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Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 2:02 am
by xxj355

Re: Advice Needed Chows and Cats

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:00 pm
by ajs0482
I am having the same problem with my 11 week old, Murphy.
I contacted a trainer and she responded with this:
It does sound like the cat does want to play a little with the puppy, but the puppy is taking it a little too far.

Keeping the puppy on leash but attach the leash to you or another responsible person or to a large piece of furniture that the puppy can not move. When you are not around then the puppy should be in a crate so the puppy can not come in contact with the cat.

We do want to start to teach the puppy how to behave around the cat, but we need to plan the interactions and not allow it to just happen or the puppy is going to react and we have lost our opportunity to teach the puppy. While you are working on this you will need to keep the cat contained, in a room that the puppy is not allowed in in the basement where the puppy is not allowed, etc. So we need the puppy to be on leash with a person with some very good treats. The treats need to be small about the size of your pinkie nail. The cat is going to be in a carrier or in someones arms with cat treats or canned cat food, whatever the cat likes, and the puppy and cat are going to be as far away from each other so the puppy can look at the cat but not stare at the cat and the cat can look at the puppy but not stare at the puppy. Give each animal 3-5 treats then remove the cat to its room. Remember where each animal is and practice at that location 10 times daily for 3 days. Take a baby step closer with the cat and practice at that location 10 times daily for 3 days. Gradually work on getting closer. The slower you go the better the association will be that the puppy/cat means good things.

When you can be 2 feet away from each other go back to the original distance and start to play with the cat so the cat moves (this might excite the puppy so do not get the cat too active.) Give treats to the puppy and put the cat away. Practice 10 times daily for 5 days, then gradually start to increase the activity of the cat at that distance every 5 days but make sure not get the cat so active that the puppy is not able to look at you or eat the treats.
Does anybody have any other techniques that work?
Any help is appreciated!