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extra watery/teary eye

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:03 pm
by alicehuang830
I've been noticing Romeo's left eye is extra watery/teary than his right eye. I finally took him to the vet and they checked his eye even did a dye test to see if there are scratches on his cornea and they didn't find anything wrong with him. They suggested some eye drop and that was that. Could this be allergies?

Re: extra watery/teary eye

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:15 pm
by Rory's Dad
Vet should have given a better explanation, but yes it could be allergies. Most likely not with just one eye tearing though.

That being said, could either be an infection, which the drops should clear up as long as you follow the directions to a "T". However many times per day for usually 2 weeks. It could also be minor irritation caused by entropion. I have a female that has 1 eyelash (yes just one), that intrudes into the eye area. Not enough to cause any scratching, just enough to cause the tearing. Finally, and I am sure the vet looked if they dye tested, but it could also be a small foreign object under the eye lid. The drops will provide a barrier to prevent any damage and hopefully flush anything out.

Re: extra watery/teary eye

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:01 am
by alicehuang830
Thanks Rory's dad, I will keep an eye out on Romeo. I couldn't take him to his regurlar vet since they didn't have any openings. His other eye gets watery too but not as bad as the left eye. I will keep at it with eye drops and see if it helps!

Re: extra watery/teary eye

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:21 am
by alicehuang830
Romeo's eye isn't getting better, probably even slightly worse...he started to rub his face on the floor/carpet and rub his eye.
Took him to my regular vet last Saturday ( the vet visit prior was not his regular vet since we couldn't get a appointment right away) and the only irregularity he could see is Romeo's bottom eye lid rolls inward just a bit otherwise he could not find anything else that could be causing his left eye so watery.
He made referral for us to go to a ophthalmologist, so hopefully they can really pin point the problem.

Re: extra watery/teary eye

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 5:50 pm
by Rory's Dad
Just a thought, but the itchiness that would cause him to rub his face doesn't sound like entropion to me. Of course, I am not a vet, nor...forget the cliché.

Sounds more like an allergy to me. Does anyone in the house smoke? Or if he spends a good amount of time in the grass? If you get the appointment, make sure you have day to day details to share with the specialist to help pinpoint.

Re: extra watery/teary eye

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:14 pm
by alicehuang830
Yes, he does lay around outside in the back yard quiet often.... He LOVES being outside. Wouldn't both eye be irritated? Nevertheless, thank you for your suggestions, Rory's dad. I am hoping to make Romeo feel better ASAP. His energy level is the same, just that he stopped eating his dry food ( core wellness grain free puppy formula ) about a week ago and I switched him to Fromm, he is loving that so far. I will update after the appointment. Hopefully it's nothing serious....

Re: extra watery/teary eye

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:56 am
by alicehuang830
just an update on Romeo's eye, vet at this AMAZING hospital here in Houston checked him out very thoroughly, he has mild epiphora everything else is normal! I am so relieved! :P

Re: extra watery/teary eye

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 6:42 am
by Cindy J
I am glad you found the cause. I was going to mention that Chance's eyes are watery right now. There is a lot of pollen in the air around here right now and it is making both of our dogs miserable.