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I love...

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:00 am
by TyChowgirl
the feeling of a clean chow chow! Tiberius plays with his friends a lot and gets all slobbered up and dirty when outside. Despite the brushing, he still feels kinda grimy after a while and his fur gets chunky even after a brushing. So he got a bath yesterday and feels so soft and clean. Doesn't smell too bad either :)

Re: I love...

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:11 am
by Tippsy'smom
I do too! :lol: Dixie and Jasper tend to get a bath every other week to get them clean from all the rolling and wrestling in the dirt they do. And they slobber all over eachother. :lol:

Re: I love...

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:45 am
by TyChowgirl
Ty gets one about once a month. I prolonged it this time because I didn't want to deal with mud in the bathroom I just cleaned...and I was going to take him to the pet resort to do it...but then I didn't want to get soaked there and have to drive back in it. So I just gave up and did it at home...and it was worth it lol.

Re: I love...

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:05 am
by Tippsy'smom
:lol: I did that with Jazz this last time. He hasn't had one since October, but he's getting one this week. :lol:

Re: I love...

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 2:27 pm
by cherriemater
With all the snow we've had and the fact that the boys love ROLLING around in it, our bath time have been severely extended. Good heavens, I don't think we've given them an actual bath in, ohhhh, maybe since September!!! They don't enjoy mud too much, THANK GOODNESS, so it's just a matter of smell. Good boy, Leo! Good boy, Max!!!