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chowling aggressive to collie

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:28 am
by P.R. Bear
My 10 month old little girl has become aggressive towards my collie. This started about 5 weeks ago. I have 2 other dogs, a Golden and a Collie, (they are both male). Both of the boys are submissive to her. Once a week Bear will walk up to my collie and just rip into him, which leads to a dog fight. Other than these outbursts they get along great. I'm looking for any ideas as to why this is happening and if there is something I can do to stop it. When the battle begins I get between them and grab Bear by the scruff and tell her to stop, (which she will). These episodes are completely unprovoked and I can't figure out why she's doing it. I would appreciate any suggestions. :?:

Re: chowling aggressive to collie

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:36 am
by kitten1426
Our Male collie and Male chow used to fight all the time...then all of a suden it just stopped they must have worked it out...Now there best female chow is the boss of our 3 male dogs she is probably tryin to show him that...She weighs 50 lbs lol..our males are huge compared to her that doesnt stop her tho..I think thats what she is trying to show your collie..Now our collie and our female chow LOVE each other they never ever fight...and they play rough too,she adores him for some think it will work its self out in time..are they fixed?...

Re: chowling aggressive to collie

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:02 pm
by Lolas_Mammy
Im having the same problem with my 6 month old female chow and my male japanese spitz, they fight for no reason everyday and its so frustrating as my chow is so lovely to every other dog and person!. Ive been researching all over the internet to try and find ways to stop it and i think it could be something called alliance aggression, maybe that could be what your problem is. Its when your dogs only fight when you are around them and try to stop them. One of your dogs might feel they should be the dominant one over the other and if you get involved then it makes the dominant dog think you are helping the submissive one and so they build up tension. Collies tend to stare aswell and your chow could be reading that as a threat? You could try let your chow be dominant over your collie or make them take turns for attention with your chow getting attention first. Maybe it could stop your chow trying to attack to gain dominance. So whenever you are around them both always let your chow get her food first, go out to the toilet first etc...

Re: chowling aggressive to collie

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:19 pm
by Rory's Dad
what you have there is a teenage female chow. she is going to test boundaries until she sets the rules as she sees fit. You are going to have to assert yourself as the pack alpha. Set the order and she will not question it if all is clear to her. Literally, think teenage girl. And with a Chow attitude. She will test limits and continue to until rules are clear and her behavior is controlled. Your Collie will likely try to please everyone and be stuck in the middle until positions are clarified.

Re: chowling aggressive to collie

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:10 pm
by Victory
What Rory's Dad said. Between the ages of 8 to 12 months is the teen age period for dogs. They all act up, they become disobedient, will try to assert themselves etc. You have to be more alpha during this stage, sometimes it's even necessary to go back to the beginning. when it comes down to a female and a male the male usually won't really fight back, unless the female hurts him or goes too far. What you have to do is watch her, for clues as to her mood and step in before she gets started. Call her name, and then give a correction and a time out. this stops the fight before it starts and reasserts your authority as the alpha.

Teenagers of any speicies are a problem!

Re: chowling aggressive to collie

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:46 pm
by P.R. Bear
Well, Bear is still being aggressive to Benny. In fact, it's getting worse. Today I had to break up 3 fights and I was able to block 2 fights from starting. My husband doesn't have these problems in the evening while I'm at work. I'm thinking I must be the problem. Is she not seeing me as an Alpha or has she just decided I'm her personal property? I'm seriously considering a dog behavioral specialist. I can't trust them together, and I'm becoming a nervous wreck. Would love any suggestions.

Re: chowling aggressive to collie

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 10:21 pm
by Victory
I used to have a collie too. And one thing I've noticed is the tempermental similarities between collies and chows. I'm going to make some guesses here, because you haven't really given us blow by blow examples of when the trouble starts.

First I think this is a jealousy thing. I'm thinking that you and your collie are pretty close, and now your chow girl is moving in on that position. Collies are protective and can become very attached to one person and they often chose the female of the house hold. My collie was part mine and part my mother's, I fed, brushed, pottied and took him for walks, but she was home with him most of the time. He played with my brother and respected my dad, but that was about it. Collies are also independent thinking dogs like chows. Female chows also like to attach themselves to one person, sometimes two, but that is rare. They also are protective, independent and careful of "their" person.

You say your husband doesn't have issues, I'll bet "his" dog is the golden.

If I'm right I would recommend that when you are alone with the two of them, (plus the golden who isn't an issue) that you work even harder to establish yourself as the leader. Both the collie and the chow need to earn everything, you had a good relationship with the collie before, but now you need to really work to let him and the chow know that you are in charge. I would highly recommend that you start NILF with them. (NILF=Nothing in life is free) What this means is that everytime they get anything, they must obey a command first. Even for normal meals, they must sit and wait until you allow them to eat. if they come to be petted, they have to sit or give a paw first. Never allow either of them to sit or stand in front of you looking out toward the room, make them lay down, if possible behind you. If necessary, have them lay down, and then place your legs over them so that they are under you and make them look at you.

You may want to bring in a behavioral expert, nothing wrong with that, to witness the dynamics and give you ways to deal with it. you want to find the trigger(s) and believe me there are triggers. Dogs do not fight for no reason. They have a reason it's just that sometimes humans can't see it. I'm only guessing based on what you said about your husband not having the problems.

I think if you use NILF, and find a good behavorist to help you can solve this problem.

Re: chowling aggressive to collie

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 10:25 pm
by Victory
Oh yeah, and be patient. I know it is hard if they are always fighting. But, she is only 10 months old and at that age, she still has a lot of maturing to do, and the collie sounds like he's been king of the house for a while. He might not like it, but that is coming to an end, in the canine world females rule in many ways even if they are smaller. He needs time to adjust to the fact that the puppy that used to look up to him is now the queen of the house. The best way to let them both deal is for YOU to let them know that YOU are the Empress and that your word is the only law.

Re: chowling aggressive to collie

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 6:50 pm
by P.R. Bear
Thank you for the wonderful advice/information Victory. Talking with my husband, I think since we haven't had the dogs to any formal training classes, that might be a good place to start. Checking prices, we could take all three dogs to obedience for the same price as a couple sessions with a behavioralist. I hope that if we take all three at the same time that they can learn to work together. :D