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concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:27 am
by sabine
I am not a Chow Chow owner but I am posting here for advice concerning another person's Chow Chow who I believe is not treated right. I work in a learning center and two weeks ago, my boss brought in his one year old, show dog quality Chow Chow. The man just moved into a new Condo and it appears that he does not want the dog there. He actually owns two Chow Chow; the female is living now with his girlfriend. The other one, a one year old unneutered male is "stored" at the learning center. The Chow Chow sometimes has to stay in very small rooms without a window, and spends every night in this room; the poor dog is also locked up during many days in this room until his owner shows up; normally, work at the center never starts before 4 o'clock; several days a week, the owner himself teaches classes and then he is at the center until around 11 or 12 pm. My boss is not a morning person, as he has trouble returning phone calls prior to 12 o'clock in the morning, and I cannot imagine that he gets up early, drives to the center, and takes his dog out for a walk. Last Saturday, I arrived at 9:30 and the dog was locked into one room. I heard him barking, sniffling, and growling, and so I decided to let him out so he can walk around and be among some people. The dog growled the whole time and was very unhappy, as it appeared. The owner showed up at 3 o'clock in the afternoon to take him out for a very quick walk, but not before asking if any of the staff could take his walk out; we couldn't; the dog does not like to be touched by strangers and in order to take him out, one has to attach a leash to his collar; it's scary when you are around an unhappy, growling Chow Chow, who seems to be confused, too. I know the owner loves his dog, and the dog adores his owner, but I do not agree with my boss's statement that his Chow Chow is "happier" at the center because he gets to see him more. It would be one thing if he brought his dog with him on long days, but leaving him there? It looks almost like abandonment to me and I am concerned for two reasons: a) the poor dog is isolated from any company during nights and often also for large portions of the day; and b) an unhappy, disgruntled Chow Chow is not a good idea when you have excited teenagers around who all want to pet and mess with him. What should I do????

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:21 pm
by Victory
Oh my God! And you're going to hear more of that. First of all this idiot doesn't love his dog. Anyone who loves a dog, takes care of him. Who is feeding him, providing him with fresh water? You? Or someone else or does your boss, owner fill the bowls in the afternoon, before he locks the chow up for the night?

Who is grooming the chow? They need grooming of somekind at a minimum of once a week.

Okay, that's just the standard things. The real problem I see here is the chow is becoming territorial, the room(s) that he is locked up in he is beginning to see as his and only his, this is a problem and a disaster waiting to happen, As he will be become more territorial and more protective of that space until he won't want anyone to enter those rooms when he is in them.

This is an intact 1 year old chow, he's really just a big puppy, but is at the stage where he needs a firm, patient, consistent handler. This guy sounds like he bought two show quality chows to breed, and then found out how much work that is. Okay, so here are a few things to try.

See if you can find out where he got the chow, if it is a quality responsible breeder, see if you can contact him/her and have them come see the chow in his current circumstances. I think this guy is violating a contract if he got the chow from a good breeder.

If it isn't a good breeder, then try, working with the chow yourself, like you are the owner, take him out, brush him, feed him, give him attention, and training. This is important at this stage because this chow needs socialization PRONTO!!

If both those two fail, see if there is a chow rescue group in your area, or a rottie, or pit rescue, they will often also take chows, (same bad rep) And have them come talk to the dumb owner, and maybe even take the chow. The chow needs and deserves better than he's getting. And with all the people around him, with him being locked up so much, he could become aggressive.

Dang it, why do people treat living things like an old pair of shoes!? Dang this ticks me off! :evil:

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 1:09 pm
by Zeus & Simba
Oh my god is putting it lightly. People who treat animals like this make me sick.

Please, please take the advice from Victory, it is sound.

No animal deserves to be treated like this.

Chows above all need socialization, love and attention

Please help this one before it's too late.

