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Why is my chow doing this?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:35 am
by trry
Hello guys,
So my chow recently has been doing something new. It has been really hot lately in NJ area so we would let him out to do his business and he would run back in from the basement door. Usually he would watch at the gate quietly. Now, he whimpers then barks wanting back in from the basement door even when outside is a cool 70degrees. The strange part is that I would let him in and he would then want to go back outside in ~30min or I will let him in and he will wait by the door to be let back out again. I would leave him outside if it was cool but he would whimper and bark nonstop which forces me to let him back in. On top of all this he is doing this at midnight-6am which is why I let him back in immediately and not to mention the deprivations of sleep lately.

Any reason why he is doing this? I think he has to poop since he goes to the further part of backyard and I can't monitor since its dark at the time but several times a night?

I am confused.... please help!


Re: Why is my chow doing this?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:01 pm
by Cam Atis
He wants you to join him outside. Try follow him where he wants and see if he still wanna go in and wanna go out. I am sure he won't till he had enough.

Re: Why is my chow doing this?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:46 pm
by Rory's Dad
Deeper question than the response...i would like a bit more info. My 1st question would be on behavior you reward your dog every time he goes out and comes back in, that might be an issue.

And Cam might be onto something...have you changed the routine? Did you walk him when he was younger and now just let him out?

Re: Why is my chow doing this?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:29 am
by Cocoa
It's possible there is a critter living at the back of your yard or on the other side of the fence? He scares it off and then after he goes in it comes back so of course he wants out again.

Re: Why is my chow doing this?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:31 am
by trry
Yup, he went on a small animal kill frenzy (2 animals so far and all this week) =/ hopefully this does not make him attack random small dogs.

Re: Why is my chow doing this?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:11 am
by Cam Atis
You must go out with him to correct him when he does the chase. So you can either tell him no
Or yes go ahead.

Re: Why is my chow doing this?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:33 am
by astonblake
Cam Atis wrote:You must go out with him to correct him when he does the chase. So you can either tell him no
Or yes go ahead.
That's right. My suggestion is same. Try with it...

Re: Why is my chow doing this?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:39 am
by Sarahloo
Please take the trouble to find out if he has the runs! Sure, you can't see what he does in the dark, but you can take a good look :D at the poop in the morning! He might need a trip to the vet to help him get over this!

Re: Why is my chow doing this?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:32 pm
by sandyin29
There may be a bunch of reasons, which may include some kind of reward from you. (He wants you to join him, play with him, praise him, open the door for him, etc.) Primarily, its because its his J.O.B. His purpose is to be aware, sleep light, check on things throughout the night, and to always know where everyone is and what they are doing. Many types of intelligent and protective dogs require full access to the buildings and property in order to feel secure in their position. Praise the behavior, but not the noise. And then install a doggie door or devise some other method for him to to his J.O.B. without disrupting the whole neighborhood.

Re: Why is my chow doing this?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 4:35 am
by james0225
I am almost sure that he was trying to get you to respond and come with him for you to see what he has killed. I think you may see a benefit if you accompany him outside and correct this behavior if you know how to. Also, if correcting this behavior is a little bit of a problem because of the time, lighting, may consider changing the times you let him out along with his routine until you are able to get the behavior corrected. The reasoning behind this is while you wait to correct or have him corrected you do not want the habit to grow stronger and stronger; you want to Stop the Habit/ correct the unwanted behavior.