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Chow Chow on heat - Moods

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 4:35 am
by chichi&saba
Hi all, I am new to this forum & have joined in hope to gain some advice as well as further educate myself on the breed!

I have a 15 month old chow chow & she has recently gone on heat (second week) she is behaving quite weird though! Nothing like ever before, she has become stubborn- more so than usual, she's usually a mammas girl and returns every time I call but as of the last two weeks she will take off and only comes back when I or my partner chase after her, she has been really disconnected & is isolating herself.. I am really concerned because it is just not like her at all & even when she's been on heat in the past she has never behaved like this! She has her spurts where she will come up for a cuddle but nothing like how she was before!

There have been no changes in her home life, social life or time spent with her & I am just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same issue? Is this "normal" behaviour of chows on heat? Could she be going through some form of depression?

Any stories/advice/opinions will be greatly appreciated!!! I just want my happy playful girl back[HEAVY BLACK HEART]️Image

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Re: Chow Chow on heat - Moods

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 1:54 am
by maikinda
The girls do have their moods when they are in heat. Just something you have to deal with if you keep them intact. They may even become aggressive with other dogs that normally they get along with.


Re: Chow Chow on heat - Moods

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 7:51 am
by sue
She is maturing everything you describe is normal for a girl of her age who is in season.If you aren't going to breed from her then it would be best to get her nurtured.Also when she has finished season don't forget she may have a false pregnancy she will go a couple of month's then start digging in the garden.She will be making a bed you will see the paw's going like the clappers it will be perfectly round hole & she may place toys or a stolen towel etc there

Re: Chow Chow on heat - Moods

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 3:00 pm
by chichi&saba
Thank you both so much for the reply, I was quite worried about her for a few days but thankfully she is back to her normal playful self. Her moods this time was something out of the ordinary for her as every other time she's been on heat she is quite affectionate and just wants to cuddle me! I do get quite protective of her when she is on heat and don't let her socialise with other dogs unless she stumbles by one when we're walking on a leash as she does get a bit agro even with strangers!
Funnily enough though my sister has a male mastiff and when she came over she smelt his scent and actually jumped on my sister and started barking, not aggressively but more so frustration!

I have thought about desexing her but I am still not too sure whether or not I want to let her have one litter so she can experience being a mum.

It's way too early for me to be thinking about that yet though and I need to look into it more and make sure it's the right thing for the both of us.

Do you think it's good for a dog to experience being a mum once?

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Re: Chow Chow on heat - Moods

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 1:14 am
by maikinda
There are a lot of things to consider before breeding your dog. You need to do health tests on your dog to see if she should be bred. She should have her hips and elbows x-rayed if nothing else is done. You need to consider if you will be able to find good homes for the puppys. You need to make sure you the money to pay for a C-section if your girl needs one. Depending on where you live this could cost you 1000 to 1500 dollars. Are you willing to take the chance on your girl dying having this litter? Be sure you think long and hard before you breed.


Re: Chow Chow on heat - Moods

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 4:09 am
by chichi&saba
Yeah I know quite a bit about breeding as I am close with a few of the breeders in Australia and my close girlfriend also is a breeder, I still am not 100% on it as I said earlier, I would like to educate myself further on every aspect of it. I am very anti people living off their dogs backs so to speak, and "backyard breeders".
I love her like she's my daughter so I would never do anything to jeopardise her or her health!

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