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New to the Forum - Hello!!

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:23 am
by Dream4aChowChow
Hi everyone, I joined the forum today because I really, really, really want a Chow Chow and want to do lots of research before I eventually get one !! I live in Kent, in England. I've had a bull terrier before but not a Chow Chow and don't have any dogs at the moment.

I first saw a Chow Chow a couple of yeras ago in Folkestone high street and fell for the breed straight away! They are totally gorgeous!!! I now see that same Chow Chow every weekend as he regularly goes to the local coffee shop with his owner and watches the people go by, and everytime I see him I want one even more!!

I'm looking forward to meeting lots of other Chow Chow owners and finding out lots more about the breed.

Abby :D

Re: New to the Forum - Hello!!

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:30 pm
by Auddymay
Welcome to the site. There is a plethora of information here and you are very smart to research before getting a Chow. The biggest problem with a Chow is that they are too darn cute! Just like you, the majority of owners here fell in love much the way you did.

It is true, they are very intelligent, but you will hear from many non-Chow people that they are in fact, stupid. Most flunk intelligence tests, because they do not respond as most breeds will. Add to that the fact that most are not obedient- that is to say, they will not mindlessly obey a command, especially from someone who they don't respect. They are problem solvers, and manipulators. They are often referred to as the 'cat' of the dog world. This is because they possess similar traits. If these things do not scare you away, then come on in, the water is fine! ( but your chow will only go in water ankle deep, if at all...think CAT!)

Re: New to the Forum - Hello!!

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:48 pm
by Dream4aChowChow
Thank you for your replies. Our Bull Terrier was very stubborn and wouldn't do anything unless it was worth his while. He didn't even like to go for walks! He would go a few steps and then just lay down because he had had enough! Enticing him with treats was the only way to get him out of the house! - he definately had a mind of his own!

I have done some research into puppy training classes and there are some locally which look really good. I've also order a book from Amazon which will give me some more information. I expect I will come up with a few questions over the next few weeks, I hope you don't mind me asking.

Thanks again


Re: New to the Forum - Hello!!

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:23 pm
by thewholebit
Hello, I am also new to this forum today.

These dogs are very unique, to say the least. My chow is super calm and enjoys resting, much like a cat does. Also, like a cat, my dog Rocco took to house training virtually immediately.

These dogs, like other "far eastern" dogs (if you will) don't bark a lot. You may think, based on the dog's appearance, that they shed really bad, but they don't when they are brushed and groomed properly. Rocco loves to be petted and physically loved, even hugged, but I would not describe these dogs as lap dogs. They seem to enjoy being by themselves too much for that.

Hope this helps.

Re: New to the Forum - Hello!!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:48 am
by Dream4aChowChow
That's really handy to know, several people have told me that they leave fur everywhere (but I think that was their assumption rather than them talking from experience!!). Someone also told me that they thought they smelt really bad, but looking at some posts on here that looks like another myth too!!

I picked up a dogs magazine the other day, which has some summary pages about different breeds at the back, that said that they are 'known for being an aggresive breed and can have a tendancy to snap'! Would anyone agree with that?? :(

Re: New to the Forum - Hello!!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:38 pm
by Auddymay
No, I would not...they are very protective, not aggressive. People that get bit by a Chow are those that assume they can handle a dog they don't know, or owners that use physical correction and the Chow reaches his breaking point of abuse. I will say this- if you do not socialize a Chow to many places, people and other dogs at a young age, they will be too attached to their family, and see everyone else as suspicious or even dangerous.

Re: New to the Forum - Hello!!

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:11 am
by Victory
Dream4aChowChow wrote:That's really handy to know, several people have told me that they leave fur everywhere (but I think that was their assumption rather than them talking from experience!!). Someone also told me that they thought they smelt really bad, but looking at some posts on here that looks like another myth too!!

I picked up a dogs magazine the other day, which has some summary pages about different breeds at the back, that said that they are 'known for being an aggresive breed and can have a tendancy to snap'! Would anyone agree with that?? :(
The only time a chow leaves his/her fur everywhere is when they are not being groomed on a regular basis, they need to be groomed at a minimum of once a week, (this is a good, all over thorough brushing and combing) Or you can do a little each day, it's a good time to bond with your chow, and it gets them used to being touched all over, (an important thing that your Vet will appreciate). Same thing for smell, a bad smelling chow is one that hasn't been groomed and is very dirty and/or sick. They smell GOOD! most of the time, though they can smell a little like wet wool if they get well, but it goes away by the time they are dry.

No chow should just snap at things, (people/other animals) and they usually don't like AuddyMay said, most of the reports of chows snapping are from people who tried to treat them like dogs. There are a few keys to having a chow, Patience, Persistence, Respect and Intelligence. You must be patient with a Chow, and teach them in ways they can understand, you must be persistent, they will challenge on a regular basis, my personal rule is I never give a command unless I'm willing to spend the time to see that it is obeyed, repeating a command is something every chow owner has to learn is necessary. You must be respectful, never hit, yell or yank on your chow, they don't like it as whole and sooner or later they will retaliate, never get physical with them in any way, they don't respect it, and respond very badly to it, (which has gotten some foolish owners bitten), and last you have to be more intelligent than your chow(s), if they think you are an idiot, (in canine terms) they will try to take over and be the alpha, if they achieve it you're in trouble, (and so are they) because then they will be a reluctant alpha in a very canine way; they will be quick to bite/snap, growl and snarl, they will assert their authority in the only ways they know how and it will be a disaster.

Think of your chows as companions who need guidance and you'll have a good relationship with them.