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 1:34 pm
by sabine
I really appreciate the feedback greatly. It confirms what I have been thinking for the last two weeks. This dog, any dog, deserves better than that. He is an absolutely beautiful Chow Chow. According to the owner, he cost him several thousand dollars. The dog is fed and always has fresh water. He also appears to be brushed. It is not like he is physically neglected. He is emotionally neglected in my opinion. The secretary and I have been appalled. We feel so very sorry for this animal and have tried several times to raise the issue with the owner, our boss, but were always blown off as if we don't know what we are talking about. I own a dog myself, a Maltese Terrier Mix, and had a labrador and a Coyote-Chow mix (the latter was taken in by me as a stray) in the past. I do know a thing or two about dogs. However, I have to admit that I am scared of this dog when the owner is not around because he is so touchy and always growling. I don't blame him. I am scared to put the leash on his collar since I do not want to get bitten by a frustrated, lonely Chow. I also realize that Chows can be very terrritorial and it may make him aggressive. It is a disaster waiting to happen. The way the dog is so attached to his owner and so happy when he is around breaks my heart because I know he has to endure so much loneliness and separation from contact. Yesterday, my boss went for a day trip and left instructions not to open the door to the Chow's room and also not to call him with any issues. I opened the door a tiny bit nevertheless to see how the dog is doing, and he did not even growl. He was so quiet yesterday, as if in deep depression. I can't explain it any other way. I want to help the dog so much. Do I have enough grounds on which to file a complaint with animal rescue. Where we live, they do not do much if the dog has food, water, and shelter. I welcome any suggestions on how I can safely befriend this Chow because I am willing to give him attention when I am there and to take him out.

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:48 pm
by Boogie and Linda
Well besides stating the obvious about the chow being neglected, this is a huge liability for your boss and a disaster waiting to happen. This chow is going to act out and someone could get seriously hurt. Your boss has an obligation to the chow and to his employees to fix this. I don't know if this is reportable. It depends on where you live what the laws are.

As for becoming a friend to the chow, I think that would be a nice thing. The poor chow is obvioulsy confused and scared with his new arrangement. I would try by giving him a few treats (my chows love cheese) and just kind of sitting there with him. He will come over to you and be more interested in being friends if you don't push. Chows can get overwhelmed by people being too pushy and grabby and that may cause them to growl or snap. I don't think it will take long for him to become your friend. If he has someone there he can trust that will help him a lot and you being able to work with and trust him will help you too. Good luck.

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:01 pm
by kingalls
Does your boss own the learning center? Can't you bring it to someone's attention that the facilities is being used as the Chow's home? With this guy being your boss, it sounds like you are between a rock and a hard spot to take any type of productive action. Definitely see if you can find out who the breeder is - a good breeder would not be happy and take action. While the Chow Chow has bonded with the owner, perhaps you can win some of his trust. While it's not an option for you to touch and attach a leash for a walk, maybe you can "interact" with him from a distance. If he will accept treats from you, then you can use that to help establish a connection. If you are okay to go into the room and just be there to get him use to your presence. Bring a book to read and just sit in the room with him. No need to try and touch him. Just be there and talk to him.
Just because you can buy a show dog doesn't mean you qualify to own one - or any other animal!

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:57 pm
by Zhuyos mom
sabine wrote: two weeks ago, my boss brought in his one year old, show dog quality Chow Chow. The man just moved into a new Condo and it appears that he does not want the dog there. He actually owns two Chow Chow; the female is living now with his girlfriend. The other one, a one year old unneutered male is "stored" at the learning center.
It sounds like your boss' condo association has something against chows where he might not have known existed - since he has had to find temporary homes for both chows when he moved into the new condo. Or a vocal neighbor had complained about them. If I were you, I would just have a direct talk with your boss offering help and sharing your thoughts on what you are observing with his chow at the center. Prior to the talk, I would find a couple of kennels or doggie day care or pet camp places to suggest to your boss as alternate places where his chow could thrive while he can't have him at home. You don't really know the full story and am only living a sad glimpse of what's going on with the chow.

Of course the boy is unhappy and confused. His world changed and chows tend to like consistancy so they know what they need to do each day - what and where to guard, etc. It's really nice you are concerned about him. However, before you do anything drastic, I would have a talk with your boss. Most chow owners are really nice and will be open to what you have to say when it concerns caring about their chow. And if your boss said the fellow cost thousands of dollars and is not fixed, it may be a contract with the breeder to keep him in tact.

