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Chows and cats

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 1:36 am
by Sirchow
I wondered how many of you have chows and cats living together and how they get on. Ours are fine with our own cats and have got about 50% used to the cats they see in our street every day (when seen in the street) but let any of those strange cats come in our garden and the noise at the window is DEAFENING!!! Straight to kill mode :o
Hard to believe this is the same killer dog lol

Re: Chows and cats

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:10 am
by chowpups
Yes, Siriol we had the exact thing! Oneill would lay down and our cats would curl up along side her legs and sleep and no issues at all! But let some neighbor cat walk into our back yard she would scratch at the window, door where ever she was and go insane! And if we open the door she would chase them out!
Nikki didn't grow up with cats in the house but would give a chase if they wandered in our yard but not like Oneill! She didn't go insane to get to them..And silly Bella doesn't even acknowledge there is anything in the yard, we have to even point out to her???? (Bella is not a chow for those that might not know her she is a g.retriever?????)
Funny thing none of them ever caught the cats just liked the chase!

Re: Chows and cats

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:55 pm
by Ursa's daddy
My chows were raised with the cats, so there is no issues. Malachi always wants to smell Ace when he comes in, and Ace gives him a disgusted look. Chelsea, our Persian, is the queen of upstairs. Malachi gives her plenty of distance. Ursa doesn't even notice the cats most of the time.

Re: Chows and cats

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 2:29 pm
by TyChowgirl
Mine get along just fine. Every once in a while Ty will give chase, and depending on which cat gets chased depends on whether Ty gets put in his place. Indy, my female cat will weave in and out from under or between Ty and his legs. Tulio my male cat isn't worried about Ty and will share floor or bed space. None of them will out right snuggle though. Indy is the one that puts Ty in his place if he forgets too. If Ty sees a cat outside of the house his whimper is similar to the one of when seeing a squirrel, but not the same drive. Sometimes I think he's concerned that the cats are not inside and wandering about openly.

Chows and cats

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:46 pm
by TyChowgirl

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Chows and cats

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 4:30 pm
by TyChowgirl

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Chows and cats

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 1:27 pm
by Sirchow
sweet photos. They look very comfortable together :D