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Is it normal for me to mix wet and dry food?

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:11 am
by daryl168yang
<font face="arial"> is it normal for me to mix Addiction wet food with his nutro? It is very little for the wet,just to entice him to eat. Can I make my own meats and mix with the dry food cuz it seems much economical to do that...

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:31 am
by chris
It's fine if you do that.

As a matter of fact, I make meat for Steels dinner. He gets boiled chicken breast or thy meat (do not give him the bones) /cooked groud beef/ baccon and the juice/ hot dogs / Steak pieces on special ocations or his b-day.. which is coming up :-)

Oh I forgot.. sometimes he can have ham, but ham is quite salty so I limit that one. hmmm, Iguess baccon is too.. ah, oh well.. he doesn't get much baccon.. mostly CHICKEN.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:47 am
by Rogansmommy
Rogan always gets 1/2 can of Wellness mixed in to his kibble. He loves it and eats it up.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 9:13 am
by willowchow
Yes, it's fine. I especially like the company Evangers. Here is the site--

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 9:44 am
by jerryo
Benny and Lady prefer to have canned mixed with dry. I do two cups of dry, two cups of warm water and one can of wet all mixed together twice a day. They prefer to eat from the same bowl for some reason. Benny seems to get most of it, but they never fight about it, so far. Lady seems to like to pick at her food more slowly than Benny and eat less. I guess she thinks a girl has to watch her figure or no one else will. The Vet says she is a good weight at 37 pounds, and Benny seems to have stabilized at 60 pounds.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:27 am
by daryl168yang
<font face="impact">But do you guys have this problem?

Richie will lick the dry food of the wet food and then he will spit the dry food out. That is unless I am sitting beside him to supervise.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:20 am
by Auddymay
I had a dog who hated peas. Once my husband mixed some in her food (we used to give our dogs leftovers). I came back later, and the only thing in the dish was a handful of peas! I would personally only give Richie his food, nothing else, except during training. He is training YOU to give him only yummy things. He needs someone to say 'eat your meal!' and not add treats.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:09 am
by Judy Fox
That is so true Daryl - you should basically train him to eat his meal - you decide what is good for him to keep him healthy and keep treats to an absolute minimum.
It is a lot like having children - they have breakfast, lunch and dinner and if they snack constantly inbetween, they don't eat their vegetables etc.!! :lol:

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:36 am
by Zhuyos mom
This is just getting so tiring reading your posts about Richies skin and eye problems then asking about his food and when I and others in your health post told you, not recommended, told you to stop adding things to Richie's regular food. He will eat without it! You seem to be very hard-headed and want to listen to others agree with what you (and your family) are choosing versus taking the advice that would probably get Richie to a state of good health and normalcy.

Once again, he still is a puppy... although now he is more a teenager, like you! He still needs to be fed correctly. Like Judy and AuddyMay said, Richie is training you. No more pieces of this and that to get him to eat his meal. No more adding this and that canned dog food and cosi milk and other things that's going to keep bacteria and yeast growing in his system. This is a very important stage in Richie's growth. Stop messing it up. Do your parents feed you junk food all the time? Do they indulge you by making sure you have more unnutrious foods on your plate versus balancing the meal? You must do the same for Richie.

All our chows are different. You can't ask such a general question and expect positive results with your chow. Many of us are older than you and have either raised children or been responsible for our own good health. We apply the same principles to our chows since we've learned through the ages. So why do you even post questions like that here? It seems you know you want to do and give Richie, so just do it and suffer the consequences and don't post here that Richie is sick again and you don't know why and if we can offer our opinion... you don't seem to give a daRn about our opinion sometimes. We've gone through all this already, Daryl.

You are being a nice dad to Richie. But, sometimes you can be too nice by indulging him with all those treats and additives and mixing this food with that food. It might make Richie turn out to be a very unhealthy (and yes, spoiled) adult chow. Who will take your turn when go go away to college, and Richie is older, who will indulge him and give him all those bad foods because he has trained everyone that he won't eat with out it?

Also, did your town celebrate National Day early? I thought it was the 9th.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:25 pm
by daryl168yang
Sorry, Lou. I will be hard hearted from now and feed him only his dry food.

The national day is on the 9th, which is a wednesday. Thus the organisers made it on a sunday, so that more people could come.


Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:48 pm
by AngelsMom
I recently adopted my Chow, Angel, from my parents because they moved to a smaller home. At her former home with my parents, Angel lived with two other dogs and two cats and ate canned food or dry food with hot water in it or people food every single day. I bought dry food (NutroMax Senior, she is 9) and wanted her to eat that but she would have none of it. I asked the vet about it because I was worried that she would be hungy. Our vet is an "all natural vet" and stays away from medicines and things of that nature as much as possible. She said that Chows are dogs who "Eat to live, unlike other dogs who live to eat." This made me feel a little better and she recommended just putting the dry food out for fifteen minutes at a time then taking it away. I thought this sounded mean, but tried it and now Angel eats her food right away and I don't have to beg her to try it. She is in excellent shape and it only took a week or two to train her to eat the dry food. She is now learning to not beg at the table because we rarely give her anything except her dry food.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:54 pm
by Jeff&Peks
Chows are dogs who "Eat to live, unlike other dogs who live to eat.

I've Never heard that before but it sounds right to me, I have to agree with it. My Chow is a self feeder there is food out for her always but she times herself and eats at the same time every day.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:00 pm
by AngelsMom
I was really worried at first... She is my first personal doggie endevour! I'd never had a dog while living on my own. I kept comparing her to my boyfriend's five year old Golden.... haha... He'll eat anything from tissues to slippers. I was surprised at first how little she tried to actually eat.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:02 pm
by AngelsMom
I was really worried at first... She is my first personal doggie endevour! I'd never had a dog while living on my own. I kept comparing her to my boyfriend's five year old Golden.... haha... He'll eat anything from tissues to slippers. I was surprised at first how little she tried to actually eat.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:51 pm
by Auddymay
Oh my goodness. Angel is a very pretty Chow... I was quite startled to see her disguise herself as a poodle! Do you live somewhere very hot? I would be very careful of sunburn!