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:08 pm
by sabine
Apparently, the owner of the Chow showed up some time between 9 pm yesterday and 2 pm today and relocated the dog to the biggest room with ceiling to floor windows (it's the room where he also usually teaches in). That's where the secretary found him this afternoon. The owner worked from 3 to 10 and probably has not left yet (he will stick around until 11 pm or so on days when he teaches); the chow was content as he was laying in front of the board when I peeked in today. He walked over into my room once to see if I had any cookies for him. Yes, he likes cookies and will even sit for them. I know the dog is okay when the owner is around, even though he is teaching, because he is near his owner. I still can't get over the fact that he leaves the dog in the facility every night and that he does not even bring him home on Saturdays when he is not working. The Secretary and I decided today that we will bring the issue up one more time. I have already decided that I will not renew my contract for the next school year (due to other issues), and therefore I really do not have a risk of "losing my job" over it. The next opportunity we get to catch him in a quiet time, we will address the problem again. In the meantime, I will follow the advice to bring treats for the dog and try to make him trust me more. The dog went for a walk with me once....but it was the owner who put the leash on him. Where we live, humane societies won't act as long as a dog has food, water, and shelter. Well, the Chow has all of that. It's such a shame. I don't think I can locate the breeder because I recall that the Chow puppy was shipped in; he wasn't purchased locally. The whole situation makes no sense to me. Why buy a second large dog only to have them live elsewhere? Why buy a condo that is "too small" for the dogs? He makes plenty of money by the way and is definitely not hurting financially. I am so ticked off and now that I got feedback here, I am certain that something needs to be done. I will post again once this situation has been resolved.

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:35 am
by jacqui
Thats a terrible situation for you and the Chow. Everyone gave such great advice, I too think trying to befriend this Chow is the best idea.
Its great if he'll take treats from you because some Chows will not take food from strangers. Its a good idea if you can just let him stay in the same room with you when you can s he'll learn to trust you. Thank you for caring,it sounds like this poor boy needs all the help he can get!

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:20 pm
by myboys
I am shocked and horrifed to read this so sad.
And "no" that owner does not love his dog.......don't believe that for a minute.
Do whatever needs to be done (advice from previous replies) and get that puppy's situation corrected.
God Bless you for caring for him and what becomes of him.

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:52 pm
by sabine
a little update...

Nothing has changed so far. I think the Chow Chow cautiously likes me, as I am always bringing treats for him, and never compete for his attention. I just let him come to me. Last Thursday, he walked into my room, got a cookie, and then even laid down for a little while before moving back to the other room where the owner was teaching a class. Last Saturday, I had an argument about the Chow Chow with my boss, and it was not pretty. I did not hold back since I had been majorly upset about the situation once again, as every Saturday. My boss does not work on Saturdays and again, as usual, the dog was locked in a room when I arrived at 9:30; on top of it all, it was the smallest room in the center, nothing more than a windowless storage area with a desk and some boxes stacked up on one side. It was dark in there on top of it all. The owner did not show up until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. He had been at the center until 5 am the previous night since he had thrown a game party for students on Friday night and it had dragged on. The door to the room was locked, so nobody had access to the room. I heard the Chow Chow move in the room. I told my boss straight up that it is not alright to lock a dog in a small room overnight all by himself for weeks and then have him wait until 2 in the afternoon to see his owner, all the while being aware of other people in the center without being able to see them. My boss totally blew up. a) he told me to shut up and that it's none of my business b/c this is his dog and he knows him best; b) he said he had been at the center until 5 am and that the Chow Chow was sleeping anyway afterwards since it had been a long night; c) he said that other dogs are kept in kennels and are still fine; d) he said that his new apartment was under renovation with dust everywhere and that's why the Chow has to stay at the center; e) he said his dog is as happy as can be because he gets to see him more than at home; f) he asked me where my dog (the Maltese Terrier) sleeps at night and when I said "with me" - either in her own dog bed in the bedroom or on top of the bed with my husband and me- my boss stated that "this is not normal" (like I am some kind of twisted person). The owner is also upset with the secretary because she was vocal, too. One of my students also made a remark to him that the Chow is "very poor". However, this student's remark was blown off and I was given the fault for that student talking like that, as if I was going around causing a mutiny of sorts. Needless to say, the atmosphere is tense now. I am only still working there because I will not let my students down. The problems I have with his explanations are: 1) the owner has told different people different stories (planning on leaving the Chow there for good, wanting to give the Chow to a friend, having him at the center only while the renovation is going on. What is the truth? I know I would not leave my dog alone overnight for weeks and have her wait for hours until she is taken out. The poor Chow even pooped in the hallway of the building. That much for regular walks for elimination, leave alone for some exercise. I have lost all respect for this man. He is selfish and dishonest and greedy. I will continue to befriend the Chow, but am painfully aware that this is nothing but a tiny bandaide. The owner does feel pressure now, though. That, at least, might help to change the Chow Chow's circumstances. I hope sooner than later. Thanks for listening.

