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interactive dog feeders?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:28 am
by Pirate & Pandora
I am looking to get my chowling, Pandora, an interactive dog bowl to make her work for her food. I have looked at the Kong wobbler but Pandora doesn't seem interested in dog Kong toys. She won't even knock her puppy Kong around if there are treats in it to get them out. Pandora does love sniffing around and digging though, so I thought the aikiou dog food bowl would be the perfect match for her.

has anyone tried this product with their chow that could give me a review? Or does anyone have any suggestions on a good interactive way to feed their chows a meal?

Much Thanks,
Pirate & Pandora

Re: interactive dog feeders?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:44 pm
by yatta5000
dont feel bad, my chow only looks at the kong toys as if to say "only fools try to get treats out of impossible spots...", :lol: so i dont even bother anymore. What i do with the dry kibble i feed my chow is take about 10 pieces and make him carry out certain commends for each one. so he LOVES to eat, he does the commends as i say. and after im done with the few pieces i allow him to eat the rest without he commanding things of him. this helps because it slides in training and also makes him happy

HOWEVER: i'm not sure this is the best idea as sometimes he dont follow commands when i have no treats or food. but i heard that this is all chows. this is my simple way of giving my dog brain activity without spending my hard earned bucks. Goodluck my friend

Re: interactive dog feeders?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:35 pm
by Rory's Dad
i think your idea if great Yatta. Definitely reward for good, desire behavior. Rory has gotten so good at it, he wont take a free treat. If he didnt do something, he just looks at it funny. They definitely get their moods. If the pup isnt hungry, then the treat is not going to be attractive, and he may not do as told.

I would, respectfully suggest, that you always have treats with you.

Rory has even learned that his training/treat time is just after i get home from work. He will do nothing else until we sit and practice and get him his treats. This works well since its an hour or so before dinner time.

Re: interactive dog feeders?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:54 pm
by Pirate & Pandora
I already make pandora preform commands before she gets her food. When i was training my italian greyhound we took her to the trainers that train manyof the k9 units for our metropolitan area. Cleo, the italian greyhoud, was really misbehaved, the chowling is a dream comparitavily! but now Cleo is the best behaved dog I've met. They told me to do this to help her learn and of course i do it with Pandora now.

If your pup will only respond to treats i suggest that during play time interrupting the chow and having her do commands before she gets to play with her toys again, and more importantly make petting a reward. This way the dog will know that rewards for behaving include attention and fun not just food and treats. It has worked exceptionally well for Pandora as she will almost always respond to the commands (except for when there are to many distractions like other dogs outside but she is improving there too) I have only taught her sit, stay, and come because she is still a puppy and i want her to master the commands before I introduce new ones. I highly suggest this way of training. Hopefully this will help your chow to behave when you do not have treats on hand!