevent all of this from happening. The doctor did not even read carefully at the chart papers, we kept asking what did the blood test result show, but he had no idea. How can you be a doctor if you can't even read a chart??? Then after many minutes of questioning him, he says..."Oh wait, there were no blood test run in the lab, yes they took the blood from you chow, but they never run it in the lab yet." His lack of competence, made me very mad.

I almost broke down in tears when I saw our chow, he looked so helpless and weak. I just felt that I should have been there for him when it happened.

Luckily we will pick him up soon and he will be home where he belongs.

Could he have eatten a spider or got bitten by something? or maybe dogs just get fever sometimes??

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:50 am
by Matsuro
You are in my prays. Maybe the doctor DID read the results and its something bad and he wants to spare you? I know some (few) doctors are that way. They avoid the truth to spare people, who really dont as for it.

It could of been a frog, was he outside by himself? King toads, etc can make a dog sick and in most times kill a dog who isnt treated ASAP.

Like I stated above you are in my prays.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:59 am
by chris
OMG, how scared you must have been. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

When you get him home, I would suggest maybe taking him to your own vet, or another vet for a second opinoin.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 10:10 am
by divamom
i hope your chow is getting better i am sorry she is sick chows are always so playful. is it ok for them to chase there tails my chow started doing this and growling at her tail my daughters laugh but i dont now if this normal behavoir good luck and keep us posted please. :cry:

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:14 am
by chowfrnd88
I'm so sorry, what a horrible feeling when you're not there and feeling extra helpless. I hope he is alright. You'll both be in our thoughts.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 1:33 pm
by Judy Fox
Oh deary me - I am so sorry - just hang in there and trust. I do hope he will be alright.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 1:41 pm
by kiwani
Re: "the doctor failed to answer my questions as to what could have caused him to have a fever and seizure in the first place"

It all sounds like a psychomotor seizure, including the tail-chasing behavior - with a variety of possible causes, including brain infection, toxins, etc. I hope you have some test results from the doctors by now, and that things are improving for your Chow.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 2:25 pm
by threedogjeep
That is the scariest thing I can imagine! It makes me never want to leave my babies. My prayers are with you and your chowbaby. Prayers in abundance for you!

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 2:30 pm
by Fidel
I hope all goes well. He is in our prayers. Home is where he needs to be.

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:10 pm
by 3blackchows
Oh Chowbear, my heart goes out to you & your mommy.
You are in our thoughts & prayers.
Please keep us posted as to how he is doing.
Purplekisses x0x0

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:29 am
by Victory
[quote="divamom"]is it ok for them to chase there tails my chow started doing this and growling at her tail my daughters laugh but i dont now if this normal behavoir /quote]

It's okay for a chow, (or any other dog) to chase their tails in play, if they are playing they will do it for a few moments then stop and run or grab a toy, then they might chase their tails again. If you speak to them when they are playing they'll stop and look at you with that happy excited face. This is normal play behavior. Even cats do it, which is really funny.

Then there is the other chasing the tail, they don't stop they will do it until they are exhausted. It you try to distract them they won't pay any attention to you. This is a symptom of something being wrong. Some seizure type thing, which can come from a fever, (which can be caused by parasites or illness) or toxins.

Believe me once you see the behavior in any dog you'll be able to tell the difference.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 8:30 am
by Chowbear
Thank you sooooo much for the all the support!! :) As of this moment our chow is back at home. When he first arrived all he did was stayed out front on the patio and stared off onto the street. We let him rested to regain his energy.

But now he's much better. He's excited for his daily dog park walks and still refuses to eat his doggy dinner.

From now on it's a strict diet of healthy dog meals, NO MORE HUMAN FOODS. Last time I caught him with some pork chops, so the rules have to be more strict.

It was funny the other day, my husband brought a burger home and started eatting it. Our chow (Sas-kay) walks in, right on cue, notice the burger and plops his bum down in the sitting position. He thinks that if behaves he'll get some burger too. He refused to eat his doggy meals for a day or so because he was so spoiled and demanded human food, but we held strong and didn't give in.

Thank you everyone for the support again!! hopefully we don't have this scare again.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:36 pm
by chowfrnd88
I'm really glad he's doing better!

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:40 pm
by LEO's mum
So happy to hear he's better. To think of the scare you had to go through, poor you. Take care and we await more updates. :D

Love & Purple Kisses, LEO(Leonora) & mum

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 3:30 pm
by Jeff&Peks
Great to hear this all worked out, that's the second almost disaster in a week from leaving a Chow behind. I would never leave Pekoe with anyone or any where, when I go She goes, If where ever it is I'm going and the people don't like it, that's life, Pekoe is there. No one will take care of your Chow like you do. and just the slightest not paying attention could be a big mistake.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:23 pm
by chris
Yeah, I couldn't even get Jeff to go out for a few hours the other night... Unless he can take Pekoe with him.. forget it. It's both.. or nothing. :D