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Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:03 pm
by applebear
I've been having a lot of problems with Rolyx getting too over stimulated around public places, especially around dogs. So we are working on clicker training, which is new for us both. Thought I'd share...keep in mind, we're both still noobs and a work in process. :) ... ure=relmfu

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:40 pm
by Rio
I think that is a great start, look forward to seeing it in practice when you are out and about. Keep up the good work.

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:12 am
by applebear
Thanks's been a difficult time with Ro, but I'm trying. :)

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:39 am
by Ursa's daddy
I have thought about clicker training for my two. Rolyx looks good in the video.

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:32 am
by applebear
Ursa's daddy wrote:I have thought about clicker training for my two. Rolyx looks good in the video.
Thanks Ursas dad, it took me a LONG time to come around to clicker training. In fact, it took Rolyx...he has some serious behavior issues and the training I know is ineffective with him. So classic case of admitting not all methods work for all dogs and flipping all you know to try to find a method that does. If this doesn't work, I will have to adjust Ro's life to my property and nightly walks when the world is dead. Hoping it doesn't come to that. #-o

If you try clicker training with your two, if you are able to make the clicking sound with your is A LOT easier than fumbling with a actual clicker [along with treats and leash]. Some use a key word, but I like I can cheat the click. ;)

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:58 am
by chowpups
Rolyx looks like hes got it down pretty good.. I tried clicker training but the dummy was me.. I never clicked at the right moment and all I ever accomplished with the clicker was when Nikki was in the yard I'd click the clicker for her to come in and she I know it was me and not her.. but she was pretty well voice trained..
I agree about making the noice with your mouth, cause trying to find the clicker is another dummy me issue. I'd forget where I laid it..
I hope it continues to work for you and Rolyx.

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:47 pm
by applebear
I totally get that Chowpups, if you watch the video will see where my timing is off a couple times [and there was one time I should of clicked for focus but fumbled]. I'm improving, but took me a long time to get it through my thick head that I need to 'click' the moment they do the desired behavior and not a couple seconds after. Maybe you'll try it again someday with's a bit complicated at first, but kind of fun once you get the hang of it. I'm hoping to get good enough at it myself so I can use it when my chow pup comes...especially since I want to try and train him to do service dog work. :)

lol Yeah I have a clicker, but have yet to use it. I hate carrying it and fumbling with it personally. The clicker by mouth seems just as effective long as your somewhat consistent on the sound.

Thanks for the encouragement...that alone helps. :)

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:51 am
by chowpups
It's okay applebear, where Nikki is now they don't have clickers I hope! Only rainbows and blue skies..Iam actually chowless at the moment but love keeping up with this chow forum getting ready for my next chow adventure! Nikki was almost certified for good citizen certification, but the trainer and myself didn't see eye to eye and we left without the last step and certification papers. Nikki was a sweetheart of a chow, the Vets called her a chow in a Labradors coat, but I'd say NO she's a chow ,this IS what they are like too!
So best of luck with your idea to work on service training..

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:00 am
by applebear
Aw I'm sorry Chowpups, I need to learn to read better as I see her dates on your siggy now. :( I've lost a couple chows too, and like getting ready for my next chow adventure. ;) Well full chow, Ro is more husky personality wise than chow...but I still love the bumble head. I'm taking Ro to a cgc right now...well, actually *thinking* about it. I went to the first class so trainer could meet Ro and see his behavior problems [over stimulation] and she said it was up to me at end...I just can't decide as it's hard for me to toss money away if it's not going to help. I don't care about the cgc at this time, he won't pass it simply because he can't calm himself in presence of other dogs. ;) Why did the vets call Nikki a chow in a labradors coat....just looking at her picture, I guess I'm missing something?

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:44 am
by chowpups
Silly me my fingers type faster than the brain works!! I meant to say she's like a lab in a chows coat!! Cause she had the temperment of a lab...Sorry about that!!! I need a clicker for my brain to start working right!!LOL
Nikki was in probably 4 -5 different training classes, from puppy 12 wks till she was 2 1/2 ,then at home reinforcement..And 4 different trainers cause not all trainers we found out know chows and what works for them!
Lots of time and commitment.
And honestly I got probably just as much helpful info from here with any questions on training and it was chow experienced people. our area does not have many chows, I've seen one other chow in 20 some years here.

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:31 pm
by applebear
LOL clicker for your brain...I think I need one a lot of times. I totally get it that not all trainers get chows...I took my male chow to a obedience class for several years and he did great. Worked very little with him and he still completed high in his class. But when he didn't want to do something, he put the full chow in action...which was promptly to sit on his butt and not move. Was rare for him to do that, but it would make everyone laugh. I feel most the things he did, he did simply because he loved me. If it was too much in his terms, he let me know. I don't see many chows at all, full chows that is. I see a lot of mixes, which makes me wonder...where are the chows that created these mixes? Rolyx's father had to be full chow or pretty dang close. When I was searching for a chow puppy, I could NOT find a breeder in my area....let me take that back, I found two. One was a BYB and the other had a paypal button on their puppy decide. I decided in the end to go with a breeder out of state. So when do you think you are going to bless your home with another chow? Have you done any looking at all?

