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Hi there! This is BonBon

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 7:31 pm
by BonBon's mom
Hi everyone!
I am new to this forum. I'd like to show you our BonBon. He is 9 years old. Very stubborn. Lives in Japan with me and my husband. His parents were from Chinatown in Canada.


Re: Hi there! This is BonBon

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 7:00 am
by Cindy J
BonBon is a very handsome boy. Welcome to the forum. I look forward to reading more about your gorgeous boy.

Re: Hi there! This is BonBon

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 10:24 pm
by DrewBear
Welcome aboard! BonBon is a fine looking fella. Stubborn? Nah! Chows aren't stubborn. :mrgreen:

Re: Hi there! This is BonBon

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 4:51 pm
by BonBon's mom
Thank you! This is our first Chow. If he stops somewhere, there are days when he won't move for half an hour... Nothing can change his mind. So I supposed he is too stubborn :oops:

Re: Hi there! This is BonBon

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:22 am
by reddog
Welcome to the “chow” neighborhood. BonBon is a handsome fellow! You mentioned that he is 9 yrs old. Have you had him since he was a puppy or did you recently adopt him? My Whitby is 9. I rescued her when she was 6 yrs old.

Talk about being stubborn. Take one chow who is very chow-minded and add her guardian who is part German to the mix. Talk about the meeting of the minds. lol On our daily walks if Whitby decides she doesn’t want to go a certain way she’ll simply sit down and refuse to budge or to make her point more known - she’ll lie down and become dead weight. Brat dog! :lol: