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My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:31 pm
by trry
My chow is a little over 9months and he would not listen to my calls. He is pretty bad with his name since its name Po and I believe it rhymes too much with Go and No.

Anyway, so I would call him to come back inside he would not listen. He will think we are playing chase since when I come near him he would run and when I leave he would wait by the gate again and I'll come back in 10min same thing. He would need to be occupied with a stick or something and he would let me rub him and pick him up. How do I correct this? I was thinking when letting him out to the yard tie a rope to a small anchor of some-sort and if he would run I would grab the rope. So he will learn not to run from me when I come get him or am I doign it wrong? I might need more guidance in training this fellow.

Weird part in house he is a saint but in the yard he is like godzilla in Japan.

*don't mind the typing/grammar error I wanted to ask you guys before I went to bed. It took over ~hour trying to get him in. I locked him in the basement for doing that.

Suggestions or am i doing it all wrong?

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:14 pm
by Rio
I would not know if you are doing it wrong. I can only tell you how Rio is in the back garden. When he does go out to play I or my hubby are with him. I have conveniently placed a bench in the back so I can watch the little tear-away.
I have noticed that if he doesn't want to come in he won't, no discussion its just not happening!!! But he will only be stubborn for maybe 2 or 3 minutes. Once his name is said (in a very high pitched voice) he usually decides to come in.
I have also noticed that if he hasn't had a mini or full blown zoomie this can delay him wanting to come in! The one thing than more often than not works is if we walk towards the gate (we always take a lead with us)and without turning back shout 'Bye bye then, see you later' works a treat.
He does get a huff on if we don't play with him. As for your babies name, does he respond to it at all?
Does he have a favourite treat? If so have some at hand and blackmail him out, I always try to put Rios' lead (leash) on so he knows play is over.
I don't know if any of what I said is helpful but I hope you can resolve your little dilemma.
Just a thought maybe change his name.Give him a new middle name and use that, people use their middle names all the time. :)

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:07 pm
by Auddymay
Keep trrying...sorry. You can work on recall by attaching a long lead or working in an enclosed yard. It works best with 2 people and pockets full of treats. You take turns calling your chow, and reward/praise when he comes to you. He will quickly catch on and run to you without a prompt, no treats for that! When you are sure he knows to come, release him in an enclosed area, then call. When he comes do not leash him. Just treat him. Then after a few times, leash him and walk a little bit, but then release him again. Part of the problem comes that they know the fun stops when they come. You are trying to change his thinking. Finally as the last poster said, a good many of our Chows are stubborn, and even when trained will get it in their minds to flip you the proverbial paw and just ignore you!

Oh! And do you ever call him PoPo? Use that name for all good things!

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:59 pm
by Rory's Dad
Auddymay has it right. Recall training is really tough and requires work. Use treats. I recommend something different than what is used in the house. Outdoors is a whole new world with lots of scents and distractions. Make sure that you wait until he is fully within your reach before rewarding. RIght up to your legs. Dont reach for him and get that zoomie/play time reaction. I usually call, reward, sit, and releash as the excercise. Then reward again. To mix it up when its time to go in, i will direct Rory to go up the stairs to the door and reward him then. Other times, i let him actually go in and remove the collar before rewarding. This way he is not sure whether we are going to continue to play or go in. The reward is what he is looking for and will not ignore it because he figures we are done.

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:19 pm
by Sarahloo
We've had that problem on this board so many times, that people's chows don't want to come back inside after a walk or after spending time in the yard. Loo has exhibited both behaviours. To get him back from the yard, I attached a leash to his collar and gently pulled him back inside, simply to not look helpless and to show him that I had some kind of power over him and he wasn't (completely :D ) the boss of me. If your pup is smarter than Loo and runs when he sees you coming, then, as you said, attach a long leash to his collar/harness before you let him out. There are thin nylon ones that are like 30 ft or longer, so there's absolutely no escaping you! Continue to trry trraining :D recall, but don't make him believe he can just jerk you around either. Give him a chance to come in and if he doesn't, just go get him, and no discussion either! :)

Po really isn't that great a name, like you said. It's not too late to modify it (like Audymay said), I think! Joe comes to mind, Bo, Po(oh) (Bear), or something completely different. He's still a young one, if I remember correctly!?

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:43 pm
by Ursa's daddy
I don't recall ever hearing about a chow that was good at recall. (sorry, I could not resist). They have selective hearing. In my opinion, locking him in the basement is not going to help the issue. The best training methods use reward for correct behavior and ignore (non reward) incorrect behavior. Auddymay and Rory's Dad have some pretty good suggestions. The idea is for him to recognize that there is a reward for doing proper behavior and no reward if he does not. As Rory's Dad points out, sometimes you have to be fairly sophisticated with the reward.
In another post, I reported that Malachi, my male, is back to his old trick of ignoring my wife when she calls him in. He knows the yard is fenced and eventually she will catch him, but he likes to give her the run around because he can.