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:24 pm
by Auddymay
I did not realize you were clicking for focus, I thought he was just getting a bunch of free Every treat should be because of a behavior, every behavior should have a name/hand signal. For 'focus', try 'watch me' and the hand signal is you pointing at your eyes/face. Treat when he looks at you, and don't repeat til he breaks his gaze. For the problem you described this will be the go-to command. Rolyx is really pretty good at following instructions. I laughed when I thought, "say GOOD BOY too", and the very next treat you did. I think you will have success. Just don't do like me and get complacent once he and you become pros. Let us know how it goes!

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 3:35 pm
by applebear
Auddymay wrote:I did not realize you were clicking for focus, I thought he was just getting a bunch of free Every treat should be because of a behavior, every behavior should have a name/hand signal. For 'focus', try 'watch me' and the hand signal is you pointing at your eyes/face. Treat when he looks at you, and don't repeat til he breaks his gaze. For the problem you described this will be the go-to command. Rolyx is really pretty good at following instructions. I laughed when I thought, "say GOOD BOY too", and the very next treat you did. I think you will have success. Just don't do like me and get complacent once he and you become pros. Let us know how it goes!
He's pretty decent with the focus [assuming no stimulus is around], I play a few focus games with him that I was shown to help since he has such a hard focusing on me outside. I didn't know you were suppose to use a hand signal for every behavior...I guess I thought words were ok. I did use hand gestures for stand and down to teach him them, but he got them so fast that I usually stop using them and just use word. It makes sense to me, so I think I best start searching some ideas for gestures. And YES you are SO right about saying good boy too and you caught it, I need work on saying it all the time. lol I always forget and then correct myself. Definitely thanks for the tips, and advice...I hope it eventually helps both Ro and I for walks and outside/public time.

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:15 pm
by Auddymay
Hand signals have been shown to be a better command for a behavior than voice. A well trained Chow (not mine for most things, but for some) will then respond to either voice or hand gesture. Sometimes one is more appropriate for a given situation than the other. I clicker trained, but have not used them in a very long time. If we break them out, Lily will still respond to them. She learned at 6 months and just turned 7.

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:07 am
by applebear
I'm ok using hand signals, I just have to learn them and start remembering to use them...clicker training isn't so much hard as a pain in the toosh. I think I'm getting it down and then forget one of the 10 steps. lol I'm getting there, just like Ro...I got some learning to do. Do you still see the benefits from the training after all these years even though you haven't done the training for awhile?

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:43 pm
by Auddymay
We never do it anymore, but every now and again we whip it out to see what she will do. A couple clicks and it's like she never lost it. If you get On Demand, look up some episodes of It's me or the Dog There are some excellent training techniques for reactive dogs. Never hurts to have as many weapons in the behavioral arsenal as possible!

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:56 am
by chowpups
Its funny but Nikki would also respond to the clicker after many months of not using it and I'd find it in a drawer and use it again and she'd come right in the room and sit and look at me. Then I'd have to go find a treat cause that was what she really was focused on.. LOL
We did notice every now and then Nikki would slip alittle and not respond to us and we'd do a little at home with hubby and myself and Nikki refresher course. I think they get alittle lazy every now and then. Just like if you have kids.. they need to be told again sometimes to do something.
Nikki's hardest thing was recall outside.. can't say we really ever accomplished that to the point I felt comfortable that she would come each time. And we did alot of work on that with alot of different trainers and not one of them or ourselves could really rely on her to come back each time. Indoors she was perfect..

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:43 am
by applebear
I don't think they ever completely forget, I trained my 2nd chow with a different method of training and he'd be a bit rusty, but pop back into it quick enough. I have to laugh because I have been asking some husky folk for some help with Rolyx and they keep going on how it's both the chow and husky in him that makes him so difficult. In all honesty, my chow was a breeze to train and he didn't go into the zone like Ro. Actually I really should rephrase that, Ro is a breeze as well, he learned each command with in a couple's just his focus and over stimulation that throws it all out the window and that is the husky, not chow imho. lol

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:45 am
by applebear
Auddymay wrote:We never do it anymore, but every now and again we whip it out to see what she will do. A couple clicks and it's like she never lost it. If you get On Demand, look up some episodes of It's me or the Dog There are some excellent training techniques for reactive dogs. Never hurts to have as many weapons in the behavioral arsenal as possible!
Thanks, I'll see if I can find some of those episodes. Never hurts is very true. :)

