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new dog

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:43 pm
by Ursa's daddy
Well, my wife was not too sure about another dog. We have discussed this a lot, and she just wouldn't warm up to the idea. Soooooo, I started working out of town on a job that should last between 4 weeks and two months, I am not sure. Seems that the people renting the trailer up the road moved and left their dog, a chihuahua. Well, it followed her home, and entered the garage when she pulled in her car. The dog is an intact male, and Malachi had something to say about it. My wife got out the car to manage the situation, and Ursa was shook up about the whole thing and jumped in the car. Listening to the story, it was one of those things you needed to have on video. She kept the chihuahua separated from Malachi by letting it stay on the screened porch with the doggie door closed. Malachi really is a mellow fellow, so things settled down. Yoda, my chow raised cat, however is not so mellow, and stalking dogs is sport in his book. So there is still some excitement. I guess I will find out more when I get home again.

Re: new dog

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:59 pm
by Rio
A little play mate, how delightful,come on Yoda be a sport, the poor guy was homeless and an orphan. Fingers and paws crossed that it works out.
Please please keep us up to date with events.

Re: new dog

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:00 am
by Sarahloo
Yoda is probably bigger than doggy!

It would be great if you could keep him. How much work can they really be, weighing next to nothing? :-)

Re: new dog

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:22 am
by Ursa's daddy
Rio, from some of your posts, it sounds like you have lots of experience with cats. Chelsea, our Persian came from a pitbull rescue group, so I am sure there is much more to this story waiting to unfold. The Chihuahua has also discovered that Cleo, the Yorkiepoo, is a female (fixed). She does not appreciate the attention. I will find out more this evening. ........ to be continued......

Re: new dog

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:08 pm
by Ursa's daddy
Update: Cleo is still not appreciative of the attention, so a separation is being tried. One in the house, and one outside. Ursa and Malachi have decided they like to play with their new friend. Chows play rough, so Kitty, the wife, has to keep an eye out to make sure that the little man does not come out the worst for it. Ursa likes to tease him, so there could be a problem. Malachi likes to chase and be chased, so as long as the chi does not get stepped on, this is probably a good thing. I wanted to find someone that Malachi could play with. He always wants to play chase with Maggie the rat terrier, but she finds him just too big.

Re: new dog

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:56 pm
by Rio
Soounds like things are coming along very nicely at yours, yeah Chows do play rough, Rio managed to 'play' with one of our Ragdolls the other day (Blueberry, who is a total nancy boy anyway) after the play session we realised Rio had, after almost flattening the poor kittie with one paw, decided Blueberry must have needed a bath as he was absolutely soaking! Poor cat looked like a drowned rat. But having said that Blueberry is the only kitty thus far that will approach Rio without hissing like a python.
I am crossing fingers for things to work out at yours.

Re: new dog

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:21 am
by Auddymay
This trend of abandoning pets when moving is my biggest pet peeve. It's funny how they instinctively know who the tender hearts are, isn't it? Best of luck with the new Tater.

Re: new dog

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:52 pm
by Ursa's daddy
The latest up date is that Cleo has discovered the chi cannot jump on the bed, so she can hide out that way. I suppose things are beginning to settle down at home. No new updates on the cats, so I guess they have decided to leave the dog alone.

Re: new dog

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:55 pm
by Ursa's daddy
A quick up date. Ursa snapped at 'Bit, and he was a big time drama queen. Well Kitty (wife) decided to chew Ursa out. Generally this is a waste of breath, since both Chows generally can't hear her because of selective chow hearing. Well, this time she listened. After being told that she had behaved badly, Ursa tried to make it up by licking and kissing on the chihuahua. He must be a really small dog, because he is smaller than Maggie, our rat terrier, which makes his smaller that all the cats.
I have been out of town for over two weeks, and Malachi has decided to challenge his mother. He was out in the yard, and would not come in last night. Kitty went down the step on the deck and out in the yard to get him. He ran up the steps and to the back door. She went to open the door, and when she did, Malachi went back down the steps into the yard. He finally came in, but he proved his talent with selective hearing

Re: new dog

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:44 pm
by Rio
Malachi being a cheeky boy, but it does sound like things are settling at yours. Don't you just hate the selective hearing problem they all seem to develop! At least Ursa apologized, guess thats a bonus.

Re: new dog

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:10 pm
by Auddymay
Trust me, it could be so much worse. Dillon has over the last couple months learned to walk past me to come back in the house- in the daylight. Once it starts getting dark, he turns into a different animal. I have to sit on the couch and let him enter on his own. Once past me, I can deign to get up and shut the doors. He wants to actually come in, he is afraid. If I crinkle the jerky bag, he is usually pretty quick. Last week we hit an all time record at 2:00 AM. This fella is funny. We had a thunderstorm just roll through, and he came right in when asked.

Re: new dog

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:27 pm
by Ursa's daddy
Auddymay, LOL.....Kitty gave me the latest update this evening. I have wanted to get Malachi a playmate, and now he finally has someone who will play chase with him. He give Ursa plenty of room after she snapped at him, even though she apologized. He barks at the cats, who look at him like he is out of his mind.