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Beat the summer heat on walks

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:16 pm
by lhumphr12
My beloved chow Rome likes to take walks with me in the park in the evening but I am worried now that summer is coming he wont be able to regulate his body temp. Tonight we went on a walk about 2 miles ( he needs the exercise as he is a bit overweight from the winter ) it was only 75 F and he hasn't been able to stop panting even though we stopped for water and he had more water. We got home over an hour ago. :( has anyone had any success with the cool pack vests? What methods can we use to take our evening walks?
Thank you !

Re: Beat the summer heat on walks

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 10:27 pm
by Laura
I live in the south where it is very hot and humid so we walk in the evenings, mostly after dark and even then we probably go less than a mile. I also try keep them brushed/groomed so that the under coat is kept brushed out as much as possible. They live indoors with the AC going and a doggie door for when they choose to be outside.

Re: Beat the summer heat on walks

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 7:40 am
by Piff Poff
Neither of mine could manage two miles without stopping to sniff lots and lots and then they would want lots to drink too. I find two shortter walks or even three better for them and in the heat those walks slow right down.