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Hoping to get tips

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 11:54 am
by JanPauline
Hi everyone. I brought a female chow chow puppy home last week. She is now 10 weeks old and her name is Jasmine. She is our third chow chow but our first female. She is trained to go outside but I am finding trouble picking her up to take her out or to bring her back in. I am trying to leash train her but that isn't going well. I don't remember having these problems with my other two chows Jade and Bailey. Does anyone have any tips on how I can leash train. She is stubborn but not surprising as she is a chow chow. :)

Re: Hoping to get tips

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:19 pm
by Laura
My Chloe didn't like the leash either. I remember taking her to Petsmart and carrying her in. Once I put her down curiosity took over and she started walking around, with the leash. So maybe try taking her somewhere very interesting and see if curiosity wins over stubbornness. Whatever you choose to do make it positive...treats, happy voices, encouragement. She will get it. I've never had one that didn't plant that furry bottom on the ground and refuse the leash at first.