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:35 am
by Cam Atis
Trry :D
I have tried this to Cassie.
I sit around, I read the news on my phone, I ignore her. Sooner she'll get curious and comes and sit at a distance. Hmmmm I will only award her a glance then back to my phone. (The treat in at a ready.)
1. Cassie might be coaxed by the treat.
2. My ignoring her (after she ignored me) will make her come to me and see if she can read the news also.
she'll make a pass, rubbing herself on me. When she does that, I dont grab her asap. I let her know I am not interested ever!!!! so she rubs more, and to the point she'll push her nose to my face. Then I rub her neck, find the metal ring, then latch on the lead. I dont immediately stand up after I got her. I stroke a little more. (I dont think that's possible in freezing cold if you are in a temperate country or winter is the season.
3. My sitting down will make me less threatening and more like NOT IN A HURRY to come inside. so she would come when I called her as she understand I am not going anywhere. It won't take you half an hour. Just about 5-10 minutes

Curiousity kills a cat. is true, curiosity catches a chow.

(You didnt like Kung Fu? or KungPoh? PoGi? I think there were a bunch of suggestions before. change the "LET'S GO" command to COM'ON Po. and the NO to "DON'T"

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:21 pm
by Rory's Dad
One thing that i have run into lately. Rory spends his time in the yard on a trolley run. Lately, he has discovered that he can undercrawl the fence to visit the neighbors yard. Naturally, he cant figure out how to get back and gets stuck on the run.

I used to, without fail, insist that he 'switch up', meaning i put his walking lead on him before removing the trolley run. Lately, i have been getting a bit riskier. I just release trolley lead and free it up. He trots off about 20 feet and then looks back to see what i am doing. Now we kind of have a game going, i will lower down and sort of challenge him. He runs back full speed and circles around me. I let him do this a few times, and then reconnect his run.

Not sure i would recommend this for every chow, but it seems to be a game Rory is enjoying. At the same time, i am getting heart palpatations, as i lost a Peek many, many years ago to a car hit because i trusted his instincts too much.

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:16 pm
by 612guy
Good luck!!!

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:40 pm
by astonblake
Not a matter at all. After a good training session it would be habitat with you.
Then it can understand your call.
So, keep training and take care of her..

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:46 pm
by Hugo
Welcome to the wonderful world of Chows! He won't cook for you either.
Good luck and HAVE FUN!

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 5:26 am
by Pinoy51
Never "chase" a dog, specially not a chow. Best fun ever for them and disqualifies you as leader. I leave Simba, and move on, if he doesn't listen. And he loves not to listen (nothing wrong with his ears though). Now after five month with me, he starts following me on command if he doesn't want to be left behind. Then I also had to realise that sometimes it is simply okay to let him do what he likes to do. Simba, as I think most Chows, is not a typical follower, he has a kind of decision process before he acts. Sometimes it just takes a while for him to make that decision and consistently hammering down commands on him , just confuses or annoys him. Giving a command a just wait a while worked pretty well.
In the beginning I still praised him for following my command even if he was five minutes late, or just happend to come by. coming to you always needs to be rewarding. So never chase a dog, always reward him for "finally" coming over and be patient you have Chow not a dog :-)

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:29 pm
by Rory's Dad
Just had a similar situation with Rory. He goes out on a trolley run. He got stuck, so i just let him off the collar. He went into a run, and when i called him he actually stopped and looked at me...then he continued on whatever path he wanted to go on. Called him again, and he stopped, looked back, and went on his way again. Fortunately, Rory is not fixed, and found a shrub to mark. I scooped him up, and took the wrath of the wife for letting him off the lead. He hears, he does what he's told, and then ignores.

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:09 pm
by sara
scuse my ignorance but what is a "Trolley run"? anyone?

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:20 pm
by Rory's Dad
trolley run is a cable that runs from point to point. in my case, the shed post to a large tree at the back end of the yard. then there is a second cable that runs on a roller type mechanism and attaches to his collar. the 2nd cable reaches up to the back door and allows Rory to be out in the yard, but limits his access to the road or the neighbors yard.

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:58 am
by NanouetJon
The selective listening Chow. What a wonderful aspect of the chow. This is what makes the chows the breed we love. They can actually decide.

Maddoxx and Marru Tips:
1. Choose your battles - If your chow is doing something in the yard, peeing / voiding / zoomies / chasing another animal / eating a cookies, you will be in for a challenge. If you can wait for it to be over, wait and then issue your command.

2. Do not use their name as a command. Yelling their name as a command to stop or that you are mad confuses them. Is their name a command or their name. Po does sound similar to No or Go. So you need to choose a new command for No or Go, or choose a new nickname for Po. I do not think it really matters unless you are in a stress situation. Maddoxx knows I am talking to him whether I call him Maddoxx or Mr. Furry Pants. He knows I am talking to him because I am looking at him.

3. Use your voice and hands. When I say "Come" I also point at my feet. We have been doing this for so long that if he is watching I can now just point at my feet and he comes.

4. Be the leader. When I say "COME" I do it with force. I am NOT asking or suggesting. Short and curt. " COME" if I can hear an option, he hears it tenfold. You never say please as the leader.