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:03 pm
by sabine
an additional thought, on a more positive note:

When the owner is at the center and the dog is able to walk around and be "with people" and his owner, he is happy. I also think he is learning tolerance and mingling with many people at the same time. I have also noticed that he is a little bit less appalled when kids try to pet him. He might enjoy all this "life" going on around him, and it probably is doing him some good.

If any of you think that I am seeing this whole issue too negatively, then please give me some feedback. In contrast to my boss, I welcome constructive criticism. Are my standards for pet ownership too high? Should I not be concerned about a Chow who has spent the last 22 nights alone? Can a Chow Chow still be okay even when he never goes "home"? Sigh.

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:39 am
by jacqui
I have to say that I totally agree with you. Why is he telling different stories about whats going on with his Chow?
I think this man is being selfish not finding another home for this poor Chow. I don't blame you for losing respect for this man.
Its obviously upsetting to the people that work there and its not fair to anyone especially the Chow.
Thank you for caring,and I wish there were something I could say that could help!

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:33 am
by CoraP.
I think you are right, too. This is no life for a chow. I feel so sorry for the fellow. It does sound like he is warming up to you a lot. That's good progress for a chow!

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:18 pm
by sabine
Final update.
The Chow Chow is no longer at the learning center; as of last weekend, he moved back in with his owner. For the past two weeks, the Chow has had the full-time company of his little "brother", a Yorkie, who would sleep right on top of the Chow. Everybody at the center is very happy that the dogs are finally "home", not because we did not like them, but because this living arrangement was horrible for the Chow; barely enough room to move around when the owner was not at the center, no blanket/dog bed- just the *Censored Word* laminate floor, insufficient exercise/walks, etc. It also started to smell very bad. Febreze was in high demand.
I believe that a person is only as good as he/she treats his/her animal(s). The past eight weeks confirmed what I was thinking all along about my boss: superficial, inconsiderate, selfish, and thoughtless.
On the flipside, though, I walk away with a great admiration of Chow Chows. This dog is reserved in a dignified way, patient, tolerant, and loyal to his owner no matter what; he is also very beautiful. Even though a Chow Chow is not the right breed for me, I appreciate their unique qualities very much.
Thank you for listening and giving me feedback. I wish you and your Chow Chows all the best. =D=
Take care.

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:22 pm
by sabine
I just saw that one of my words got censored. That cracks me up. I said the word n *a *k *e *d. This must be an American forum. Is it? :lol:

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:12 am
by jacqui
Yes, its an American forum,lol!
Thank you for the update and all your concern for this poor Chow.
From what you said I don't think he'll have a great life with this owner no matter where he puts him :(

Re: concern about a Chow Chow

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:53 am
by CoraP.
Thanks for the update, Sabine. I hope the chow is happier now that he's with his buddy. You have certainly summed up the chow character very well. I know they're not for everyone,but when I look into my Molly's deep brown eyes, I see a beautiful soul and the perfect combination that I like in a chow. Thanks for your concern and effort on behalf of this chow.
Take care!