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Sally's progress

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 8:00 pm
by Pinoy51
I think it is time to show our "newbie" Sally. She is so much better now.
This how she was about 3 month ago
This how she was about 3 month ago
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Sally after two month in the clinc and  three weeks of intensive treatment at home
Sally after two month in the clinc and three weeks of intensive treatment at home
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I hope January three the blood test comes out negative and the infections are gone. Then she can finally join Nala and Simba.
Had all three on a walk yesterday. good exercise !! :lol:
Happy New Year, from Simba, Nala and Sally

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:37 pm
by Laura
Awwww bless her! She looks so much better!

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:24 am
by chow4life
Thank you, thank you, thank you for having a kind soul and taking the time for Sally. Unbelievable how much better she looks and i'm sure she feels. Happy New Year to you and all the chowdren.

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:45 pm
by Constantina
You go Sally Girl! She is on her way to her gorgeous glory. You are an angel Pinoy51! Looking fwd to more Sally updates.

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:10 am
by Pinoy51
I'm very happy,
blood test came out negative.
So we're down to Mange treatment and anemia. Everything else is a thing of the past :D
Doc recommended to add liver now to the dry food to combat the anemia.
The Amitraz bath is to be continued now with a higher dose of the chemical to put the mange to rest Hope there are no side effects in the long run.
Sally started playing last night when I came home for the first time. She also copied the " Sit and High 5" from Simba and Nala to get a treat. Smart girl. \:D/

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:42 pm
by Constantina
Yay Sally! Congratulations. Oh for maintenance shampoo try MANALO K9 SUPERDOG soap. Bought mine at CARTIMAR stall number 30. I was going broke after 7 amitraz mange baths at VIP Mandaluyong. Bathed her with this soap four days after amitraz dip bath and twice a week after that. Mange and hot spots gone. One bar costs PHP150 and lasts chestnut about 8 to 10 showers.

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:16 pm
by Pinoy51
Hi Constantina,
thanks for reminding. I got a bar from the clinic in Mandaluyong when I picked her up.
But at that time the mange was too bad. So the soap wasn't helpful and I forgot about it.
Now is the right time to start it. I'm worried that the Amitraz will have some side effects if continued too long.
I'm in the San Pedro, Laguna area will look for it.
Thanks again.

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:09 pm
by chowking
Greetings! I also just went though the same battle with mange with my 5 month pug and from the looks on Sally's coat she's definitely on the recovery phase. I would also suggest adding a few supplements (e.g. fish oil, k9 showstopper) to her diet and a good fish formula kibble would be beneficial to her coat and manage weight loss as well. Orijen 6 fish would be a good choice plus lots of TLC from you would definitely bring her back to her old lustrous self. Godspeed to you and your chowlings! Cheerios!

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:22 pm
by JammyJoy
Great that Sally's doing good and improving. She's wonderful.

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:33 pm
by Pinoy51
Thanks everyone for the encouragements and tips.
I finally figured out,or properly listen to the vet :D, that Sally has mange caused by demodex mites. This kind of mange is not as bad as the other form. The mites are part of the standard parasites the immune system of a dog can cope with.
Only in case of immune system defficiency they will get to multiply extensively and cause the fur loss and skin irritation. In Sallys case obviously the mal nurishment caused the immune system defficiency.
Now with proper food and other problems gone the recovery is very good. \:D/
The K9 soap is out of stock in my area :roll: , but will continue with the rest of the bar I still have and with virgin coconut oil internal for everyone and external for Sally. I had Nala, Simba and Sally play together last night for the first time.
It was like a bunch of pre-schoold kids get together on the play ground.
They played catch, hide and seek and who can run the fastest.
Simba is a bit protective of Nala, but just like a gentle big brother would be with his little sister, nothing nasty.
I had so much fun watching the three. :D
Poor Sally doesn't know how to climb stairs, so I had to carry her to our roof deck, which is favorite hang-out of Nala and Simba, but in the end all were resting together exhausted and were sharing the water bowl.
Encouraging first evening for my Chow pack.

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 5:22 pm
by Constantina
A happy ending for Sally! She is so lucky you found her.

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 9:36 am
by wokman
So happy to here a family has been created. Tears of Joy for you all.

