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Update on Whitby

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:07 am
by reddog
The beginning of May I posted in the Community Discussion forum section regarding Whitby needing to lose weight and asking for input and suggestions. I posted in this area because I thought more members would read it there instead of under the Health forum. Last evening I decided to update it and found, after doing a “search” my post had been moved the to Health forum. Moving right along.

Here’s Whitby’s update:

I took Whitby to the vet this past Thursday for a weigh-in. It’s been roughly a month since her wellness check-up and she tipped the scales at 67 pounds at that time. She has now lost almost 3 pounds. Yes! \:D/ That was a relief. Talked with the vet and she said that was good and to keep doing what I have been and bring her back in in about a month for another weigh-in. Hum-m, wonder if they have a “Weight Watchers” plan for dogs. :lol:

Re: Update on Whitby

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:17 pm
by chunkymonkeys
That's great that there's less of Whitby!! I had to cut back on my Shima's intake because of her bad left back leg, and it was hard on us because she loves her food. But she did, and she limps less now.

Re: Update on Whitby

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:36 am
by chowpups
Good job, I should have you come and help Bella lose some.. Since I've been layed up for a month with pneumonia she hasn't exercised enough for a golden but that hasn't stopped her appetite any..
Iam also hoping getting her off large breed puppy food will help? '

Re: Update on Whitby

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:33 pm
by Cam Atis
Congratulations! Way to go for Whitby. Cassie's weight is well regulated so far. She is on 3 cups daily. She has a lot of exercise outdoors with blue. 12 hours a day.

Re: Update on Whitby

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:50 am
by Sirchow
Well done you. Just keep at it. It took me a year to get six pounds of Bramble but as long as you are going the right direction that is good.
Bramble has to be on permanent weight control to help protect her legs and one of the ways I do this might seem strange but when I mix her kibble with a tiny bit of wet food I put enough warm water to cover the kibble and by the time it is mixed it begins to soak it up and so her tummy feels nice and full without any extra food. I know some folks put green beans in to bulk it out. I never tried that cos green beens are quite expensive here in Scotland.

Re: Update on Whitby

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:35 am
by Cam Atis
That's a nice tip Sirchow
Keeping chow's weight seemed tricky if they like their kibble. My strategy is simple. I give measured food and that's it. No treats. Just once a week. :-)

Re: Update on Whitby

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:10 am
by reddog
I’m bummed! Took Whitby back in to her vet the 1st of July for a follow-up weigh in. She had gained 2 pounds. :roll: Figured I’d take her back in another month for another follow-up weigh in and if she had not lost any more weight (or gained) I’d talk with the vet and come up with another game plan.

Well, Whitby’s allergies started to flare up due to the hot weather and she likes to lay in the grass. She started itching, scratching, licking and nipping at herself. Checked her for fleas and didn’t find any – that’s a good thing! Started her on her allergy meds but they didn’t seem to help like before. Plus I noticed that she is bald from her tummy to her girlie area and the inside of her back legs. Her fur is very dry yet her skin feels slightly oily. I gave up the ghost and took her in for a follow-up appointment with her vet. The vet commented about the skin pigment on her tummy changing from a pink color to light gray. Decided to do a thyroid blood panel test. Results should be back in 3-4 days. Needless to say, I’m worried. I’m just glad I took her in for a follow-up appointment instead of waiting until the next weigh-in.

Re: Update on Whitby

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:15 am
by Juniper
Hi reddog: My Sheena had low thyroid about 3 years ago and after 3 weeks on the synthyroid I didn't want her on meds for life so I stopped that and started her on a liquid herbal product for dog's called "Thyroid Support Silver" after reading rave reviews on it. After 2 months I redid thyroid tests and she was up to 1.5 which was the same when she was a younger chow! Now I don't need to give as often just one dropperful every other day. I give after meals and just squirt in her mouth. Petwellbeing online is the place that makes it. I also have Sheena on the heart herbal as well since she's getting on in years. She had a full physical and just had full blood work done and her tests were all perfect at 12.5 years. If you decide to buy it go on line, go thru process to purchase and then close program. In one day or less they will send you a discount of up to 25% to entice you to return and buy. 1st time buyers usually get 15% at the get go.

Good health to Whitby!

Re: Update on Whitby

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:27 pm
by reddog
Hi Jennifer,

Whitby's vet called me over the weekend. The news wasn't good. I'm not well versed in all the medical jargon - just gleened from what she said - Whitby has hypothroidism big time and suggested Whitby be started on meds as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your input and information. I really appreciate it. I went to Whitby’s vet last evening with a list of questions and to pick up her meds. Her vet prescribed Thyrotabs. I’m to schedule a follow-up appointment in a month for a bloodwork re-check and to see how she is doing on the meds. I’m going to look into what you suggested and take that info with me and discuss it with her vet. That's my game plan for now. I, like you, don't like the thoughts of her being on meds the rest of her life if not necessary.

Thank you again
Take care

Re: Update on Whitby

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:40 am
by Juniper
Hi Pam:

Apparently, Thyrotabs and Synthroid are the same stuff levothyroxine. I found the meds jumpstarted Sheena's thyroid after 3 weeks to produce its own thyroxin and then I switched to the herbal. I switched to herbal when Sheena became really hyper and neurotic and her levels went to 2.5 in the thyroid blood test which may be normal to the vet but I went by her previous blood tests since she was 3 yrs. old which showed she was always between 1.5 and 1.7. The herbal has kept her there and she has her thick coat of hair again which was thinning previously.

Definitely check into the herbal which doesn't have any negative side effects that I've noticed.
Much health always to Whitby and yourself as well.