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I'm kinda upset....

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:30 pm
by Tippsy'smom
I took an overnight trip to one of my friend's houses with Dixie last night (came home after the park incident to drop the boys off and pack a bag). Well, I came home today to find that my dad had SHAVED Jazz! :shock: I'm kinda upset that they went behind my back and did it.... But I gotta be honest, at least he's cute shaved. At least his fur will grow back... And at least my dad didn't have him completely to the skin.


Re: I'm kinda upset....

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:08 pm
by applebear
Look at that face...he's definably tattling on your dad, "Look what he did to me!" lol I'm not a huge fan of shaving because it strips their protection, but like you grows back.

Re: I'm kinda upset....

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 7:17 am
by giseleassink
Ownn poor little thing!!! They supposed to be big fur balls.. oh well you probably can’t really get mad to you dad.. he still adorable!!

Re: I'm kinda upset....

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:16 am
by Victory
Oh, Jess. I'm so sorry and after you worked so hard to get his skin all cleaned up and his coat back in shape. He is still adorable and it will grow back. Now lock up the trimmer!

Re: I'm kinda upset....

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:53 pm
by Tippsy'smom
He is still really cute. He's got a puppy look about him. :lol: But I am quite furious with my dad and I'm currently not speaking to him.... But you bet he'll probably get an ear full.
Victory wrote:Oh, Jess. I'm so sorry and after you worked so hard to get his skin all cleaned up and his coat back in shape. He is still adorable and it will grow back. Now lock up the trimmer!
Thanks Victory. He was looking so good and then my dad did this... :/ I'm really irritated. And my dad did a crap job at that... I actually had to touch him up this afternoon after a bath and brushing.... :oops: But he looks better and is acting all happy and bouncing around, so I'm ok. I'll be even better when his fur grows back in. :lol: