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puppy squeaks when i am not with her

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:35 pm
by Tan160581
obv i find this very sweet, but i am just worried as i dont want her to have problems when i need to go out and she left alone, well as alone as you can be with 5 cats and a another dog, but i was outside today picking up her poos and she was squeaking and barking, how do i stop her doing this , xx

Re: puppy squeaks when i am not with her

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:49 pm
by Cam Atis
YOu stop it by ignoring it. But above all, have a look at her from a distance,and if she is not hurt, IGNORE.

Re: puppy squeaks when i am not with her

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:33 am
by Rio
Pretty much like Cam said, ignore it, as long as you know she is not injured or stuck somewhere, she is just trying to get your attention. A quick glance over your shoulder to check, once she is quiet walk towards her, if she starts the noises again, stop walking and look away from her, she will soon get the message that you are there but not willing to come to every whimper. Chows I have come to realise can be very sneaky doggies (even the very young ones) they find your buttons and push push push them, until the button breaks or they find a new one!!!!!

Re: puppy squeaks when i am not with her

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 11:31 am
by Fozzbear
Hard but true, ignore it and she will soon get bored and turn her attention to her new animal pals and be just fine.

Re: puppy squeaks when i am not with her

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:04 am
by Tan160581
thanks i am going to try this, when it stops raining in the uk i will have times i go outside and if she squeaks i wont come in, but if she stops squeaking then i come in, right ? x

Re: puppy squeaks when i am not with her

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:42 pm
by Rio
Don't get pneumonia to prove a point, if it is standard lovely british weather, go back in but completely ignore her, don't pet her until you have been inside maybe a minute. Obviously when the weather is better (sometime this century) you can then show her that you are not returning because she has made a noise. The other alternative is to go outside when she goes to the loo and clean up as you go.