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Female Companion for Rory

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:05 pm
by Rory's Dad
So, it finally seems we will be able to add to our family.

Rory's breeder recently had a new litter that didn't involve any of his parents. Very exciting.

They listed 3 males and a female for sale so we inquired. They were holding back 2 additional females and have offered us choice of the litter if we want.

Get ready for a ton of inquiries. We have always have male chow, never females, and are expecting a whole new set of experiences.

Re: Female Companion for Rory

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:51 pm
by 612guy
Congrats to you and your family. I know you were thinking about another male because that's what you've always had. What changed your mind? I think you guys are really going to enjoy having a girl chow in your house. And of course Rory too.


Re: Female Companion for Rory

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:51 am
by cherriemater
Excitement~!!! Oh for JOY!! Rory ... you lucky dog!! (pun intended) :D

Re: Female Companion for Rory

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:51 am
by Sirchow
Very exciting times. \:D/ A new chow baby is just so special. Cant wait to see pics.
Do you get to choose out all of the females or are they keeping two themselves?

Re: Female Companion for Rory

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:50 am
by beckysmyth92
Congratulations! I wish you guys all the best :D I have a female and she is amazing, i would love a male to see the differences :)

Post plenty of photos please! :D

Re: Female Companion for Rory

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:20 pm
by Victory
I had always had males too, until I got Firesong. Linda from WTCR won't let a person adobt two of the same gender. I also didn't want any dominance fights again either, (I had my moms two intact males and had gone throught that already) Darkwind was laid back but I didn't want to risk the fights.

Anyway I am so glad I have my girl, she is much more affectionate than any of my males, always interested in what I'm doing. Right Dreamdancer is in the bedroom someplace, but Firesong is laying right behind me snoring.

Re: Female Companion for Rory

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:15 pm
by Rory's Dad
Thank you all for the responses and encouragement.

Sirchow...we will have choice of litter. We got some grief from the 'Show World' when we started showing Rory. Supposedly he was not ranked so high by the breeder. We chose him 100% on personality and what seemed to fit our lifestyle (he's a bit lazy). No intentions on showing at that time, but then it hit us...he's a pretty darn good looking dog, lets give it a try. 4 Breed Wins later, and would be more if their were any Chows showing, and it seems all the negative thinkers have been quieted. They wont even enter shows they think Rory will be at.

I think we will take same approach with the new pup. Our breeder feels the same way about multiple males. They won't rule it out (we have owned two males quite successfully in the past, but a pretty good age difference), but do recommend a male/female. Since Rory is showing, he is not fixed. Since we would have litter pick, i don't foresee a female being spayed, so that obviously brings an issue of separating them during that 'time'.

I do have a concern with the current litter as the mom was young. Just over a year old, and although i know for sure the plan was to mate these two, it appears to have been by accident at this time. I worry about why they weren't separated? Although i have a ton of faith in the breeder results, having experience with Rory, this seems a bit out guys agree? Kind of have the mindset that they have gone into too many parent dogs too quickly.

One more question on prospect...any experience with size variations. The sire of this litter is pretty big. Upwards of 80 lbs as I recall when we met him. Mom is tiny, so it may even out. Rory is 48 lbs and on the shorter side of things. Don't want him dwarfed by a female. He is a real socially accepting dog at 15 months, not a mean or aggressive dog by any means, so don't want to risk changing his behavior.

The litter is only 3 weeks old, so it will be a few weeks before we even go for a meeting.

Re: Female Companion for Rory

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:18 pm
by Rory's Dad
612, yes we were leaning toward another male, only because that is where my experience lies. And, i am pretty tied to this breeder based on our experiences with Rory. Until this litter, all of her other litters have had a relative to Rory, and that put me off females due to inter-breeding concerns.

Re: Female Companion for Rory

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:13 am
by Sirchow
I think that a responsible approach with just two chows in the house should enable you to keep them appart depending on your house and how it is layed out. This would allow you to not breed when you dont want to. I have to admit to not wanting an entire dog in the house as I dont feel I could guarantee they didn't breed. You could try talking to a few breeders and see how they manage the situation. It is possible to get an injection which is supposed to take the dogs urge away but whether it damps it down completely when a female is ready to mate I would be pretty sceptical. Most breeders I know with studs keep their boys outdoors in a kennel during those times but I imagine this would mean quite a lot of barking and a very unhappy Rory if he is used to being with you 24/7. It is a difficult one and I am glad I dont have to make your decision. Even two girls on heat at the same time made for quite a lot "shut the door" and "keep Izzie in here while I let Bramble out" etc and minor arguments and irritation. It felt like constant musical dogs tbh. Bramble is speyed now and I am not looking forward to Isla coming on heat.

On the subject of the mums age. Personally I wouldn't breed a chow before it was two but I know plenty of breeders who do. The pups dont appear to suffer but I do worry about the mums as they have not finished growing and it cant do their bones and joints any good to be using up all that calcium for milk. However the puppies are born now so that is imaterial as to whether you should get one or not....just me rambling lol.

The eventual size of the puppy will be determined by which genes it has but in general the females are the boss anyway and most dogs seem happy for it to be this way and size has no bearing on that. A small dog or even a toy dog can boss a whole houseload of larger dogs if it puts its mind to it. Likely Rory will just hand over leadership to the puppy when it arrives in my experience. :lol:

I hope you can find the best way forward for you and I look forward to hearing what you decide.