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I need advice..

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:36 am
by TanyaMomo
I can't get my Lola to gain weight after she had puppies and her fur is dry and not long and full like it use to be. The vet I use is going to test her some next visit but so far hasn't been much help. I'm going to start putting a little fish oil in her food to see if that does some help with her fur. I can't afford to buy expensive dog foods for my dogs. People say dog food is crap unless it's the all natural kind but that is way out of my budget unfortunately! If I were to make dog food for her myself what would be safe and best? I'd like mixing it in with a little of her regular dry food food. Please help! :(

Here is a recent picture of her outside you can see her fur isn't full at all. She is a smooth coat.


Re: I need advice..

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:22 am
by ChowRo12
Hello! I'm having the same issue with my 11 yr old Chow. We just recently got her back from her being at my in-laws most of her life and so maybe the adjustment is still in progress. She used to eat her food so well (Pura Vita-Salmon and Sweet Potato) but now she eats just half of it. I'm not sure why this is since before I'd just put brown rice and eggs with her food and it would be done, now, not so much. Also, I have these natural dried salmon treats that I sometimes break into pieces and mix it with her food so she can't just eat the salmon part. Maybe doing that would work for your chow? Hopefully mine gets adjusted with her new surroundings and eat her food again. If I find any new research I'll share it!

Re: I need advice..

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:54 am
by TanyaMomo
Thanks for the advice! My Lola is now a healthy weight since last post! I was so worried about her but since the weather has gotten cooler her fur even looks nicer. She just doesn't handle heat very well. I'll try the rice and egg idea, although she has gained weight sometimes she just doesn't want her food she's picky so I always have to put something new mixed in it so she will eat.