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Muzzle - HELP !

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:43 am
by lou_CHOW
My chow REFUSES to take a bath - anything involving the word ; action ; you name it . . he runs . The last time i took him a bath , we had to muzzle him . It was never easy . But NOW .... its impossible ! Any suggestions on how to get the muzzle on him , so that nobody gets hurt ? /:)

Re: Muzzle - HELP !

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:37 am
by Tippsy'smom
I can't offer any advice. My purebred is small enough(39 lbs) that even when she runs, when I catch her I can simply pick her up and put her in the tub and she gives in. And my mixes simply jump in the tub.

But honestly, in your case I'd simply try some sort of waterless bath product and brushing.

Re: Muzzle - HELP !

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:34 pm
by tysonchow03
We have to muzzle Tyson when we clean his ears. The way we we figured out to do it is get him into a corner and muzzle him from behind so he can't see it coming, if you go from the front he'll see it he'll run. (might take a few times to get him into a corner, so yes running is still involved)

Re: Muzzle - HELP !

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:53 am
by Merlin
we had to muzzle him .
It's never really a good idea to muzzle a dog, "all of a sudden", at a moment of need, if you don't have to./Often, people do this in emergencies, and the dog panics and it only adds to the problem at hand.
It's far better off for you to teach your dog to accepting wear a muzzle, then, once you'\ve achieved that, to use a muzzle at moments when you require extra help with restraint. This way your dog won't associate the muzzle with some traumatic experience.

Try working with treats at ramdon times to encourage the dog to get used to the muzzle.
You can do the same thing in the bathub. You can feed your dog in their, put the dog in there without running water, just to condition the dog to get used to the entire room, and the various facets of the room.