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:52 pm
by kingalls
=D= Congratulations on Sally's progress. Good for you to bring her back from such a dire state!

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:52 am
by Pinoy51
@wokman, Kingalis and all,
Thanks for the nice comments.
I wish I could describe properly how rewarding it is to help a dog like Sally.
She is thankful to everyone helping her. She is showing it by licking hands and being content. She takes medicine without hesitance and resistance. She stays in the clinic for eight hours for her weekly Amitraz bath and is the favorite of the helper there.
Now being nearly recovered she enjoys her daily walks like a little kid the playground. She doesn't make it difficult for us to help her in any way. Hope this will encourage more people to support Chows in real need.
I was surprised about her positive attitude despite everything that happened to her from the first moment I saw her.
But being a true Chow she also shows her protective side now and alerts if someone is approaching the perimeter of her new territory.
Hope I can show her off soon fully recovered \:D/

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:18 am
by Pinoy51
Just thought I put this picture as another progress report.
the three "Chowketiers"
the three "Chowketiers"
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Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:31 pm
by Constantina
Hahaha. Sally looks hung over as the fur is not yet growing evenly. I see you have another little (non chow?) doggie peeping at the sidelines. That one is cute too.

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:21 am
by Pinoy51
Hi Constantina,
yup Sally looks quite "goofy" right now. She is also always licked and roughed up by the other chows.
The little girl in the back is Reyna. She is a fourteen year old mixed breed. I'm quite sure now she has some chow blood in her, as she can mingle with the three.
We have a total of seven dogs in the pack. Including Sally there are four rescues, one grandson of my second eldest rescue girl Sandy(13 years old) and my two "royalties" King Simba and Queen Nala. :lol:
Greetings from Simba, Nala, Sally, Reyna, Sandy, Teddy and Boy. :lol:

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:04 am
by Pinoy51
Last update within this blog.
Sally has been officially declared healthy by the vet.
No more special soaps, bath, oils etc.
She is fully integrated into the pack and nothing really shows how sick she has been.
will post a few latest pictures soon.

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:41 pm
by Constantina
HOORAYYYY! Nice post n Chestnut's first birthday too. Looking forward to the Sally modeling shots next.

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:23 am
by Pinoy51
happy birthday chestnut. we had all three Chows on a small roadtrip today. Brought them to Molito Alabang.
they had fun and Nala is enjoying now getting attention. Sally and her look like sisters now.

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:04 am
by Pinoy51
Sally today February 14
Sally today February 14
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Has been a while, havebeen busy with work Just wanted to update again about Sally and her mange.
After 3 relapses over the last year. I started my own research and started oral Ivermectin treatment combined with herbal supplements, vitamine C and fishoil.
We're now in our 3d month without relapse and her fur is finally growing back normally.
Next step is blood test to see that the Ivermectin does not cause liver damage.
How she was 15 months ago
How she was 15 months ago
image.jpg (154.76 KiB) Viewed 13452 times

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 6:04 am
by rmb
Thank you Pinoy for sharing Sally's rescue story. In the midst of the horrendous abuse stories that sometimes hit the news, it's refreshing to be reminded that there are kind generous souls like yourself out there. So happy to see Sally's progress. Kudos!

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 6:02 pm
by Zhuyos mom
Try giving her 10 mg of Melatonin each day. It should help with the fur growth.

Sallys progress

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:00 am
by Jeremyjot
i remember reading about this when the lifted it from the fjiord sorry about spelling though it does seem to me that she wasnt properly braced when they lifted her?

fantastic progress on the rebuild though

Re: Sally's progress

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:32 pm
by Pinoy51
Okay for everyone who is following Sally's mange story.
Blood test came out negative, the Ivermectin treatment hasn't caused any liver damage.
For three weeks I was reducing the dosage, just to find red spots appearing again all over her body, but no major furr loss until now.
So I'm back to daily dose, which immediately decreased the redness.
Looks I have to do this for much longer than I thought.
If I don't find a better method I keep on boosting her immune system and when symtoms are cleared will start redcuing again until I finally have her cleared from mange and no Ivermection needed.
Any idea how to deal with this differently is still welcome.