5. Reward the right behavior. As soon as he arrives at my feet, " GOOD BOY, What a great boy" I give him some petting. EVERY Time. Sometimes I give him a treat, but not always. He will learn that "COME" is a desired behavior and that pleasing me will be rewarded.

6. Once accomplished - Ignore the bad behavior - This is tough. He may have taken too long or dawdled. I was getting impatient, maybe even mad. But once he did it right. I have to reward like he was a good boy. Dogs live in the moment, we don't. By putting him in the basement you will teach him that COMING means basement. He will come even less. But if he is always rewarded, you get a desired behavior.

7. Do not let him get away with any bad behavior. You say COME and he just looks at you. From time to time Maddoxx will test me. I am standing in the deck and pointing at my feet. COME. I say it twice and give him a glare. Next step is taking a step towards him. This always works because he KNOWS I will go and get him.

It is a pain in the butt to train this. Why? Because I do not want to, I want to go back to the TV and the warmth of my house. But Maddoxx needs to know I will always commit. So I will go down to the yard and get him by the collar. Bring him up to where I was standing and make him sit. Once there.... I will praise him GOOD BOY, GOOD COME. Sounds weird but I got the good behavior and must reward it.

If you go to get your Chow in the yard, NEVER RUN after him. He may try to make this a game. If you chase, they win.Stand in the yard and look upset. If he runs or walk away you can walk toward him at a slow pace and do not look at him in the eyes.

Quite often I stand in the middle of yard and wait as Marru will zoom by me trying to get me to play chase. Like a Ninja I will swoop down and grab her. Then make her sit and then walk her into the house.

Practice is the key and be consistent. If you are not planning on enforcing your commands, do not give them. You are unpragamming your chow when you let them win.

My wife and I have an emergency way to get our chows in the house. We use no commands but one of us will go into the house and ring the doorbell or just slam the front door. They instantly switch into Defend the house mode and run inside. No reward for the behavior because I gave no command.

Happy Chows!

My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:41 am
by Pinoy51
Nicely said Nanouet.
It really sums up how to work with Chows. Can only agree, and have best success with Simba working in this way.
I dragged him a couple of times to the place I wanted him to be, as soon as we arrived I praised him for being there.
Now I'm getting more and more positive responses, no more dragging needed. Mostly a friendly push in the direction I want him to go.

Specially on the leash i gave up to walk in front. He loves to anticipate the next move. If he does right I praise him, if he moves wrong I give a correction, short pull or verbal "stop" or "wait".
So in this way walking on the leash becomes a game for us. Never underestimate the intelligence off your Chow.

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:44 am
by PCC
Dim Sum will usually come on call inside the house. Outside, all bets are off! I have tried every training trick in the book, and nothing works. The scent of freedom and smelly things is just too strong.

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:15 pm
by sandyin29
Okay, we all agree that our Chow Chows are aloof and arrogant. That's part of what we like about them, so don't ruin it.

At a tender age my adorable Chow Chow puppy learned to escape from the yard, and was always very happy and quite proud of herself. This meant that calling her in, scooping her up, and being glad she didn't get hurt or lost, firmly reinforced this dangerous behavior. Scolding and a light spank on the butt immediately convinced her to head the other way instead of running straight for me. I used a long, lightweight leash dragging on the floor to re-train her. I did not employ bribes or treats, because Chows will turn their noses up at treats if they don't feel like listening. I repeatedly stepped lightly on the end of the leash, then called her in the way puppies are usually called: Excited, happy to see her. She headed for the door, I made a grab, she ran, the leash flipped her backward. She screamed and struggled. I petted and praised. This went on over and over for at least 40 minutes, at the end of which she was back to her old self, always coming lickity split when called. :D

Unfortunately, as she is growing up and we are finding bigger and more exciting places to play, she is beginning to finish doing what she wants to do before coming at a dead run, smiling and happy every step of the way. This is a huge issue because we play in a deep wash with year-round running water, and because we live in a large city with tons of traffic. I think I will be forced to resort to the longest available retractable leash for playing in washes and other areas that may lead into city streets. Meaning she will never have the freedom to run and play off-leash. I don't want that for her, or for me. All of the responses and suggestions I have read have been useful, just not 100% reliable where Chows are concerned.

If anyone out there has found a SURE FIRE way to teach instant recall NO MATTER WHAT to a more mature Chow, we all really need to hear it! It is sure to save lives. Chow Chow lives.

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:56 am
by PCC
For me the only real solution is to never let Dim Sum off leash. The only place he is allowed off leash is the fenced-in dog park (and my fenced-in back yard).

Re: My chow wont come to my calls..

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:04 am
by Ursa's daddy
My wife and I have an emergency way to get our chows in the house. We use no commands but one of us will go into the house and ring the doorbell or just slam the front door. They instantly switch into Defend the house mode and run inside. No reward for the behavior because I gave no command.
I like that. The door bell definite gets the attention from my two, and anything that sounds like a knock brings them to alert. I suppose I could go to the van and open its door or pull the harnesses out and shake them. That means road trip to them and they are definitely for that.