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:42 am
by chowpups
I can only relate to one husky that came over to play with Nikki ,and Blu ( the huskys name) would run circles around Nikki and very hyper to the point Nikki would come to me and sit at my feet as to say" save me from this wackie pooch" . Blu ,now to be fair ,was a rescue with little training but was very out of focus even when we put Nikki in the house to work with him alone in the yard . we let. Them play and run first hoping to wear him down alittle,his energy level was very high compared to Nikki's .But he would just try to jump the fence to get away when Nikki wasn't there anymore. Blu just wanted to run and play ..Even with a longer training leash on he'd try to run as far away as the lead would let him go and was he strong too trying to reel him back in when called.

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:45 am
by applebear
chowpups wrote:I can only relate to one husky that came over to play with Nikki ,and Blu ( the huskys name) would run circles around Nikki and very hyper to the point Nikki would come to me and sit at my feet as to say" save me from this wackie pooch" . Blu ,now to be fair ,was a rescue with little training but was very out of focus even when we put Nikki in the house to work with him alone in the yard . we let. Them play and run first hoping to wear him down alittle,his energy level was very high compared to Nikki's .But he would just try to jump the fence to get away when Nikki wasn't there anymore. Blu just wanted to run and play ..Even with a longer training leash on he'd try to run as far away as the lead would let him go and was he strong too trying to reel him back in when called.
Huskies are a very high energy dog, independent on top of it making a crazy combo. When I went to look at Rolyx at the shelter, I read up on huskies beforehand and decided if he was "too husky," I would pass. I swear I spent half the day there, just observing, hanging out with him and he seemed more chowish to me. He was aloof, mellow/laid back, he was relaxed while all the other dogs were barking, jumping, running, playing etc.. I took him home under one impression and after he had some time to settle in, just BAM over night...HUSKY. My only assumption is there was no amount of time I could of spent there to see the real Ro...he had to get to know me on a different level, live with me and become part of my pack. He has chowish things about him, but I'd def say more husky. I DO love him and he can make me laugh, just some days I want to bang my head against the wall. I just tell people I have to take the bad with the good and do the best I can with him.

Blu sounds like a lot of huskies and I hear many are great fence jumpers, diggers and love to run. On a slightly different topic, I wonder if Ro is going to be too rough or press himself too much on the chow puppy I'll be bringing home at some point. Ro can have poor boundaries with dogs. Such as my yorkie/pom Knarly...knar wants NO part in play with Ro. He makes this clear when Ro is booping him on the tush with his nose as he walks by him....knar flips around and grr grr grr!! Ro respects it enough that he leaves him alone. But my friends corgi love Ro, and Ro does well with him for the most part, but he doesn't know when to 'quit' or give it a break. I am working on a "back off" phrase for him though, maybe it'll work for leaving the pup alone too, when he's getting too rough.

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:22 am
by chowpups
There was a member on here a while ago that was called chowhuskylass and she raised 5 huskies ( I think 5) and had adopted 2 chows she could probably answer any questions maybe she might still read posts here! She did very well with all her dogs it seemed can do a search on huskies and some info might show up on this site from her! I do know my chow was always very laid back so most dogs seem to have more energy than Nikki, when she was tired she just walked away and laid down. From seeing your video your dog is much calmer than Blu.

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:48 pm
by applebear
chowpups wrote:There was a member on here a while ago that was called chowhuskylass and she raised 5 huskies ( I think 5) and had adopted 2 chows she could probably answer any questions maybe she might still read posts here! She did very well with all her dogs it seemed can do a search on huskies and some info might show up on this site from her! I do know my chow was always very laid back so most dogs seem to have more energy than Nikki, when she was tired she just walked away and laid down. From seeing your video your dog is much calmer than Blu.
Thanks. My male chow growing up was kind of like Nikki, more laid dog I ever had, just kind of took things with the 'meh' attitude. Ro is super in the house, he's actually on the lazy side there. lol However, I could see him pestering the heck out of another dog if they allow it or encourage play...his problem is he doesn't know when enough is enough. We'll see how it goes, will at least keep me on my toes. ;)

Re: Rolyx and clicker training

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:50 pm
by Ursa's daddy
Chows vs Huskies. We previously had a husky. She was a beautiful, wonderful dog that was really too smart for her own good. It did not take long for her to learn that the invisible fence would just bite once if you ran straight through, and you could sit just outside the yard and wait until someone came home to let you back in. A three wire fence with all of the wires hot was not much of a challenge once she learned to carefully dive through it. And dig, we still have plastic mesh under the grass in a number of places where she used to dig. Chows are so much easier to handle. Yes, they have their issues, but they are not huskies. My two chows are so much more laid back.

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