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I need advise ASAP

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:59 pm
by sashasayys
I have a chow/golden retriever that is only a little over a year old. Generally he's well behaved, loves people, a great guard dog and is not afraid of anything.
Today, he started acting completely strange. He refuses to go into my mom's house, and I literally had to lift him up and carry him in after every time he went potty, or drag him in with my fiance. My dog would DROP and refused to move, and he has never ever done that before.
From what I know, nothing has went differently today, but he continues on acting sketchy. Randomly starts shaking, or running away from people. Even when my fiance's Basset hound leans up against him, he tries to get away or growls.
What do I do?? We're leaving tomorrow for the weekend, and he has to stay with my mother in law, but she won't be able to watch him if he keeps acting like this because she has another dog.
I have not started planning for the trip yet, or going through the routine of leaving, so I don't think he knows I'll be gone... But even if he did, he didn't act like this the last time I was gone for the weekend.
(Also, both my mother and step father said that they did not hit him or yell at him..)

I am desperate for suggestions.

Re: I need advise ASAP

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 6:21 pm
by gluesticks
How often does he go to your mom's house? and when was the last time he was there?

He is still growing, mentally and physically, and so occasionally there can be some lag between socialization, especially if there was some lag between one time he was at your mothers and this time.

Assuming he has no health issues, I think more positive and frequent interactions at your mother's house (and your mother's dog) is in order.

My dog always got along with my aunt/uncle's golden retriever/chow mix when my chow was a puppy, but as my chow got older (and considering we were only over their house twice and with my family retriever/chow when my chow was a puppy), my chow and my aunt/uncle's retriever/chow no longer connect and my chow can be jumpy around my aunt and uncle if he hasn't seen them in a loooong time.


Re: I need advise ASAP

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 5:41 pm
by Constantina
Your dog seems more Chow than retriever attitude wise. It could be one or all of these things:

1. The teen rebellious age, battle of wills. My sweet tempered Chow girl has just turned one last March 17. Something changed at around 11 months onwards. She started rebelling in little ways. Refuses to walk at certain times, wanting to be hand fed and has become selectively deaf. Would come running for a treat or massage but not when just called to be petted. She does the plop and drop when it's bathing time and if she does not get to go the path she wants during walks

2. Separation anxiety- associates being into someone else's home with possible temporary abandonment.- Chows get attached to their owners that it actually depresses them when you go on vacation without them. When I went on vacation for a three week cruise my Chow Stopped eating, would not stop crying and got so stressed she got full blown demodex mange and lost 75% of her fur.

3.If she is the only dog in the house it is also frightening to be boarded with other dogs in THEIR territory. Dogs, some breeds more than others, have their comfort zone territories and feel anxious when taken out of it. It feels like prison or a new foreign summer camp.

What I would do: Before you leave for vacation keep taking him over at your MIL to socialize and play with the other dog/s If you can do it daily or every other day so much the better. Doggy play dates. Observe too if the other dogs are hostile him or vice versa so you can make other arrangements if this is the case. Once they are used to him they would be more accepting of him in their territory.

Re: I need advise ASAP

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:15 am
by gluesticks
Constantina wrote:Your dog seems more Chow than retriever attitude wise. It could be one or all of these things:

1. The teen rebellious age, battle of wills. My sweet tempered Chow girl has just turned one last March 17. Something changed at around 11 months onwards. She started rebelling in little ways. Refuses to walk at certain times, wanting to be hand fed and has become selectively deaf. Would come running for a treat or massage but not when just called to be petted. She does the plop and drop when it's bathing time and if she does not get to go the path she wants during walks

2. Separation anxiety- associates being into someone else's home with possible temporary abandonment.- Chows get attached to their owners that it actually depresses them when you go on vacation without them. When I went on vacation for a three week cruise my Chow Stopped eating, would not stop crying and got so stressed she got full blown demodex mange and lost 75% of her fur.

3.If she is the only dog in the house it is also frightening to be boarded with other dogs in THEIR territory. Dogs, some breeds more than others, have their comfort zone territories and feel anxious when taken out of it. It feels like prison or a new foreign summer camp.

What I would do: Before you leave for vacation keep taking him over at your MIL to socialize and play with the other dog/s If you can do it daily or every other day so much the better. Doggy play dates. Observe too if the other dogs are hostile him or vice versa so you can make other arrangements if this is the case. Once they are used to him they would be more accepting of him in their territory.
Well said =)